Well, I decided to take some vacation time and go see the Arlington Brothers, lol.
Broc, Rage, and Nuguistic. Oh, and also the Smithsonian in DC.
And now I can say they are some crazy fuckers that like their alcohol and poker, lol. And I will say I took their chips; and I never play. :D I even loaned Nuguistic chips to stay in the game. ( your lucky sunglasses didn't help)
Really though, me and my wife had a good time, Broc was our guide, so thanks to him, but he did get me a parking ticket, lol, which was better then we thought.
We left the bar and couldn't find the car 4 blocks away.
I was sweating it. The wife thought it was stolen. I thought it was towed; but we found it with a ticket in the window.
Thanks to Rage and his wife Liz for putting up with all of us at their house on a week night and drunk. ( Nuguistic ) oh, and she cooks a mean beef stew.
I even got to give Nuguistic golf lesson at the driving range which wasn't too bad, since he never swung a golf club. He needs a driver now cause he broke the head clean off the shaft :o , and it did go farther the ball. Lol
From right to left Rage, Broc, Ann Marie (Nug's girlfriend) and Nuguistic
Broc, Rage, and Nuguistic. Oh, and also the Smithsonian in DC.
And now I can say they are some crazy fuckers that like their alcohol and poker, lol. And I will say I took their chips; and I never play. :D I even loaned Nuguistic chips to stay in the game. ( your lucky sunglasses didn't help)
Really though, me and my wife had a good time, Broc was our guide, so thanks to him, but he did get me a parking ticket, lol, which was better then we thought.
We left the bar and couldn't find the car 4 blocks away.
I was sweating it. The wife thought it was stolen. I thought it was towed; but we found it with a ticket in the window.
Thanks to Rage and his wife Liz for putting up with all of us at their house on a week night and drunk. ( Nuguistic ) oh, and she cooks a mean beef stew.
I even got to give Nuguistic golf lesson at the driving range which wasn't too bad, since he never swung a golf club. He needs a driver now cause he broke the head clean off the shaft :o , and it did go farther the ball. Lol
From right to left Rage, Broc, Ann Marie (Nug's girlfriend) and Nuguistic