X-Box patch released. PC and PS2 to come soon



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  • captnjeter
    Honorary DSA

    X-Box patch released. PC and PS2 to come soon

    Watch exclusive Star Wars videos, including movie clips and rare behind the scenes footage, previews, and featurettes.

    For anyone, who doesn't want to click the link, X-Box live members get an expansion pack for SWBF2 which costs 5 dollars to download.

    Among the expansion packs features are:

    Kit Fisto as a Jedi Hero.
    Dooku's apprentice (a girl with 2 lightsabers) as a Jedi Hero.
    Yavin: Arena as a map
    Rhen Var: Harbor as a map.
    Rhen Var: Citadel as a map.
    Bespin: Cloud City as a map.
    New game modes for the map are being discussed.
    The new maps will have all game modes including their version of Jedi Assault.

    The PS2 and PC update is still non-existent.

    They better have this available for PS2, I don't care if I have to pay money or not.
    "You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun." - Derek Jeter
  • #2
    • Dec 2004
    • 356

    yea I read the a few weeks ago. I agree and hope for this update


    • #3
      Darth Beratter

      I would just like to tell everyone to relax and be patient. The Ps3 is just around the corner, and it will smoke the ass off the X-Crotch 360.

      Everyone at my store was in such a hurry to get one of the damn things. I kept telling everyone to be patient, and wait until at least the next re-tooling of the 360, because like when you buy a new car that's never been made before; There's gonna be problems with them. Now all the new X-Crotch 360's are on re-call, because the power supplies are over heating, either resulting in the machine over heating and shutting down, or burning up, or actually "flaming up!", and causing house fires. I KNEW something bad was going to happen with these things, as they were being rushed out, to fufill the needs of the "Christmas consumerism" zombies. And those that do have some of the "good" ones; recieved a rather rude suprise, that only a few games have backwards compatability, and ya gotta PAY, to download the emulator! HA HA!

      Hell, BF1 or BF2 wasn't even released on the Nintendo Gamebrick, nor do I believe you'll see it for their "Revolution". Have you seen the controller for this abomination? It looks like a TV remote!. Nintendo sucks hind tit now, which in my opinion is a damn shame, as they do have some strong titles; just inept CEO's, that have no clue what gamers like; or want. They basically started the whole home gaming craze; then let it get stolen out from underneath them.

      I knew that Sony was wise; by not being greedy, and trying to cash in on the "Christmas rush", and taking their time to make sure everything worked right; "out of the box.". Will it prolly hurt their sales? Uh, maybe a 'lil bit, but I'm still selling Ps2's like crazy. I'd rather Sony take their sweet time to make these things, and give us an awesome system, that won't set our houses on fire. Sony will get the last laugh out of all of this; just like they did when Nintendo decided not to buy the Ps1's from them.




      • #4
        • Oct 2005
        • 233

        i looked for the date for ps3 and im rather confused about it. some ppl say its comming out in next spring. some other ppl say its comming out next fall.

        the ppl who are saying it comming out next fall is because they believe its coming out in the spring for japan and in the us/canada in the fall.

        i hope i didn't confuse or dissapoint any1 by this news. i just would like to know what date its comming out.

        Do you guys think nintendo will end up just like SEGA?
        Rifles, shotguns, and rockets are weapons of war,
        A few good men (& women), a fantastic strategic leader, and tacts are weapons of armies,
        with both combined there shall be victory!


        • #5
          Imperial Advisor
          • Jun 2005
          • 5834

          They are going for a summer release now and thats what they are trying to stick to. Nintendo is going down now, and they were the pioneer of all of this but too bad for them. Sony has been the best and will always be the best so PS3 will kick the xbox 360 in the crotch just like the PS2 has done already to the xbox. The only thing they did to the new jack in the box was make things work more complicated, downloading in order to play other titles and actually paying for it shouldn't be neccessary for something that should make things easier. They are desperate and right now I can see Sony point and laugh at Microsoft and their repeated mistakes.

          ALL HAIL SONY AND THE PS3!!!!!
          "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
          <a href="http://psnprofiles.com/dsaBOSS"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/dsaBOSS.png" border="0"></a>


          • #6
            Darth Beratter

            I guess I'm strange, as I liked Sega. At the time; they were the only "American" company making gaming stuff, but like CEO's do; they screwed themselves. Now Sega has joined forces with Sony. I guess the old adage is true; "If ya can't beat them, join them."

            The guys at Microsoft aren't stupid; just greedy. They could've made the 360 100% completely backwards compatable, they chose not to.
            One of the reasons I'm still selling Ps2's like crazy, is that you can play Dvd's, play music cd's, and play online for free.You can do that also with the X-Box, but ya gotta pay for almost each thing. Are the graphics slightly better? Yes. Is it worth it? in my opinion; no.

