Star Wars Blu Ray



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  • #16
    Darth Beratter

    Money making is all this's like the 4 different versions if avatar they released this past year ...f'rs keep milking us and we just grab out ankles.
    You kind sir, are absoluely 100% correct. And that's okay. Lucasarts can't stay in business by giving stuff away for free. They make stuff for money. My complaint is that they keep wanting us to buy their Mona Lisa paintings over and over again. Like I said before, it the same damn painting, except now the paintings have mustaches on them. Why in the world should I buy a new "enhanced" set now, when they've just said that they're going to re-release the same movies again in just a while ? So now I can watch Jar-Jar step in animal shit right in front of my face in glorious techicolour 3D..? Blah !

    I have the movies originally on bootleg, the professional VHS, and the remasted remade DVD's. And now they want my to buy them on Blu-Ray, and then buy them again in 3D ? Uh uh. Nope. Others can if they want to. It's their money to spend. I want something new and exciting for my money.

    Des, you met Jeremy Bulloch? AND met your wife on a SW chat room? You sir, have led a pretty amazing life. Will you be my life coach? lol
    Mandy, Hm. How can I say this politely ?


    ARE YOU INSANE ???!!! lol !!!

    I wouldn't say I've lived an amazing life, but it has indeed by interesting, and except for lately, faaar from boring. With all the jobs I've done, and all the things I've done and seen, except for my military awards and medals, I have nothing to show for it. Well, except for a badly abused body and a few Star Wars costumes and waaaay too much Star Wars stuff. ;)

    The only consolation I have, is that everything that I've done, I do have actual proof that it's all true. My life has been like that F'n Baron Munchaussen movie..LOL ! I've had several people that know me, tell me that I should write a book about all my "adventures". And I have seriously thought about it. That is if I don't die from drinking too much, or have a heart attack.

    I hate the way my life is now though. I'm just a shadow of what I used to be. *Sighs* But I will go to my grave a somewhat contented person.
    There was one time when I had two very lovely ladies want to climb into bed with me, and I shooed them away because I was very hungover, and felt like total shit.

    Now that..I do regret.. LOL ! :(

    But for real Mandy, if you do want to chat, just add me on Yahell messenger. I'd be happy to give out any help or advice that I can. ;)



    • #17
      Honorary DSA
      • Mar 2010
      • 2268

      So now I can watch Jar-Jar step in animal shit right in front of my face in glorious techicolour 3D..? Blah !

      I'm not a HUGE Star Wars fan. But growing up episodes 4-6 were among my favorite movies and still are. Episodes 1-3 were mediocre compared to the originals. I've watched 4-6 at least 10 times each, which for me is A LOT of times to watch a movie. Watched 1-3 one time each and have no intent of ever watching them again.

      They targeted children with the prologues in order get a younger consumer base to buy their products. In doing so they alienated their original and most loyal fans. This was a business decision made to, yes, make more money. Which they did, but they also weakened the franchise IMO. Too bad. I guess we're all just collateral

      "Don't mistake uniqueness for weakness" - The Grouch
      "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" -Benjamin Franklin


      • #18
        Imperial Advisor

        Deslock........I always wonder about Battlefront 3 and how much Luasarts fails at life.
        <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


        • #19
          • Apr 2010
          • 711

          They don't care about what fans want, we needed Star Wars Clone Wars: Republic Heroes, which was an epic pile of dogshit. Everyone should pretend to hate BF3 and say it sucks, I'd bet he'd make it then, "prove us all wrong".

          Awesome sig courtesy of BOSS

          Newest awesome sig courtesy of BOSS, didn't even ask!


          • #20
            Honorary DSA
            • Jan 2009
            • 1543

            I have the DVD box set with all 6 of the films. But only watched the original three. Never even bothered looking at the 3 new ones.


            • #21
              Darth Beratter

              [nomedia=""]YouTube - Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith Movie Review pt3[/nomedia]

              What more could I say....

              I was there in '77 and sat there and watched as the first Star Destroyer emerged onscreen, and as a kid, Thought "This has to be without any doubt, the COOLEST thing I've ever seen in my entire F'n life !!!!!"

              [nomedia=""]YouTube - Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope: Part 1[/nomedia]

              Have you noticed that all three episodes 4,5,6, all opened with a longscreen shot of a Star Destroyer ?

              Yes, because they are that F'n awesome. Even the Lego Star destroyer is that awesome.

              No Jar-Jar, no shit and fart jokes. Because it didn't need them.

              Han shot first, because he was a badass. It gave him credibility as a badass.

              It all didn't have to be explained away, because your imagination was your best tool, especially as a kid back in '77.

              G.I. Joe, the Micronauts, and the Transformers ruled, because they were what YOU made them as an individual person. It was literally your own imagination that made them come "alive".

              You built model kits because it was fun to bulid shit with your own hands. Good luck on finding them now. Evel Kenievel toys were the shit, because he had real life balls the size of grapefruits. And we all wanted to be the "Six million dollar man", and have Farrah Fawcett as a girlfriend. And the Star Trek, and Star Wars playsets were the "shit".

              Our toys certainly shot missiles that could hurt an eyeball, and with your friends, you didn't wear "pads" or "helmets" when riding a bike, and BB gun "wars" were commonplace. If ya got shot, you yelled out "Ouch Dammit".
              Your parents didn't sue anyone, they just smacked you for being stupid.

              If you could see the first Star Wars movie in the theatre on the big screen for the very first time, you would understand perfectly why we all (We old geezers) hate the prequels with their CGI.



