Sony PS3? Bye-Bye Linux !!....



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  • #16
    Honorary DSA

    maybe something like this will help your transfer to the 360

    As soon as I get my state taxes back Im going to buy 2 360 and 2 PS3 controllers, I already have a broken one of each to try it on ist

    Last edited by fromunda; 04-16-2010, 06:05 AM.


    • #17
      Darth Beratter

      That's freakin' cool !!!



      • #18
        Darth Beratter

        I'm done ranting about Sony and their shit tactics against their own customer base.
        Sony has proven without a doubt that they're not going to change, and that they don't give a damn what their customers think.

        Which is too bad.

        They've never been a :great" company, just a crappy company that created "great" products.

        The PS1 was fantastic, and the PS2 blew their competition away.
        The Microsoft came up with the X-Box, and then the 360, and killed them through better service. Not better machines mind you (RROD), but as I said, better service. Yes, granted, you had to pay for it, but not very much. Hell, truth be told, I spend more on beer for two weeks, what Live costs for an entire year.

        Then the Wii came along and spanked the shit out of both of them, which in truth, suprised the living Hell out of me. So Sony marketing just lost their way. The vision became blurred. Now, not only did they have to compete with MS, but now Nintendo. So they had the PS3, an awesome machine that in regards to overall capability, blew the other two out of the water. But it had one major drawback...It was also the most expensive of the three. But they had one advantage. Free online. Granted, it was horrible in the PS store to begin with at launch.

        Ken Kutaragi was the CEO at the time, but he stepped down when he learned what they were planning to do by "dumbing it down", to match the competition. He wanted to beat the competition by just having an overall better machine., not remove features to pricematch the others. Like the PS1, and PS2, He wanted a better machine for his customers. Quality, would speak for itself. It was more expensive, but it was worth it, for those that cared about it.

        He stepped down, and the shareholders took over. So now Sony is desparately trying to compete not only against the 360, but now the Wii. Sony removed many features from the original machine, to bring the overall pricepoint down to the competition. But the very things Sony removed, is what made the original PS3 special in the first place.

        Sony removed B/C. Removed the extra ports. Gone is the glossy black finish. Removed the other OS that made the PS3 a super computer. The start up screen with the original orchestra sound and the SCEA screen...gone. The wonderful chime that only lasted two seconds when starting a game....gone.

        When as gamers, have you ever seen a gaming rig over it's lifetime remove more features than add new ones to help keep the system alive, and more productive for it's customers ?.

        I know Sony is trying to compete. I know. I get it. But is forcing their customers to update their own personal machines to have four huge links to the PS store that you can't remove, the real answer? If you own a PS3, you already knew where the link to the PS store was. And I know you can turn them off, but do we really need "sparkles" to compete with the "kiddie" factor of the Wii ?

        And from a business standpoint, for those of us that are pissed of beyond belief, and refuse to "force update", is it agood business point to refuse those customers the ability to spend money with your company ?

        Is that really the proper answer?


        Well I've fussed enough, and I won't complain any further, The point is now moot.
        To continue about it is like this:



        • #19
          Honorary DSA

          Originally posted by Deslock
          That's freakin' cool !!!
          I didnt find a how to for the 360 to PS3 but heres the how to that will walk you through making the PS360 controller


          • #20
            Darth Beratter

            From the Electronic Frontier Foundation:

            PlayStation 3 owners aren’t technically required to upgrade their firmware. However, Sony has built a vast and sticky web of DRM restrictions that will kick in to make life miserable for anyone who declines the “upgrade”:

            It will be impossible to play PS3 games online.
            It will be impossible to play new PS3 games.
            It will be impossible to watch new Blu-ray videos.
            New Blu-ray discs could even disable the Blu-ray drive entirely if they contain an AACS Host Revocation List that affects the old firmware version.
            Videos on DTCP-IP media servers will be disabled.
            Wow. All just because we refuse their shit "forceware" on our launch model machines. Nevermind the fact that downloading their shit updates, risk having their own machines bricked that they've spent over $600.00 for, to turn it into a $300.00 machine, that has B/C., To be "forced" to have Sony repair them for $150.00, even though it was their "forceware", that bricked their machine in the first place?.

            And this is "customer service"..?

            To people that really supported Sony since the PS3 Launch date?

            This is honestly how they say "Thanks" for supporting us from the very beginning?


