New Star Wars game franchise to be revealed on May 31st!



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  • The_Blunt
    • Jul 2007
    • 1822
    • DSA Blunt

    New Star Wars game franchise to be revealed on May 31st!

    I didn't see mention of this anywhere here so I figured I'd give you all a heads up.

    SpikeTV has officially announced that they will be revealing the "next big Star Wars game franchise" on Thursday, May 31st as part of their pre-E3 coverage.
    Gameplay will then be revealed on June 4th at 10 PM EST on E3 All Access Live.

    I doubt it will be Battlefront since they keep emphasizing the word "new" everywhere but I just hope that it's an online shooter.
    Like Battlefront but just not called Battlefront. Idgaf what it's called anymore. Just let me go pew pew in the Star Wars universe with my friends.

    Rumor has it that they may be developing a game based around Boba Fett as LucasArts recently trademarked everything from video games to action figures to toilet paper under the name "Star Wars 1313."
    Our beloved Bounty Hunter used the alias "CT-1313" in the Boba Fett: Maze of Deception novel.

    Apparently it will be jaw-dropping so I expect it to not be a cartoony kid game. Of course, this guy could just be getting paid to say this:
    “I can’t wait to introduce our viewers to this game and show off the footage that left my jaw on the floor when I first saw it.”
    Just no single-player only PLEASE! >_<

    Discuss. :)

    Paramount Network is home to boundary-pushing scripted and non-scripted shows, featuring unforgettable characters and immersive stories on Yellowstone, Bar Rescue, Ink Master and more.

    Last edited by The_Blunt; 05-25-2012, 11:06 PM.
  • #2
    Imperial Advisor

    I wonder if they just said jaw dropping so that they can get a review copy when it comes out lol.
    After Shit Wars Kinect, I hope for the best.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


    • #3
      • May 2012
      • 15

      I remember when republic commando came out, I was really hoping that was going to be the end all beat all FPS for star wars. Although I had tons of fun... it wasnt what I thought it was going to be.

      I just hope that they do it right. Theres a few Star Wars games that really could have used a bit more than what they did with it. I'll be following this now that I've heard of it.


      • #4
        Imperial Advisor
        • Jun 2005
        • 5834

        Sounds like it can be a new Bounty Hunter game, which wouldn't be bad as I enjoyed the first one. Here's hoping LA doesn't find a way to screw this one up too lol.
        "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
        <a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


        • #5
          Imperial Advisor

          That's the thing though Boss, Up until now from the early 2000s their games have slowly slipped into mediocrity. I'm sorry to be a rough critic with them, but if they are not willing to shed a few extra bucks for their game to succeed then it won't work properly. Which is why SWBF3 never occurred. Free Radical had the right idea when they showed their ambitions in that leaked trailer that we saw way back in 2008.

          We Clamour for a SWBF3, But what did we get?:

          I love how Free Radicals ideas managed to sneak into this crappy PSP game. Rebellion is an awful game studio that seems to not know what they are doing with games or not pushing it in the right direction.

          SWBF and SWBF 2 were classic, but in all honesty it did not push the full potential of the SW universe, It's like Lucasarts only pushed little content into the game and then abandoned it midway or early on.
          SWBF1 gets a patch(All platforms), One DLC( on the xbox), mod tools on the PC, and Nothing on the PS2.
          SWBF2 gets no patch(except Xbox, and PC), Some DLC(On the xbox, Mod tools on the PC, and nothing on the PS2 at all. However regardless of the quality drop between Battlefront 1 to 2, both were classics within the clan
          Lack of respect for the community is what gets me.

          The Largest SWBF3 Speculation thread
          They don't even realize that their video game fanbase is slowly dropping with them, And many of them are probably offended by SW:Kinect and the dance off. I feel bad for the people in that thread though, I know the only thing that waits next month is disappointment.

