Star Wars Blu Ray
Star Wars Blu Ray
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No thank you, I'll pass.
If these were exact blu-rays of the un-edited versions of 4-6, I would indeed get them, but they won't.
I've come to believe for myself, that George luca$ has completely destroyed any love of Star Wars that I might've had over the years through his crappy direction, and "lack of vision" for this once great series of movies.
His movies hearkened back to the days of the old black and white serials, where the good guys were good guys, and the "bad" guys were bad guys..and damn proud to be "bad" guys. That's why they were fun.
Then his royal majesty deemed it necessary to explain every F'n detail of everything in the Star Wars universe.
The Force...Just bugs in your blood. Not that cool "magic" that you make believed it to be.
Darth Vader...The ultimate badass of all time....was just a whiny petulant pouty teenager with VERY bad decision making skills.
The Clone wars. I always imagined it as starting because of a vicious debate over wether or not cloning should be legal for making workers, or another "legal" slave race for people to exploit, and so both sides erupted into a galaxy wide war....We find out that everyone was just "peachy" about using slave labor soldiers fighting for them against (now how lame is this: ) intergalactic bankers.
Stormtroopers..see above^ They started out as clones. Granted Palpatine quickly replaced them with actual human born soldiers after the clone wars, but for me, the damage was done. I always liked to consider that the badass faceless stormys were human that served the Emperor of their own "free will".
And in 4, you can plainly see that the stormys standing together are different sizes, and voices. But still....
Boba Fett. The only good thing that came from that horible holiday special, and fans loved him because like Vader, he was indeed a faceless badass without remorse, nor mercy for his prey. We liked the fact that no one knew what he looked like, and his "original" voice was bone chilling. This was a guy that had such big balls, that he'd question Vader..right to his face, and not worry about it one bit. Then we're given the great revelation; that like the Stormys....He's just a F'n clone. Thanks George...really. Thanks for that.
And I could go on and on. Hell, I even met my wife in the freekin' Star Wars chatroom on Yahoo.
Granted some of the action figures have gotten better over the years, but some are eaxctly, and I mean exactly the same. How many of the exact same Darth Vader figures do I need, with the only difference being different packaging..??I haven't bought a new fig in years. (Although I do want the new re-released AT-AT, but it's just too damn expensive.) The only Star Wars stuff I buy now, is just the Star Wars Lego stuff, and even those are waaaay too damn expensive !. I haven't even trooped with the 501st. for years now.
I am, and always will be a die hard Imperial. This clone wars/old republic crap makes me want to puke, and puke hard. Why not explore the expanded universe stuff instead of the past. Why not a new game with the Empire, New Republic, and Yuuzaan Vong all going at each other?.
Or better yet.....:
Star Wars Battlefront 3 ?.
Gah, rant over. I need to take a bath, and wash my brain.
As Patton Oswalt said....If I could go back in time, someone please hand me a shovel....:
[nomedia=""]YouTube - At Midnight I Will Kill George Lucas With A Shovel[/nomedia]
And the truly funny thing about that Youtube video..? Under my mouse is a mouse pad with all three on it. Lord Vader, Boba Fett..and the F'n Death Star. Heh.
If only Luca$ would've stepped back, and let someone like Joss Wheedon or Neil Gaiman write the prequels.....
Now those would've been movies worth watching, and buying. Not Greedo shooting first. :(Last edited by Deslock; 01-08-2011, 01:49 AM.
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I agree Deslock. I actually went on and bought a VHS box set of the original trilogy before George Lucas damaged the movies with the special editions. All I had in my house was a VHS copy and DVD copy of the special editions because the VHS set of the untouched original trilogy had worn out with age. So saying that I would rather buy a VHS than a Blu-Ray copy says a lot.Last edited by Andy; 01-08-2011, 01:27 AM.
I need to go to a Star Wars chat room so I can get a wife Des! I didn't know thats where all the good women were hiding (I'm not making fun, promise). I'll try anything!