            I was considering keeping my Launch day PS3 and games, but I damn well might sell them all, and take the money I make off it, and buy an X-Box.

            MS isn't perfect, far from it. But I don't see them openly lying to their customers, and removing paid for features of their machines. I do hate "pay for play", but I hate a company that lies to me, and then tries to "blackmail" me, even more.

            They went from "Play B3yond"

            To "It can only do everything" (Which is an outright lie!)

            To now "Make believe" (Because the second one is an outright lie)

            Sony marketing is now officailly fucked due their own stupitity.

            I am astounded that a wonderful machine that I loved soo much, has made me their own personal "hater", due their own refusal to respond to their own customer base. Over 7000 posts hating this, and not ONE official reply?


            No doubt about it. I'm a gamer at heart. And Congrads Sony for making me hate you, through your own shit "updates". It tales alot of work and forethought to turn a former supporter into an enemy, through your own "forceware", that removes "paid for" features.

            But honestly, I don't mind a bit.

            At least MS will thank me for my money. :D

            It's called "Integrity" and "morality" Sony. Perhaps someday you will learn what it truly means.

            Blackmail me will you? Well fuck you !!

            I'll spend my hard earned money elsewere.

            I've waited, and waited, for Sony to come to their senses, and stop this nonsense "mandatory" firmware, that adds nothing.

            And yet some think I'm a second rate Bond Villain here.

            I would say, "Stop drinking the kool aid".

            "It can only remove anything".

            But in truth, all I have ever asked for is options.

            Does that really make me a goat fucker ?




            • #21
              Honorary DSA
              • Dec 2007
              • 2433

              Originally posted by Deslock
              I'm done ranting about Sony and their shit tactics against their own customer base.



              Well I've fussed enough, and I won't complain any further, The point is now moot.
              To continue about it is like this:


              A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. ― Alexis de Tocqueville


              • #22
                Darth Beratter

                That's true Jim, I broke my own post, but on my own personal behalf, I had just finished reading over 100 new posts on the Sony forums, and had consumed 3 40oz's of beer, so my geekrage was in full overdrive.

                But I gotta say one thing though, I am amazed that when I'm that drunk, I can still make sense, and not typo it all to Hell. ;)

                I always wake up and go; "Oh Gawd, what the Hell did I post now?"

                Because I remember bitching about something here, and I'm kinda reluctant to look at it when I'm sober, and even though I repeat myself at long length saying the same ol' shit which embarass's the living Hell out of me, at least I don't fuck it all up.

                How odd.

                I have to teach myself after I've had waaay too many, to stay the fuck away from the keyboard. I swear I don't do it on purpose. I really don't.

                I guess it's just that I'm passionate about what I believe in, and I miss playing online with you great DSA guys soooo much. And I'm pissed at Sony because they took that ability away from me. Due their bullshit launch model bricking "forceware", that they still haven't fixed to this day, even after almost 7 months, and the fact that they just don't care.

                Nothing more, nothing less.


                I may be a fucked up guy, but at least I'm an honest fucked up guy.

                To me personally, there is nothing more important to me than integrity, honesty, and a sense of honor. Which Sony now has none of these great traits.

                So thank you DSA for putting up with me all of these great years.

                I may be a drunken ranting asshole sometimes, but at least I'm a drunken ranting asshole on your side.

                And I thank you for respecting me, as much as I care for you all.

                ALL OF YOU GUYS RULE !!!

                And you always will.




                • #23
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 3029

                  Sounds like we need to add a Drunk goggle app on You have to answer a few math questions before it allows you to post anything.....ha

                  No worries Des we love your crazy rants it gets us charged.


                  • #24
                    Darth Beratter



                    I suck at math sober. Something I've always been sorry about, and regret.

                    But then again, it might be for the best, that way many others don't have to be exposed to my mental problems.

                    But I'm not alone:

                    [nomedia=""]YouTube- Sony is shooting it's self in the foot, OS install removal[/nomedia]

                    I don't know why these forums broke U-tube linkies.

                    Sony not only managed to piss off millions of launch model owners, but the hacking community as well, which is NOT a good thing for them to do. You can piss of your customers, but don't dare the hackers to crack your shit. LOL!!

                    Geohot already broke their "other O.S." limitation since they dared him.