          I think I went Deslock mode just now though.
          <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


          • #6
            Honorary DSA

            Originally posted by Kamui
            I think I went Deslock mode just now though.
            I think when it comes to SWBF3 we all have a little Deslock inside of us. The simple fact of how much money SWBF3 would bring in is staggering plus the DLC potential that really wasn't there on the PS2 makes the fact that they continue to ignore it so much worse. I have not and will not give LucasArts one dollar until I get a suitable sequel to the BF games. To ignore your fan base like they have is straight up disrespectful.

            Deslock moment over............


            • #7
              Honorary DSA


              It will suck.

              I don't feel like this will be a shocker, considering they haven't made a good SW game since the Battlefront series.


              • #8
                Darth Beratter

                No "Deslock mode" here now.

                No "Ranting and Ravin'...."

                You can only be hopeful for over 7 years now, that after that long, you just don't care that much about it anymore. For me personally, I don't even like Star Wars that much anymore since I honestly think that Lucas ruined his IP and self created universe due to his constant need to "micromanage" everything from his movies, his cartoon show, and his beyond horrible gaming division leaders for his company.

                He has made himself a tyrant that no one dares speak the truth to him about anything; lest they get fired on the spot. And what Lucas did to Dave Prowse was one of the most despicable and deplorable things that he ever could have done.

                I haven't trooped in years, and even longer than that since I even bought one of his toys, and I "used" to be an avid collector. Especially of the Imperial figs.

                I'm not even angry anymore. Just more saddened and dissappointed more now than anything else.

                Over 30 yrs. as a Star Wars fan, (Now this is just my opinion) I've been forced to sit back and watch what was for me personally a beloved Sci-Fi beyond epic series; to become a over glorified "dumbed down" version of the Power Rangers; only with MORE cgi, and a puss filled vapid stupid storyline that an Eighth grade literature class could do a better job of writing than Lucas himself.

                Lots of leaping around and fighting, waaaay too much CGI, and storylines that have as much substance as fireworks and marshmallows. Pretty to look at, and fun to eat...but for how long before it becomes boring and stale..? Yeah, I know that Star Wars was based on the old serials that the movie theaters had shown "back in the day"; and how awesome were they..? LOL !
                I know, and I "get" it. It was never meant to be serious, and Star Wars wasn't.

                All I knew is that it was fun and very, very cool. I could go on and on about what I think, but it wouldn't matter, and no one would care. And I can't blame them. It's all been said before many, many times before, even on "Red Letter Media" on youtube. I, like many others; are not alone is this belief.

                Even Lucas himself openly admitted that he ruined the prequels, but that it's too late now to "go back and fix it" due his constant meddling and wanting to "tweak" things. What's done is done.

                What angered me before about the whole SWBF3 issue that LA is hurting for money (or at least as they say, personally I don't see Lucas going broke damn near anytime soon) , so due to "monetary issues" they shut down the new SWBF3 because it was "supposedly" costing them too much to make....a game that if made, would've literally printed them enough money that they could ever want.

                Now stop and think about that.

                This game is costing us 10 million to make and develop. But if we do make it and it's even remotely successful, we'll make 100 milllion.

                "Yeah, it's costing us too much...Shut it down, kill the developer, and keep back all the IP we can".

                From a business standpoint, it just doesn't make any sense. But due to LA seemingly to have a better security system in place than Fort Knox (Which for the life of me I CANNOT grasp and wrap my mind around). As I said before, there is indeed two sides to every story, but all we can get is the story from one side of the fired developers. LA outright refuses to say anything....about anything.

                Which does make me agree with Fromunda. It IS outright disrespectful of LA not to communicate in any way with it's fanbase and it's customers about what they want as fans, and consumers of their companies products. And to come out year after year, for a total of seven years combined now; with games that their own fanbase doesn't want, and didn't ask for.

                What arrogance....

                That link that Kamui posted has well over 1,000 replies, and not even one reply post from LA, on their own forum thread. What more can I say..??

                Like I said....This isn't a "Deslock mode" rant or rave. Just me alone stating my own opinion wether you agree or disagree, that's fine with me. You're my DSA brothers and I care about you all the same regardless.

