DSA 360 guys...An apology.



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  • Deslock
    Darth Beratter

    DSA 360 guys...An apology.

    To all DSA 360 guys,

    I would like to apologize for giving you joking shit over the last years for having a 360 than a PS3. I mean it.


    I do still feel that the old Phat PS3 is an overall better machine overall uncastrated by Sony's "mandatory" shitty firmware "updates".

    But I'm a grown man, and can admit when I'm wrong.

    I feel as a customer, that updates should improve a machines overall operation, and fix problems. Not make unneeded cosmetic changes that no one asked for, or wanted, and remove features that were paid for without compensation.

    When the PS3 came out, I did my homework, compared the two, and to me, as a media hub, the PS3 was a better choice. Free online, Blu-Ray, B/C, and the ability to have another OS was awesome to me. Add the choice to be able to change hard drives. I was sold.

    I was wrong.

    I didn't know Sony was going to "force" updates.
    I didn't know that Sony was going to fuck me by locking out new games, movies, and online if I didn't "force" update, and basically submit to corporate "blackmail".

    I didn't know that potential "mandatory" Sony updates could fucking brick my machine, and then have the fucking nerve to charge me to fix what their problems caused in the first fucking place. And if you do send it off to get fixed, they send it back to you with the new "firmware" already installed on it. Nice..huh?

    You guys may have had the RROD, but at least they were willing to fix it, at their cost. You've may have had to pay for online, but it's been proven beyond a doubt it's a better experience.

    So I have to apologize for giving you guys shit during the "console" wars.

    The PS3 may have been a better machine at launch, but over time, you guys made the better choice. At least MS isn't crippling your machines with bullshit "updates", that's "forced" on you.

    If I had a time machine....well, my purchase certainly wouldn't be Sony.

    "It only does somethings, that we choose it to do".

    So to all you 360 DSA, I officially apologize.

    So very sorry.


  • #2
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2008
    • 1178

    whats a console war.... I've heard of world wars, civil wars, and cold wars but......

    I guess I am out of the loop...darnit why don't our teachers teach us important things in school.......


    • #3
      Darth Vorse

      360 vs PS3 thats a console war. Deslock I forgave you along time ago, your very opinionated and strong to your word so thats why I cant be upset about it. Now switc over to the darkside damnit. lol
      " I need a beer "


      • #4
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2008
        • 1178


        who won the war? when did it happen? were their prisoners of war and did the belligerents follow the geneva conventions? I would assume there was also some collateral damage...maybe wives and even possibly children........were there many K.I.A.'s or was it mostly basic casualties..limb loss...nerve damage to thumbs and paralysis of rectum...trench foot maybe


        • #5
          Honorary DSA

          CWS... Console War Syndrome?


          • #6
            Darth Vorse

            Are you fuckin wit me lol I'm not able to understand you. Very graphic cmj lol.
            " I need a beer "


            • #7
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2008
              • 1178

              Originally posted by keyser28146
              CWS... Console War Syndrome?

              @ Reaver ;)


              • #8
                Imperial Guard
                • Nov 2004
                • 4956
                • DSA Zabka

                I think reaver has nerve damage to the rectum...but not from console warfare. Feel better Reaver(from the flu, not the joke I made above).
                You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



                • #9
                  Honorary DSA
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 471
                  • TgK60

                  I had to read that twice... wow.. Des apologizing.... I knew he was an honorable man, but damn.... lol.. just kidding Des...
                  “Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy.” - Henry Kissinger


                  • #10
                    Honorary DSA

                    Originally posted by Deslock
                    You've may have had to pay for online, but it's been proven beyond a doubt it's a better experience.
                    You have obviously not played Gears of War 2 lol

                    Its not about who was right and who was wrong, its about making sure the product that we payed good money for works the way it should and it appears that Sony and Microsoft have both had issues with this. Im on my 4th 360 but not one was because of the RROD, it was my disc tray that would jam. I always planned on getting both systems but the PS3 wasnt out yet when I got my 360 so the choice was easy. And as far as paying for online it works out to $3.85 a month and I know I waste $4 a month anyway, thats about 2 bags of sour patch kids a month or less then the cost of one pack of cigarettes. I know people who pay more then that for MMOs on the pc. Overall the 360 and the dashboard seem more streamlined and easier to navigate. The updates on the 360 are still mandatory if you want to play online but none of them have taken anything away.