                    For the very life of me I cannot understand why Sony is sooo scared of anyone hacking the PS3. It's not like there's huge numbers of pirated PS3 games out there, there's not even one that I know of.

                    Just like the "rootkit" debacle, they're just going to get sued, and lose again.

                    Honestly, it seems like Sony is Hell bent on becoming their own worst enemy by pulling this kind of shit. They "say" that they've sold 31 million units, and MS has sold 39 million units, and they're "breathing down" MS's neck.

                    I highly doubt it.

                    And Sony isn't exactly winning over their own customers by bringing out "forceware" that bricks their own customers machines, and telling them they have to pay to have them fixed. Hell, they come out with forceware to keep out Phat owners from having Linux, but yet also force "slim" owners to download it too, and it wrecks their machines...LOL!!

                    Just give Sony $150.00, and they'll make it all "better". And if you dare to complain, they will be kind enough to send you an email reply, telling you if you don't like what they do, just cancel your PS3 account, and not go to any Sony sites.

                    And this is what they think is "Customer service..?"

                    LOL !! Way to go Sony !!

                    And no, this isn't a rant, but merely just an observation by me. ;)

                    But I will tell you all this. Would you buy a computer that the O.S. owner told you straight out from the very begining, that they were entitled to change your desktop, remove features you paid good hard earned money for, and the ability to connect to the internet, without even letting you even know about it?

                    I highly doubt it.




                    • #25
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 3029

                      Here it is folks what some of us have been waiting for.

                      Hey if sony removes something we should get some money back....I'm just saying

                      Sony sued over Other OS removal

                      The internet outrage that met Sony's removal of the Other OS feature from the PS3 console isn't the only problem on the company's doorstep. Now they also have a class action lawsuit to deal with.

                      A PS3 user from California named Anthony Ventura filed a class action lawsuit against Sony a couple of days ago. The suit is centered around Sony's "intentional disablement of the valuable functionalities originally advertised as available with the Sony Playstation 3 video game console."

                      The lawsuit further claims that the removal of the Other OS feature is a breach of the sales contract between Sony and its customers, calling it "an unfair and deceptive business practices perpetrated on millions of unsuspecting customers".

                      It seems Ventura's lawsuit isn't the only one being served to Sony either. Thinq reports that at least one other New York law firm is preparing another class action lawsuit against the company.


                      • #26
                        Darth Beratter

                        From the Escapist:

                        I think a lot of you folks are getting caught up in the technical aspects of this lawsuit; the bigger issue here is going to be the repercussions this will have on consumer rights. If Sony loses, yay, more power for the little guy that gets stomped on because most of us never used an advertised feature so we aren't sad when it gets taken away.

                        If Sony wins, it'll set a legal precedent that could let any electronics manufacturers force any changes they want to any piece of hardware you buy for any reason at any time. It's bad enough we have to contend with DRM and video region restrictions, but this is about companies telling us what we can and cannot do with the hardware we purchased because they simply don't like what we are doing with it. This may seem like a small case, but if we aren't vigilant we'll lose all our freedom as consumers: our ability to buy is our only power in corporate run society.

                        I couldn't have said it better myself.

                        It's the same as if you bought a new vehicle, paid full price for it, and told you years later that the CD player you have might play "pirated" CD's on it. So if you don't let them remove your CD player (with no replacement nor refund), from this point forward you can keep your CD player, but you cannot drive your vehicle anymore. At all !

                        But hey, it is OPTIONAL for you. You legally have a "choice".

                        And that is okay with everyone here..?

                        That Sony can remove features that you paid top dollar for, and take them away, and not even offer you any form of a refund, of any kind?

                        Other O.S. wasn't a service. It was a feature at purchase date for the launch model PS3's. That we paid money for. They didn't have the right to remove it, without offering some form of refund.

                        It is, plain and simple, EULA blackmail.

                        So if you don't agree, you cannot any longer buy any new movies, games, or get online with it. None of which I personally knew about when I bought this machine years ago. I didn't agree to it, nor did I sign anything saying I was okay with it at that time.

                        EULA's DO NOT go above consumerist LAW. Anymore that if I gave you advance warning I was going to carjack you. Advance warning does not constitute legality, that is, just because I warned you of it, it doesn't make it legal.

                        This is not a rant by me. Not in any way. Just a case of trying to explain the legality of this lawsuit, since it seems so many don't understand it.