            But Sony has screwed up too. The release of the hard drive for the Ps2 was a complete flop, as no one made any games that took advantage of it's usefullness. And I've always thought that "memory" cards were a stupid, useless expense. When they re-tooled thd the Ps2, I don't like the top loading now; instead of the opening door, and removing the cooling fan wasn't exactly the brightest idea. But they did add the Dvd playing software, and the modem, which you used to have to buy separately.

            Meh. I still have nice memories of playing "Link" on the Snes. And kicking major butt on "Shining Force" on the Sega. But then again, I'm an old fart that remembers playing on the Atari 2600, and Intellivision, and the "new" amazing thing was the Commodore64, and the best new 'puter was the Amiga. Heh.




            • #7
              Honorary DSA

              Good marketing by Sony if they release it over the summer. Microsoft wanted to release the new Halo 3 when PS3 was released to draw some money away. Now if PS3 is pushed back a couple of months, then the Halo fans will be pissed (always nice to see, for me) because Microsoft still wants to beat Sony. And if Microsoft releases the game in March/April as planned, they feel like they will lose to Sony. Excellent!
              "You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun." - Derek Jeter


              • #8
                Honorary DSA

                Several updates and modifications have been made for the X-Box version of the game. PS2 and PC updates are being planned.

                The X-Box patches include:

                Hopefully many of you have grabbed our update for the Xbox and downloaded the Free Content addition: Kashyyyk Assault. We also wanted to do is give you a few more specific details on this update for the Xbox. We made a bunch of changes including:
                Fixed Droideka first person issues
                Fixed weapon Animation issues when in first person
                Fixed collision issues with the Droideka
                Fixed some potential exploits
                (Jeter: Mos Eisley?)
                Improved online performance (multiple optimizations made)
                (Jeter: No crashes?)
                Improved the Multiplayer Browser screen so that people who are hosting more players then they can handle will show as having a poorer connection.
                Resolved some issues with Voice attachments
                Resolved issues with Friends lists
                (Jeter: Hey, maybe we'll actually get to go into the same rooms! A novel concept!)
                Fixed Mini-map issue where it could possibly not show all units
                Resolved issue where under some situations, heroes wouldn't appear
                (Jeter: Knightfall anyone?)
                Fixed a Galactic Conquest issue where the auto-turret card wouldn't always work
                Fixed a rare issue with guidable rockets

                Hope you are all enjoying the update. We'll be posting soon on what's on the horizon for the other platforms.

                Hopefully they patch PS2 as they do X-Box. Then, we shall rule the Battlefront World!!!
                "You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun." - Derek Jeter


                • #9
                  Honorary DSA
                  • Nov 2004
                  • 496

                  I hope when it says "better online performance" or whatever I hope they can solve ppl's problems like mine who most of the time NEVER GET LOGGED IN ON THE DAMN GAME IN THE GOD DAMN FIRST PLACE!! HOW IS SOMEONE SUPPOSED TO GET CLAN FUNCTIONS DONE WHEN THE DAMN GAME WON'T LET THEM IN!!!!



                  • #10
                    Darth Beratter

                    Heh, like the fact we all sound like Cylons; on the mic? LOL!

                    I was suprised the first time I tried to use the "Go to buddy" on the friends list, and it suprises you by sending you into a completely random room. Heh.



                    • #11
                      Imperial Advisor
                      • Jun 2005
                      • 5834

                      They should make equal changes to the PS2 as they did to the xbox right now, if not, let the threat letters and emails begin!
                      "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
                      <a href="http://psnprofiles.com/dsaBOSS"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/dsaBOSS.png" border="0"></a>


                      • #12
                        Honorary DSA

                        Reaction from Fizzo about the X-Box patch.

                        i have been playing the xbox version with the new patch and just wanted to fill everyone in that there is hope that a ps2 patch will make this game a lot more fun. the xbox version is no where near as choppy now when i play. you actually feel like you are shooting the enemy using skill instead of just shooting in their general direction and seeing if you get lucky. keep in mind it is still not as good as swbf 1 but it has made the game 10 times more enjoyable for me. hopefully, we will see a simular patch for ps2 in the near future.
                        "You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun." - Derek Jeter


                        • #13
                          • Jan 2005
                          • 43

                          we may get a patch but not all those levels
                          the xbox hard drive has room for all of that. a ps2 memory card couldnt hold all of that

                          ps- im back


                          • #14
                            Honorary DSA

                            did someone say Shining Force on Sega??? lol i loved that game so much, i actually got gong up to level 100!!!! muhahahaha badass mofo
                            hope the updates fix some of all the gay shit in the game..
                            <img src=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/CaDevilsFan/Banner.bmp>


                            • #15
                              • Jan 2005
                              • 264

                              Originally posted by GnrlHerpes
                              we may get a patch but not all those levels
                              the xbox hard drive has room for all of that. a ps2 memory card couldnt hold all of that

                              ps- im back
                              What would the PS2 Patch be then ?
                              Let The Dark Side be With You


