I'm sorry to hear that deslock. I will put her in my prayers for you buddy. I hope everything works out for you and you're ma. Keep us posted man.
Please pray for my Mom.
" I need a beer " -
Thank you Reaver, and everyone else.
She's now at a nursing home here, literally just down the street from our house.
She could've stayed here, but they could only give her physical therapy 3 times a week, where there she can get round the clock attention, and physical therapy 5 days a week, and since she's just down the street from us, we chose that route.
She looks 100% better now than Friday, when she was ashy gray, and her poor lips were purple. It saddens me that in my life, I've been to far more funerals, than weddings, and births. As Zabka can attest to, and as I've said oh so many times before; DO NOT TAKE YOUR LOVED ONES, OR YOUR OWN LIFE FOR GRANTED !. Lives are bright lights, that can literally be snuffed out in an instance. I have a "unique" outlook, since I've been so very close to dying several times.
I have had a farm Tractor run over me. (I was standing right in front of the back wheel, and they engaged the clutch by mistake, launching it forward.)
Once on patrol, I was standing right next to a road sign, when it unexpectedly "exploded". After a seconds worth of shock, I realised that it had been hit by a shell, meant for me.To this very day I don't know if it was a rocket, or a high powered shell, but it literally vaporized the sign, leaving only the post.
I was partying hard one night, and you know how it is when you're drunk, and I drank an entire half gallon of Vodka. My friends went in to check on me, and I was choking to death on my own vomit. I was grey, and dying. They quickly lifted me upside down and bounced me until I threw it all up. There is absolutely NO doubt in my mind, that they saved my life.
And I could go on...I should be dead many times over, and then some.
And now since I developed this heart condition that has put me in the ICU twice now, and several times I didn't go to the hospital (Because I just simply couldn't afford it, all I could do was pray, and hope for the best.}
I'm NOT telling you all this to brag. But to rather show you how fragile, and precious life really is ! Every day you wake up, and can smile at your loved ones is a true blessing. Everday life can get hectic, and we get so caught up in day to day life and it's problems, that we can, and do, take it for granted. Do NOT make this mistake !
You are NOT gay if you hug your guy friends once and awhile, and tell them you truly love them. If anything, it makes you more a "real" man.
A true man should be a "velvet fist". Soft and gentle to those he loves, but hard as steel to those that threaten those that he cares about.
I could only ask you all to do one thing for me. Some time this week, just take a moment, and show kindness for those that you love. Step away from work and your problems for a bit, and just spend some time with them. Give them a hug or a kiss. Or better yet, both. It won't kill you; I promise. ;)
What's kinda wierd is that I have alot of friends that used to do the same things prior in life. One of my buddies was a former Marine Commando in Vietnam, and all my other Army and marine friends, and we're all like this. Facing so much death and pain changes you, and makes you appreciate life, that much more.
1. Be kind when given the chance, even if there's nothing for you in return, except that you know in your heart you did the right thing. God will bless you for it.
2. Live hard. Don't be afraid to take chances. God only gives you one ride on the "merry go round" we call life. Make the most of it. You will rarely get second chances. Nobody ever said on their death bed: "I wish I would've spent more time at work".
And most of all;
3. Love even harder. I know it's quite a bitter taste, but swallow that pride, and forgive someone that hurt you. Life is far too short to carry grudges. And when life kicks your ass, and you're literally at your very wits end, take a moment, take a deep breath, and calm yourself. Count your blessings. I know your wife is driving you crazy, and the kids just did something so stupid that it pissed you off beyond belief.....Stop for a second, and imagine if they were now taken away from you.
Remember to "Keep it real". :)
May dearest God bless each and everyone here. Thank you SOOO much for the support and kindness you've shown. It's meant the world to me. Never think for one moment, that the kind things you do, are of no impact "IRL".
Like MandaloreFett said, ALL HAIL THE DSA!!! :D
Just do the best you can in life....:
I am glad that your mom is doing better Des and I hope that she can return home to you soon. Physical Therapy can be a real pain in the ass but when you get through it you feel awesome and you know you accomplished something pretty bad ass.