                        A company cannot legally remove features that you paid hard earned money for, without offering you any form of refund in any way.

                        I sincerely hope Sony is supremely butthurt by this, and that they fully deserve it. Protecting your assets is one thing...fucking your customers, and telling them we don't fucking care about you, or your opinion, is another.

                        And I'm quite sure, that there is a lot of MS people laughing about this.

                        And right they should.

                        At least they offer new features to their customers, without taking anything away, and giving them the middle finger, to boot. Talk about adding insult to injury?.

                        Either you accept our "forceware", or we will make damn sure you never spend another dime with us !.

                        And Sony actually thinks this is good business practice for millions of PS3 launch owners? That were loyal "fanboi's" from day one..?

                        And they wonder why they're being sued..?

                        I will certainly be joining these lawsuits.

                        Thank you Rage. Really.

                        And my next purchase will be a 360.

                        And Sony has no one to blame, but themselves.

                        Sony, honestly, how dare you?.




                        • #27
                          Imperial Guard
                          • Nov 2004
                          • 4956
                          • DSA Zabka

                          I think it is more a case of Sony not being good at software and realizing after the fact that allowing Linux would complicate their future updates and functionality. All the issues with firmware updates bricking machines etc seems to indicate they didn't design the early machines as robustly as they thought. So they take away the functionality to reduce the impact in the future.

                          Xbox had a similar issue when they decided to offer non hdd sku's of the 360. Developers complained of the challenges that created for them. So they have tried to work around it some, but the point is their decisions had unintended consequences.
                          You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



                          • #28
                            Darth Beratter

                            I think it is more a case of Sony not being good at software and realizing after the fact that allowing Linux would complicate their future updates and functionality. All the issues with firmware updates bricking machines etc seems to indicate they didn't design the early machines as robustly as they thought. So they take away the functionality to reduce the impact in the future.
                            I would have to agree.

                            There's a hole in the screen door, they don't know how to repair the door, so they took the door off, and bricked up the whole damn doorway...

                            And then wonders why when the family comes home; and goes WTF !!!??!!!

                            If I wasn't sooo damn angry about this situation, I probably would laugh at their outright stupidity. The official forum post count is now 7,454. And not one reply from Sony yet. I guess they think if they ignore everyone, maybe we'll all just go away.

                            And the shame of it all is that it's all their own fault!. I cannot see why I should let them make my Launch model, that we all paid a heckuva lot more money for, and sit back and let them turn our machines into "slims" with B/C., without any form of answer, recompensation of any kind, and then agree to a new EULA, that will allow them to change and/or remove anything they see fit to, without even having to let us know about it. WTF !!??!!

                            And then ignore us if we bitch at the all powerful, all seeing Sony !!??. I guess Sony's answer to us is that we can all eat cake.

                            And we all know how well that ended before...;)

                            All any of us wanted was just the ability to change things back to the way they were before. Just options. That's all. Sony outright refuses to let us customize our machines, as we see fit. It's not like everyone is begging to open source the PS3 O.S., just the ability to change the stupid font size, icon size, remove icons we don't use or want. To be able to customize your friendslist. To be able to remove the moving ticker on the top right.

                            Wow. That's soo much to ask for. It's not like Sony's PS3 owners are asking for the impossible. I can do that right now on my MS computer desktop. Why can't Sony let us?. All of us that are pissed off at Sony really aren't being unreasonable about our requests. MS doesn't mind, why does Sony?

                            Sony right now is acting like we're leasing these machines, instead of having actually purchased them. Sony cannot remove features that customers paid more for, without giving some form of refund, or compensation.

                            And that's exactly why they're being sued. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. Even my cat knows that.


                            I never fussed once about any update until 3.0.

                            Sony is massively conflicted in their direction for the PS3. First it was "Play B3yond", then "It only does everything", to now, "Make believe".
                            Make believe what? that it still does things it used to, or make believe Slims have B/C and X-Game chat?

                            Don't get me wrong, I adore my PS3 Phat. I just don't want to let Sony ruin it from their bullshit "firmware", or risk bricking it, and having the insult of having to pay them to fix it, and get it back with the new "forceware" installed on it. So yesterday I was in Wal-Mart looking at the X-Boxes, and all the stuff I'll need for it.
                            Which stunned everyone there because I worked there in Electronics, and they know what a Die Hard Sony guy I once was...LOL!!