                I'm not angry about this after seven years of waiting. I just don't care about it anymore.

                I just think it's a really really stupid business decision from LA to keep making games their own fanbase and customers just don't want, and then bitch and cry that they're not making enough money, when the very money they're begging for, is literally right under their fingers.

                It just doesn't make any sense...

                At least to me.

                But what do I know....LOL !!!! :D

                All I can say is watch the Firefly "Serenity" movie, and then the new "Avengers" movie, and then the "Star Wars ep1". Joss Wheedon could've totally RULED the Star Wars 'verse, and written it much, much better than Lucas could've ever dreamed of; and made much, much more money.
                Last edited by Deslock; 05-28-2012, 03:07 AM.



                • #9
                  • Jul 2007
                  • 1822
                  • DSA Blunt

                  Anyway...I just hope it's not something stupid like..Ewoks fighting the Empire with sticks and stones.

                  Now that would be Absolutely. Utterly. Ridiculous.


                  • #10
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 1927
                    • DSA Solo

                    Everyone is look at it being Boba Fett related. It's gonna run on the Unreal 3 engine so it will look great I'm sure. Multiplayer I am sure will be in it. We all anticipate it to suck but meh who knows.....nah it will probably suck.


                    • #11
                      • Jul 2007
                      • 1822
                      • DSA Blunt

                      Originally posted by TheRealHanSolo
                      Everyone is look at it being Boba Fett related.
                      That is if the game is actually Star Wars 1313. And that's if Star Wars 1313 is even related to Boba Fett. Nobody knows for certain if it is yet.
                      It's just a hunch based off of one alias that barely anyone even knew about in the first place.

                      LucasArts is listed on the E3 floorplan under "Kinect MMO"...WTF is that shit? I don't even...

                      But I'm willing to give them a chance with this. I'm pretty sure they know that this is their last chance to impress us so I'm not gonna go bashing it until I actually see it/play it.


                      • #12
                        Darth Beratter

                        Thanks for that. You actually made my wife LOL !!! ..heh.

                        And she saved that piccy in her files.
                        Last edited by Deslock; 05-28-2012, 11:18 PM.



                        • #13
                          • Jul 2007
                          • 1822
                          • DSA Blunt

                          Originally posted by Deslock
                          Thanks for that. You actually made my wife LOL !!! ..heh.

                          And she saved that piccy in her files.
                          No problem, Des. After that post, I'm not so sure you have any other mode besides Deslock Mode. :p

                          Anyway, the game is Star Wars 1313. GameTrailers leaked the name by accident with their header, but not the footage. So we still have no idea what the game is about. Probably will be Boba Fett though.
                          I really don't give a shit what it's about as long is it has multiplayer. Their retardedness levels would be busting open the Retarded Meters with brute force if they aren't making a multiplayer game.

                          Last edited by The_Blunt; 05-31-2012, 10:57 PM.


                          • #14
                            • Jul 2007
                            • 1822
                            • DSA Blunt

                            Breaking news.

                            LucasArts fucking sucks.


                            • #15
                              Imperial Advisor
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 1909
                              • DSA Cotto

                              I just finished watching the first look episode. From what I can tell from what they showed I will like this new star wars game. It looks to take place in or after the original movies. You will be a bounty hunter but most likely not Fett which I like. It looks like it will have a darker theme which means it will be tailored to are age. No more little kid clone wars crap.

                              Also in the show they show the new metal gear games have they go hack and slash and if so F them for killing a great spy game. The new Tomb Raider looks sweet I was hoping that they would come back with a TR game to take on Uncharted and it looks like Square has stepped up to do that.
                              "Thrawn: "Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake, Ensign?"
                              Colclazure: "No, sir."
                              Thrawn: "Anyone can make an error, Ensign. But that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it." [points at Pietersen, Rukh kills him] "Dispose of it. The error, Ensign, has now been corrected. You may begin training a replacement."
                              ―Grand Admiral Thrawn, punishing a naval officer for failure