MC Chris had it right in his "geek girlz" youtube video. they can, and will, literally blow your mind.
Don't be fooled by the "modern culture" crap. Star Wars people are not the neckbeard basement dwelling nerds they want you to think they are.
Hell, I'm a former Army Ranger, and another person in my 501st, group was a former Marine Commando. We also have doctors, policemen, and lawyers too. Hence my former posts of "Heart of an Empire". (Just youtube it). Bob Eubanks, you can kiss all of our collective asses, you gigantic floundering asshole !
I'm just angry like Patton Oswald, that Luca$ took something that we all treasured from our combined childhood, and totally f'd it up and ruined it beyond belief. I mean really..Jar Jar..? Does fart and shit jokes really belong in what was once considered the greatest space epoch of all time ?
Greedo shot first..?
What a sell out.
Just please get in line to get your next Ewok action figure please, and check out our awesome new "Clone Wars" stuff. All we ask is that you close your minds, and open your wallets.....
"Don't ask questions, just spend. Thank you for supporting Luca$farts". 'And as always, our marketing division thanks you. Please remember that our Star Wars 3D versions will be out soon also. Why make the future, when we can keep pimping the past".
But God bless you guys for keeping it real, and for being great Clanmembers. You guys are literally the F'n best, and why I've been here so long. You don't have to agree with me, but God bless y'all for at least being able to understand where I'm coming from.
The DSA f'n rules !!!
[nomedia=""]YouTube - MC Chris - Nrrrd Grrrl music video[/nomedia]Last edited by Deslock; 01-08-2011, 03:24 AM.
The Red Letter Media Episode 3 review is out. Go watch it. Takes apart the whole prequel trilogy.sigpic
I'm probably gonna buy these...I'm sorry lol. But as time goes on my disdain for Lucas has grown alot. The tweaks he's made suck and the fact he continues this Clone Wars crap is infuriating, when there are such great times to explore in the Old Republic and EU. He just hates that people, like Timothy Zahn and Bioware, are making better Star Wars stories than he does now. That's why LucasArts has taken all Star Wars projects back in house after The Old Republic, and why they will continue to make shit games. But all I can do is sit back, read the superb comics and novels, play The Old Republic when it comes out, and pray that we get a Battlefront game for new consoles soon. And that I hit the lottery so I can get that Mandalorian armor I always dreamed of having lol
Awesome sig courtesy of BOSS
Newest awesome sig courtesy of BOSS, didn't even ask!
Des does some one come in and and shit in your Wheaties every morning? Lol. They will probably sell each seperate soe just get the originals. The Special Edition, minus what he did with the end of Jedi after Episode 3, were great. I loved the Solo Jabba scene in IV. I enjoyed the nicer looking Cloud City, though the Sarlac I could have done without but its not like it was something that really bothered me. I will get those on Blu Ray and then one day when I have a house and surround sound I will get the prequels just for the sound and he did film them in HD so I am sure they look pretty. Plus I wanna see the scene with Dax and Luke from A New Hope he has been sitting on for 30 years.Comment
Dax? In the radio serials and the book, he had scenes with Biggs. I used to use that for my handle in different things. But something about the awesomeness that is William Zabka and his dominance of being the bully in 80s movies had me go with zabka.
I would also prefer the originals as well. Most of the changes I don't mind, but I don't like the greedo scene or the end of Jedi where they alterred the music and changed anakin in the last scene. For that matter, why did they change the music? It was fun listening to the original ewok music that feels more celebratory than what they put in. Anybody know the story behind this?You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!
Sorry I meant Biggs not Dax.Comment
i wont get it either. its just a money scam. hes coming out with a 3-d version too... but Des i WISH they came out with a battlefront 3 that would be epic. i heard something along the line that /6 was supposed to be in the works of making it. :( .Comment
Im going to stick to reading the post new hope books. I think those books are where the truly good star wars stories are."Thrawn: "Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake, Ensign?"