                    All that being said I am still excited to have my PS3 finally and I do like a lot of the features Ive seen. Also I had my stats, record and achievement progress restet in two games(Smackdown vs Raw and GoW2), so neither is perfect. A little hint, anytime you spend $300-$400 on something like a game console its a good idea to get the extended warranty. Two of the times I took it back my warranty was up after the swap but the price had dropped so I got a refund for the difference which was enough to renew the warranty without any money out of pocket. I know its an extra $60 but its worth it, believe me.

                    So no need to apologize Deslock, for what you were looking for(a media hub) the PS3 is supperior. Maybe the video game gods will smile on me and I will be able to play with Des on Gears 3(hint hint). Either way I hope you get your problem resolved soon.


                    • #11
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 1178

                      I like the sour patch kids argument...nice!


                      • #12
                        Honorary DSA

                        Considering "rectal nerve damage" documentary.


                        • #13
                          Darth Beratter

                          Like I said, if I had a time machine, or the ability to see into the future, I would've went X-box.

                          I know that companies are basically apathetic towards their employees and customers, but now Sony is being downright hostile to their customers.

                          All I want, all I have ever wanted, is the ability to have "options".

                          That's all. Really...

                          Just the ability to turn off, or remove stuff I dont want, or need on my own machine. I honestly don't think that's too much to ask for. If I don't want 4 links to the PS store, I should be able to delete them. I can do it on my MS desktop, why won't Sony let me do the same? MS doesn't force me two have two clocks, and although some updates from MS are mandatory, I have never seen them remove functions that were advertised as selling points. And if my Compy bites it, or has problems, MS allows me to restore to a previous version of their OS to help me.

                          Hell, I can go into the registry and also tweak and overclock my machine to get the utmost out of my PC, and it's no where as powerful as my PS3. Sony sold it to me as a "computer entertainment multi media hub". Not just a gaming console.
                          Since I now refuse to allow them to change my machine into a PS3 "Slim" (Which is indeed a downgrade) since they "force" updates on their machines, all I have now is a dvd player, that can play PS1, PS2, and older PS3 games. And not online anymore through the PS network.

                          So Sony, in their infinite wisdom by wanting me to "force" update, has removed the ability for me to buy any new Blu-Ray movies, any new PS3 games, and buy any things I like from the PSN store. Basically, since I refuse to "force" update, they're hurting me by not allowing me to give them my money.

                          Now stop and think about that for a minute.

                          They're hurting me, by not allowing me to spend money for them.


                          "So..you don't want to update?...Well, we'll make damn sure that you can't spend any of your money on us... At ALL !!!!. We'll show you !!".


                          If this isn't convoluted thinking, I don't know what the fuck is. So since I don't want to "force" update, and allow them to change my own machine, that I paid damned hard earned money for, they're going to "punish" me, by not letting me buy any more of their products?


                          That's okay by me, I'll just spend my money somewhere else...LOL!!! That's the way to teach me Sony! :D That's the way to show me who's the boss !.

                          And since they pulled this last Linux stunt, now there are thousands of people in the same boat I'm in. "Update...or else!".

                          Well Sony, guess what? FUCK YOU !. And I'll never buy another Sony product again...That's showing me who's the Boss!.

                          Yeppers, I've been looking at 360's in pawn shops, and in the stores. That'll teach me !. Sony..LOL! deprive yourselves of thousands of customers, because you want "control" of the products we buy from you, when you promised us you wouldn't remove features from our machines. Way to go !!

                          So yeah, I'm officially a Sony hater now. Really. And the ironic part is, that Sony "forced" me into it. Thanks again Sony.

                          I'm not saying MS is perfect, they have their own faults. But at least I don't see them blaming, nor insulting, their customers.

                          And that's why I apologized. My choice at the time made perfect sense to me, but had I a magic ball to see into the future...

                          Well, I sure as shit wouldn't have bought a PS3 at launch, and I'll never make that mistake again.

                          360 guys, you made the right call. At least MS doesn't "punish" you for buying their products.




                          • #14
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2008
                            • 1178

                            I would have never known you felt this way about Sony

                            + :mass: = this topic

                            sorry it hasn't worked out well for you..


                            • #15
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 3029

                              I updated the other day. THough I had said I was not going to. Personally I feel awful. Almost like i just witness Sony Raping my console. No company should give this feeling to their costumers. Sony had done an injustice. I think next console war I'm just gonna skip it and go back to Nintendo. At least I know what I"m getting with them.


