Uncle Ted !!



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  • k1gibson
    • Jan 2009
    • 1849

    Uncle Ted !!

    You got to hand it to Uncle Ted, well I do anyway

    "We have learned that power is a positive force if it is used for positive purposes."
    "Conquer, but don't triumph."
  • RageProphetXIII
    • Jan 2009
    • 3029

    This issue always troubles me. Now I hope i dont affend people especially friends. But this whole Obama against gun this completely twisted words by his opponents. I have not at any point heard him actually say he wanted to mess with the 2nd Amendment. He made a comment about people clinging to their guns and then someone else said oh he hates guns and then another said he wants to take your guns and now its a "fact".

    I think its great to get involved in the political process but don't take a politicians word for it....cause it isn't worth much. You would think that after 8 years of BushShit and congress on both side not getting a thing done people would open their eyes and ears to this kind of crap.

    Living in the epicenter of politics you get to learn a lot. And then you get to find out the truth and have to relearn again. This kind of miscommunication all it does is split up the people and turn their focus away from what is really going on. I hope this year people do some home work and turn off the BS that is being fed thru the media and make a choice that would be beneficial to the citizens of the United States.


    • APAT
      Honorary DSA
      • Mar 2010
      • 2268

      No one is taking away our guns. There's more guns than people in this country. This is a neo-con tactic used to smear dems. Dems use their fair share of cheap tactics as well.

      I think G W Bush was worse than Obama. A lot of the deficits our country is running now were set in motion by Bush.
      Simply put:
      It's Republicans responsibility to be fiscally conservative. It's Dems responsibility to spend a shit load of money on people who can't support themselves, which Obama has done. Bush failed his party's basic responsibility by spending more while cutting taxes creating an enormous deficit.

      It is republican behavior like this that encouraged Tea Partys to form. The basis of these parties were for Republicans to vent their frustration with the current crop of Republicans total lack of respect for the Constitution and a balanced budget. The media, neo-cons and dems have successfully slandered the "Tea Party" even though their isn't even a Tea Party. This is just the start though. The Republican party will go through a revolution of sorts once the old guard dies off.

      BTW I'm a republican delegate for my local precinct. It'll be interesting to see what the process is like when we meet in March to vote on the direction of the party.

      "Don't mistake uniqueness for weakness" - The Grouch
      "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" -Benjamin Franklin


      • TheRealHanSolo
        • Jun 2008
        • 1927
        • DSA Solo

        APAT are you a Ron Paul delegate? Cause if you are my friend, HELL FUCKING YEA!!!!


        • GoodMedicBadAdvice
          • Dec 2011
          • 115

          You know I'm just going to be totally honest here.

          The only thing I know about Ron Paul is that during the 2008 pretty much everyone I talked to said that Ron was crazy ass nut that wanted to turn Americans into Amish with Cellphones. Same with Romney.

          Now suddenly Romney has been promoted to a good choice. I have no idea who the man is other than he bears a passing physical resemblance to Ronald Reagan.


          • APAT
            Honorary DSA
            • Mar 2010
            • 2268

            Originally posted by TheRealHanSolo
            APAT are you a Ron Paul delegate? Cause if you are my friend, HELL FUCKING YEA!!!!
            Essentially. I have input, albeit very little input, with the direction of the party. Its the lowest level of government. 5 of 6 Delegates from my precinct are Ron Paul supporters and one was undecided. Grassroots support for RP is strong in my neighborhood of Minneapolis. Lots of people who like low taxes, a lot of liberty with limited government oversight in our personal lives. The "new age" conservative. I'm very interested to see what the BPOU convention is like.

            "Don't mistake uniqueness for weakness" - The Grouch
            "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" -Benjamin Franklin