The story about the road sign exploding is pretty intense. If that happened to me I don't know what I would do (that is AFTER I shit my pants).sigpic<a href="http://profiles.us.playstation.com/playstation/psn/visit/profiles/Brocman"><img src="http://fp.profiles.us.playstation.com/playstation/psn/pid/Brocman.png" width="230" height="155" border="0" /></a><br/><a href="http://www.us.playstation.com/PSN/SignUp">Get your Portable ID!</a>
Warhawk Rank: Brigadier General
"If we are marked to die, we are enough to do our country loss. And if to live, the fewer men, the greater share of honor...... We few, we happy few. We band of brothers. For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother, be he ne'er so vile. This day shall gentle his condition. And gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves accursed they were not here. And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks who fought with us upon Saint Crispin's Day."
-St Crispin's Day Speech from Henry VComment
Thank you guys, I truly appreciate it. And I know she does also.
She's looking alot better now. Better than I've seen her before this all happened.
Thanks for your kind words.
It means alot to me.
I'm glad everything worked out for you and your mom des. Hope she feels better, I fucking hated physical therapy." I need a beer "Comment
No matter how down a day is, or what is going on, I know I can come here or be online and my DSA bretheren put things into perspective and help get through it. It really makes me glad to see commrodary like this and it also makes me happy to see your mom is doing so well Des, thats awesome. Continuing to keep her in our thoughts and a speedy recovery
Awesome sig courtesy of BOSS
Newest awesome sig courtesy of BOSS, didn't even ask!
She's finally doing better. And fiesty as ever, and fighting with me. That's how I know she's doing better. We should be able to bring her home by Wednesday by the latest news. And I'll probably have to have her in my living room until she finally gets up and about. For an idea....this is my Mother:
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8lAYkLubE0"]YouTube- The Little Rascals Mush and Milk[/nomedia]
She is indeed cranky and hateful, but also kind and loving in her own way once you get to know her. I've already warned her that I will indeed subject her to Spongebob, and the Golf Channel....:D LOL !!!
But thanks again to everyone for their kind thoughts and prayers.
You guys are indeed the very best of the best.
And I love you all. :D
Whenever I think that the great members of the DSA can't impress me any more....
They rise up and do.
God bless you all, and those you love.
Well, she's finally eating better, and we were actually able to help her walk around with her walker. I was soo proud of her, as I know that must've hurt like a bitch, but she did it, all the way to her doorway almost on her own !.
There are soo many things we all take for granted, like getting up and using the latrine, or going to the sink just to wash our hands.
But we are looking forward to bringing her home so we can look after her.
My Mom is 67, and my wife lost her mother at 52.
Do not take your loved ones for granted. Call them. Talk to them. They, like you, are not going to be around forever.
Be kind, and God bless.
Glad to hear she's improving. God Bless.sigpicComment
Sorry to hear that she was hurt. just as happy to here that she is doing better.
i will be sending warm wishes and many prayers.Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention
of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved
body, but rather, to skid in broadside, thoroughly
used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming:
"WOW...What a ride!"Comment
We finally brought her home this afternoon. We had to get her a shower chair, and a wheelchair. She is doing well, and walking around for short distances. And happy to be able to watch TV again, as her room at the nursing home had nothing. Well, except a senile woman roomate, that talked to invisible people, and hollered all night, and kept her from sleeping very much.
But very happy to be able to watch TV again. Now get this. My Mother is German, and Swiss, but she literally adores the Korean channel. She isn't Korean, doesn't know the language, nor is it her home culture. Sausage and sauerkraut, not sushi and kimchee (both of which I love dearly..lol!) But she loves those korean TV shows. I don't mind, I just don't get it. But to each their own, I suppose.Go figure. ;) I'm just happy she isn't into those Indian musicals anymore, and subjecting us to them too...:D
Take care everyone, and God bless you all for your kind thoughts and prayers.
You guys are the greatest !!!
When I lived in Tampa I was entranced by the Spanish language channels and their awesomely acted soap operas. I don't know what they were saying, but from their emotions I could tell it was EPIC.
Awesome sig courtesy of BOSS
Newest awesome sig courtesy of BOSS, didn't even ask!