DES you're killing me bro.
DSA Toy Theater.
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I'm finishing everything up every day now. Expect the theater to start July 4th. That's why the new thread is up. Thank you all for your patience. :D
And so it begins. :D
I sincerly hope you guys enjoy this all, as much as I have enjoyed making these for you all. More piccy's tomorow ! The new piccy glitched as I was uploading it, I'll fix it later.
Once again. please do not post in the main picture thread, please place all replies and coments here.
Well I'll be. It finally happened!
Daz bought me an Aztec style treasure ruins playset for my Toy Theater for my birthday today in Knoxville, YAY !!!! :D . I've already got it taken apart and ready for painting !. Now if it would only stop raining :( .
Good first comic! I can't wait to see what you do in the next one :).<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>Comment
I'm trying like a mad man to get everything done. I wanted this to be somewhat done by October, but Daz got sick as a dog, so I was having to work two jobs, take care of Daz because she was so so sick, and watch the baby, so my time just ran out.
But the DSA Spaceport is finally done, and I found a few great new resources thanks to the fighting 1:18th site, that I can't thank them ever enough for.
A lot of the toy figure diorama stuff online that I've seen *cheat* using Photoshoped backgrounds, but I just don't believe in that. That's why I hated the prequels. Just too much CGI. My backgrounds are real models. Hand built, and with love for the subject IP, and love for ya'll.
My stuff is real toys, in real hand made backgrounds. Yes, It's taken two years or more, but when you see it, it will blow ya'll away.
My legacy project over two years in the making, will make you see just why it was worth it over these years. :D
My work is over the top. and now you will see why.
God bless you, and God bless the DSA.
RaTix, the site is about to be stormed like you've never seen. I sincererly hope you have a paypal button ready to be installed.Last edited by Deslock; 11-24-2016, 02:48 AM.
So it seems like the new Toondoo is working. I have a crap ton of pictures to go through, edit, and add special effects. The huge ass spaceport is done, not really to my preference, but certainly good enough. I have a large amount of houses done, a quicky mart, a fast food place, and a large ass pirate island. Never mind the DSA Headquarters. And a complete street scene.
RaTix's mansion is HUGE. As I mean really, really big. I've worked on these houses for quite some time, so I sincerely hope the pictures pay off.
All the tanks and battle scenes...Gah !. I don't even want to think about how much money this has cost me, but damn it, you all are worth it. :D
I know it's been a loooong time, but that's just my artistic nature. I'm a perfectionist, and I know my art represents me personally, and I just can't make half assed shit. My attention to detail sometimes can make me my own worst enemy.
But I hope you all enjoy these projects, as much as I've loved making them for you.
God bless the DSA, and all our visitors. My labor of love for y'all starts now. :D
I really need to get a new camera badly. Right now I have to take the piccy, save it on a SD card, transfer the card to the 'Puter, then save the picture and change the format, upload it into my graphics proggy, update the photo with graphics and effects, save it again, then upload it to Toondoo or Photobucket, then transfer it to the DSA site. It's not hard, but very time consuming.
I'm going to be working on the DSA Headquarters building and parking lot today. The checkpoint stop is amazing. The street set is coming along, I'm just trying to find the right scale for some signs and advertising. I've also found some great toy photo sites that have been very helpful. I'm also working on some proper scale trees and vegetation.
Lmfao this is great." I need a beer "Comment
Des, I know you've been busy being a father, And all, But....I'll keep waiting. This is free content after all so you really aren't obligated to give us anything. If you have enough content to show us, We'd appreciate whatever you have though to be honest, It doesn't have to be perfect. I enjoy these toy comics.<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>Comment
So what's up with the Toy Theater? It's been so long.......<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>Comment
Funny you should mention it. I've been on vacation all week with Daz and the baby, well, actually toddler now, and I was working on parts for the DSA spaceport, and several new vehicles I've purchased.
I know you guys have seen the sets on Robot Chicken, and my sets are way more better than those. To give you an idea, the outdoor set I have, has seven different grasses on it alone. Most of the smallest sets I have are 3ft. by 4ft. and extremely detailed. I think the smallest ones I have done is the fast food restaurant, and RaTix's bedroom. Right now I'm finishing up RaTix's mansion, it's 3ft tall by 4ft.
The Pirate Cove is the largest set at 4ft. by 5ft.
Making the sets are actually quite easy. It's been all the painting and detailing that's taken soooo much time. Buying all the furniture, making the trees and bushes. I'm building a drinking pub, and it's damned near impossible to find proper scale booze bottles and beer cans in 1:18th scale that don't cost a fortune.
Four tiny bottles for $16.50. No joke.
I've just finished the DSA mess hall kitchen. I'm re-doing the DSA headquarters building, by adding a parking lot and a Military check point.
I'm so pissed off. I was painting some pieces for the DSA factory, and when I removed the masking tape, it tore the paint right off, so now I'm going to have to strip it down, sand it, prime it, and try repainting it all again. The same thing kinda happened with RaTix's yacht. I put down the base coats, and when I painted it with the top coat, all the paint wrinkled up and orange peeled. In that case, I just went out and bought another one. Screw it.
The street scene set is 9% done. just gotta add the door knobs, and trash. The only thing holding it up is I'm trying to find a proper scale street light like this. I may just have to try and make one.:
I have one, but it's kinda small, but scale for an old timey one. But I kinda want something more modern. I really wish I had a phone that could upload pictures directly. Now I'd have to take a picture, load it into my card, transfer the picture off the card on to my 'puter, upload it to photobucket, then paste it into the DSA site.
Do you guys know what it's like to replace the O Rings in over a hundred G.I. Joe figures. Some of these guys are over 30 years old.My hands actually hurt. heh. I have over 30 shoe boxes of action figures and set pieces, two cabinets for small vehicles, and two big containers for the large vehicles, and still have a lot left over. A LOT.