[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL7yD-0pqZg"]YouTube- ‪iPhone4 vs HTC Evo‬‎[/nomedia]
My Job...
Lol.....and I am replying to this with my new iPhonesigpic
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. ― Alexis de TocquevilleComment
Evo is my next phone. I can't wait till get it.....also I'm applying for work with Sprint since my bro works for them and I'm very familiar with their business.....Nice add.sigpicComment
Amen to that, the joys of working retail.
Nothing will ever, and I mean ever make you learn to hate humanity, than to be a retail worker. And especially working with electronics.
Do not shop on Holidays. We HATE you. Honestly. I mean it. Go home...STAY home. Is it really that bad to spend just a few days at home a year with your friends and family?. I've always found it ironic that those that have these wonderful days off will go shopping, and those that are forced to work on holidays, would rather be home.
Don't wait until Christmas eve to buy all of your gifts. The best stuff WILL be gone, because others were smarter than you, and shopped earlier, and rant at us because we're sold out.
Just work ONE year at Wal-Mart during "Black Friday". We call it "Black Friday" for a reason, and not because the retails tell you it's because they finally get in the "black", and not red. We call it "Black Friday", because black is the universal color of EVIL.
Does this look like "fun" to you?:
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehSkxg7wvyk"]YouTube- ‪BLACK FRIDAY FIGHT.‬‎[/nomedia]
Now imagine having to work there....
Please, just do all of humanity a favor, and just stay home. It's not that bad, I promise. I really do. Just wake up that morning, and say to yourself: "It's not worth it." And we retail workers will love you.
Just stay home during those few holidays we have. Spend some time with your loved ones, and your kids. It's not that bad, I promise. And you might even help build a few loving memories that will last you your entire life.
Your entire existance isnt't about getting more "stuff ". Stop buying the Wall Street kool aid. You already have enough shit. Just spend the damn day at home. Love your wife and kids, and your friends, and just "stay home".
It's not that "bad", I promise you. Your friends and you family doesn't need more shit, they'd rather just spend time with you.
And time is the most precious gift we could ever give them.
They don't need gifts. Rather that, just give them some of your time. And everyone will be the better for it.
The worst shit I've seen working retail..?
Those wonderful people that use their own excrement, or bloody tampons, to write stuff on the rest room stalls.
Twice I've known people to defecate on the sales floor. We used to cover the Halloween aisles, but we had to stop that due to someone exposing themselves to small children. No shit ! but we finally caught the guy. Thank God.
My wife once found ancient yellow and brown socks in her department. They once were "white". Enough said.And several times I've found used tampons, and tobbaco spit on our merchandise. No joke.
When you scan something at the register, and it doesn't come up, and they say: "Then it must be free".
It wasn't funny the first thousand times we heard it. And it's NOT funny now. Really. I promise you. Please don't say that.
Those wonderful folks that buy lobster, crab legs, and the best steaks, and put it on food stamps, and then pay cash money for $200.00 on video games. (No joke, I've actually seen it. Meesa RAGE so hard!). I've had to bite my tongue so hard I'm suprised I didn't bleed.
And it's no better with your co-workers. I worked in Electronics, with people that didn't even know what HDMI actually meant, and yet they sold this stuff for a living.
Or when they got a call on the phone from some guy that bought a surround sound system, and it didn't work, like I could "magically" see how they had it hooked up, over the phone.
"I have it hooked up, but it doesn't work...What did I do wrong?"
Some guy would come up saying he's having a cascade buffer
overflow on his router, and they didn't even know what he was saying, and holler for me to help him.
I'm sure RaTix could add more....
I work at a Interstate All Battery(new store I'll be managing will finally open in September). We carry like 16000 different batteries. Everyday some dumbass will walk in a ask:
Do you guys have any bat trees? Har Har Har
Congratulations you're the 1000th person who though that joke was funny. And it always the guy who pronounces it bat trees and not batteries. Erks me every time.
"Don't mistake uniqueness for weakness" - The Grouch
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" -Benjamin FranklinComment
I work at a Interstate All Battery(new store I'll be managing will finally open in September). We carry like 16000 different batteries. Everyday some dumbass will walk in a ask:
Do you guys have any bat trees? Har Har Har
Congratulations you're the 1000th person who though that joke was funny. And it always the guy who pronounces it bat trees and not batteries. Erks me every time.
