Michigan Nuclear Incident?



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  • thedooku
    Honorary DSA
    • Sep 2008
    • 1701

    Michigan Nuclear Incident?

    Put on your tin foil hats for this one fellas

    I have a buddy at work that loves the conspiracy theory stuff and told me about this, so take it with a grain of salt. I find the stuff interesting, but without concrete proof, I'm hesitant to draw my own conclusions.

    Explosions matched with unmarked helicopters, A-10 Thunderbolts, and military personnel are now being reported at the radiation zone.

    Lucas W Hixson may have uncovered a major abuse of the public trust by the NRC. In late March 2011 the NRC issued a directive that allowed the nuclear industry

    I find it hard to believe, but it does concern me, as I am downwind :(
    Anybody else hear anything about this?

    UPDATE: "Nothing to see here".....possible case of someone's foil hat being too tight. From Radiation Network:

    "Update: 6/7/12, 7:45 A.M: - False Alert: The alert level reading last evening appears to be a false alert from an equipment malfunction. Here is the station's report:

    "out of control readings on the GeigerGraph screen from about 11:30pm local time that occurred while sleeping. My apologies to all. I have no idea what caused this. Shut down GeigerGraph and restarted. Readings from the Geiger were in the normal range (the Geiger operates on A/C). All cable connections are tight and not loose. Am speculating between the GFI and USB Adapter and some sort of voltage spikes. The uninterruptable power supply UPS had lost power and had died - a tripped GFI. I am not going to leave the system running while not at home until I can determine and fix the problem."

    By the way, a handful of stations on the Radiation Network feed simultaneously to the Black Cat Systems network, which explains why a high reading was showing on their network at the same time. But Black Cat works in uR/hr instead of CPM, so their radiation level was lower because of the conversion factor between units of measurement.

    Update: 6/6/12, 11:55 P.M. - Very high reading in South Bend, IN station this evening. Reason unknown. Station unresponsive to contact at this late hour. Since this same station has triggered the Alert system before, which Alerts may have been false, and because his current readings do not appear to be corroborated by nearby stations, we have disabled his station for the time being. Will report back when we know more."
    Last edited by EagleOne; 06-11-2012, 11:40 AM.

    "The way a man plays a game shows some of his character. The way he loses shows all of it"
  • #2
    Darth Beratter

    The radiation came from the ufo's that landed there. I don't know why you people all laugh about tin foil hats...It's the only thing that keeps the alien mind control rays out of your brain. Duh.... You think we wear them for a fashion statement..?


    Some people... ;)