Colclazure: "No, sir."
Thrawn: "Anyone can make an error, Ensign. But that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it." [points at Pietersen, Rukh kills him] "Dispose of it. The error, Ensign, has now been corrected. You may begin training a replacement."
―Grand Admiral Thrawn, punishing a naval officer for failure
Des does some one come in and and shit in your Wheaties every morning?
No one does it for me, I do it to myself every morning when I get up and have to look in the mirror..Heh.
I know that there are people out there that literally adore the prequels, and see absolutely nothing wrong with them. And good for them. They're entitled to their opinions also. It's all good with me. I'm 501st, and others join the Rebel Legion. Just two sides of the same coin, as I see it. To each their own.
For me it's like watching someone paint the Mona Lisa, and then come back years later, and draw a mustache on her. I may sit there and watch in true abject horror, but in the end, it's his painting to ruin as he sees fit.
But that doesn't mean I have to like it, or continue to buy anymore of his artwork. I dont mind adding the new backgrounds to Cloud city, or minor stuff like that. Gah, but adding a whole singing/dancing number that is sooo blantantly CGI ?
The writing makes a world of difference. Go and watch "Serenity", and then watch "The Phantom menace".
But I do understand it completely. Mr. Lucas has surrounded himself with "yes" men. No one had the balls to stand up and say "Mr. Lucas...please..please sir, just stop. Please." Because his ass would've been fired on the spot. And if you were lucky enough to get a great paying job there..who amongst us would risk it ?. Hell, he himself has said in interviews that now looking back on it, he may have done too much. I go to Cons, and I sit there for hours and talk to these people, and they've even said that they wanted to tell him to stop. That there in the back of their minds, were going "I wish he wouldn't do this".
One of the very best experiences of my life was spending an entire afternoon with Jeremy Bulloch, and his wonderful patient wife. We had a blast laughing it up and having fun. I like Star Wars, but I'm not an uber geek about it, and it was great seeing this one guy come up and ask him which buttons did what on his gauntlets. He glances over to me, and kinda closed mouth goes: "How the "F" do I know..?" It took everything I had in me not to burst out laughing. I would 've never guessed in a million years, that the guy that portrayed the most badass bounty hunter in the galaxy, would be one of the funniest people I'd ever had the honor of meeting. My wife was there with me, and all four of us had sooo much fun. And I'm proud to say he gave me the official title of "Silliest long haired (Yes, I had hair back then, before a smart assed comment from Yentis.) Stormtrooper of the galactic Empire."
That's what I don't like about the written word. If you took everything that Patton Oswald said in that video, and just wrote it down, and then showed it to people, it just wouldn't be funny. Or at least as funny, as hearing it. For people like myself, tonal inflection is everything. I'm not some dour assed sour puss. When Yentis comes over, we laugh and laugh, and have sooo much fun. But when I write stuff down, I can see that some may take it as a long assed sour rant, like Solo did. But if I could record it vocally, I'd damn near be pretty much exactly like Yahtzee. I do fuss about stuff, but IRL I'm funny about it. I have a slighty bitter sense of humor,which is probably why Mr. Bulloch (with him being British) and I had such a great time to together. We kept quiping back and forth to each other, and had each other about to piss ourselves. :D
If you haven't heard Yahtzee, go to the, and listen to him, and you'll know exactly my sense of humor. ;) Just click where it says "the escapist"
What I'm trying to say basically in such a long assed rant, is that most of my rants are done in humor.
Except for $ony. There I'm not joking.
Luv you guiz !!! :DLast edited by Deslock; 01-09-2011, 01:25 AM.
Des you met Jeremy Bulloch? AND met your wife on a SW chat room? You sir, have led a pretty amazing life. Will you be my life coach? lol
Awesome sig courtesy of BOSS
Newest awesome sig courtesy of BOSS, didn't even ask!