I need to find out what store you work at so I can pull off something like this....:Dsigpic
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. ― Alexis de TocquevilleComment
Do you guys have any bat trees? Har Har Har
Yeppers, I quite sure that one NEVER gets old...*sighs*
I was in the drive through one day, and it was still warm outside so I had my window down and could hear the car in front of me place his order, not in these exact words, but the important parts are still here.
Speaker (male): Thanks for choosing Chick-Fil-A how can I help you?
Guy in car: I'd like a (bunch of food)
Speaker (still male): Anything else?
Guy (turns to his wife in car): Oh! and a potato please.
Speaker (confused male): You mean an order of waffle fries?
Guy: No! A potato!
Speaker (male): Waffle fries?
Speaker (female): Sir, can I help you? What was it you wanted?
Speaker (female): Waffle fries, sir?
Guy: Yes. (turns to wife, then back to speaker) I mean NO, A POTATO!
This went on for a couple minutes during which the voice on the speaker changed at least two more times, till they finally told him to just pull around. Since my order is simple (#1, Coke) I got around quickly and was able to see him at the window and see them actually thrust an order of waffle fries out the window at him, have him nod his head happily, take them and drive off.
When I pulled up, they asked me something to the effect of what condiments or whatever I wanted, and this was my response (yes I did actually say this to them).
Female at window (paraphrased): Condiments?
Me: Can I get a potato?
A lot of them were gathered around the window, likely due to the idiot in front of me, and the whole place busted up laughing. They were shocked that I had heard him, and I told them it was likely the whole county had heard him shouting POTATO! at them at the speaker.
Lady (walking up to counter with some DVD): Hey, I need to exchange this movie.
Me: Does it not work? (happens every day with DVDs)
Lady: No it works, it's because, well...I'm not racist or anything, but this movie only has black people in it.
Me: ...:-|
It's enough to make you rage...Starts at 1:15:
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uCuL62KUz4&feature=related"]YouTube- ‪SPANKY MCFARLAND: POW! Right in the Kisser!‬‎[/nomedia]
Oh yes, just watch this gem about how great retails is, and those "wonderful" customers, that just make your day:
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y189-69cQPs"]YouTube- ‪W.C. Fields in "It's A Gift" - Blind Man with Cane‬‎[/nomedia]Last edited by Deslock; 08-10-2010, 01:06 AM.
I'm posting under Tie's name, but this is his wife. Ok, so I work retail, right? I have for almost 9 years now. For the last 8 months, I have had the unique experience of working the Customer Service Desk.
Not long after I started there, I had a woman come up and return a Ben Ten sticker book.
Me: Hi there. What can I do for you?
Her: I want to return this sticker book. I bought it for my grandson.
Me: Is anything wrong with it? (I'm thinking it's missing stickers, or pages, or it has a defect of some sort).
Her: Well, it's EVIL!
Me: ????
Her: Look at it! It's got all these monsters and evil things in it. I want you to put a defect tag on it and write that it's EVIL! I don't want anyone else buying this.
Me: ................ok.............
Ahhhh crazy old conservative religious nuts. My aunt told me I was going to hell when I was younger because Gargoyles (the cartoon) was satanic as was my Korn t-shirt because the "R" was backwards
Awesome sig courtesy of BOSS
Newest awesome sig courtesy of BOSS, didn't even ask!
Ha too funny ......when I was a kid my mom wouldn't let me buy A Cypress Hill album Black Sunday because she thought it was satanic......skull pile in a cementary on the cover.......a few months later I ordered it to my friends house, and I would thump it in the house.....One day I ask my mother hey what do you think of this album .......she was like I like it......Then I showed her the cover...and she just made a face.
This came from the woman who kicked me out for smoking weed and now she asks me for weed....ha..lol
I love my mom she's a trip.......it's funny.sigpicComment
@ Rage, Fett, and Des's wife .... lol good stuff
When i was really young my mom wouldn't let me get a Vanilla Ice cd. I later thanked her.
ICE ICE BABY dun dun dun dunnndadun dun. I know some of you were bumping that stuff back in the day!
"Don't mistake uniqueness for weakness" - The Grouch
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" -Benjamin FranklinComment