                            But as I told them, I'm a gamer, not a fanboi. I will not allow ANY company to tell me what I can, or cannot do legally, with my own machine.

                            Sony decided since I refuse their bullshit firmware, without the choice to change things I don't want or like, by refusing to let me buy anymore new games, Blu-Reay movies, or spend money in the PS store..? I mean really..That's their "punishment"..?

                            Okay. Cool with me. I'll just give my hard earned money to MS.

                            I'm quite sure MS won't mind a bit. ;) LOL!!!

                            That's really showing me who's boss of my money, right Sony ?.

                            Right?. :D

                            That's okay Sony, you can keep your sparkles and your two stupid clocks.

                            I'll keep my "other O.S.", and get online with my new X-Box. I may have to pay for it, but I'm pretty sure MS wont forcibly take shit away I paid damn good money for.

                            The PSN isn't really free, if it allows them to change your machine any way they see fit. Without even having to let you know about it.

                            MS = Gourmet meal that you have to pay $5.00 for.

                            PSN = Shitburger, but hey, it's "free".

                            There is an old saying, as much as I HATE pay for play....:

                            "You get what you pay for".

                            And the PSN (for now) is "free".

                            And I don't much care to eat a shitburger, even if it's free, when they can remove my toppings and condiments.

                            Fuck it, I'll pay the $5.00.



                            • #29
                              Darth Beratter

                              Control is linked to greed as the real issue is that the loss of control will lead to future costs or lost revenues. But as said in "Wall Street", Greed is Good. I actually don't agree with that. Long term value creation is good. Greed can lead to short term decisions that harm long term value.
                              Thank you for that Zabka. If you were close, I'd give you a hug for that.

                              At least you "Get it". :D

                              Just ask Bernie Madoff. He had a big legal team like Sony. Doesn't mean they're right either.

                              Zabka, by God, you hit the damn nail right on the fucking head!

                              God bless you dude for that post.

                              Really, I mean it.

                              That has to be the most real thing (besides the great stuff I post ;)) That I've EVER read here, besides RaTix's freedom posts.

                              God, Zabka, you need to be working for Obama. At least maybe that way all this shit would make some sense. And I really mean that.

                              Honestly, I do.




                              • #30
                                Darth Beratter

                                More "firmware" problems.

                                Some 'Avatar' Fans Struggle With Blu-Ray
                                by Mike Ryan · April 30, 2010
                                An unusual glitch has angered some "Avatar" Blu-ray owners. For these unlucky people, since the disc won't play on their Blu-ray players, their new "Avatar" Blu-ray serves no real purpose other than to sit idly on the coffee table.

                                "When 3 out of 3 players in my house (Denon, Samsung and PC) won't play it, then 20th Century Fox should be slapped with losses on this one," said one irritated customer.

                                In reality, the disc works fine; the problem stems from the Blu-ray players themselves. In order to run optimally, the firmware for these fancy Blu-ray machines needs to be updated regularly via a download from the Web. ("Firmware" is the program that controls the performance of an electronic device, which would be, in this case, the playback of a Blu-ray disc.)

                                If a Blu-ray player owner doesn't have a home Internet connection, the chances are good the player's firmware will be out of date. Thus making "Avatar" -- a movie that prides itself on being presented with only the most cutting edge of technology -- unplayable with the older firmware. The problem isn't unique to "Avatar," but the movie's popularity has made those complaints among the loudest.

                                Unfortunately, people without an Internet connection probably aren't reading this particular story -- or the hundreds of other pieces instructing new Blu-ray player owners on how to upgrade. So they're not aware of the root of the problem.

                                But while they may not have home access to the Internet, they likely do have a telephone. And they've been using their phone to flood retailers with angry calls.

                                Remember the old days when you put in a tape, or a disc, and it just "worked".

                                May God curse those that came up with this great idea of MANDATORY "firmware".

                                Can't we just put a fucking game or movie in anymore, and just have it "work", like it's supposed to anymore? Can't they (media owners) figure it all out?.

                                It all started when people, and players, went "online".

                                My PS1 still works fine. My PS2's worked great, even online. No "firmware" update that could brick my machines.

                                Can't we just have a disc, we put it in, and it "works". In this day and age with technology advances that we have now, they cannot find a "happy medium" ?.

                                A disc that reads what you have, and just "works".?

                                Is that really too much to ask for ?



