Don't know if you guys saw this but they have released a look at a X-Wing for Episode 7. A Teasing Look At Star Wars: Episode VII's First Ship
Star Wars Episode 7 X-Wing Tease
Star Wars Episode 7 X-Wing Tease
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Well it has been confirmed that it is a X-Wing. Many, including myself, thought it might be a Z-95. However, it has been pointed out that if you look at some of the original concept art of the X-Wing, it matches that design.
At least it can't/won't be worse than what Lucas has done to this series. Fuck, even Michael Bay would've done better with this series than what Lucas has done. And that's saying a lot about that hack, that totally ruins every franchise that has the misfortune to have him make a movie about them.
Christ, even Kermit the Frog could've made a better series of Star Wars movies than "Let's make EVERYTHING cgi", with utter shitty dialogue Lucas.
"I thought we agreed not to fall in love".
"In my POV, the Jedi are evil."
Yeah, Disney is a fucked up conglomerate, that literally milks everything they make for every dollar possible, but they still make better crap than these last three movies that no one had the balls to tell Lucas they were utter shit.
I'd advise that we all just sit back and see what happens. Yeah, the Star Trek movies Abrams made weren't exactly up to the level of prior Star Trek movies made before, but they were at least good action movies.
And that's what Star Wars should be, and what they were before these horrible "prequels" .
Just good fun action movies, with awesome characters that we can love, again.
Let's just wait and see before judging.
The only really good remade series out right now is Planet of the Apes. Period.
It really doesn't matter what they do to the Star Wars series, it will never exceed it's former glory.
When a movie can keep audiences wowed in theatres for over a year, then and only then will it be plausible to say that it is that good again. Star Wars used to stay in theatres for MONTHS! because people would watch it over and over. The theatres had no choice but to keep playing them.
But Movies are so much weaker now :/
I get free tickets to anything because my woman works at the theatre still, but I don't really ever want to go see anything these days.sigpic
"A wise man sees failure as progress a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic, and loses his soul in the process, Obsessed with nonsense with a caricature that has no content." - CanibusComment
Excited to see what storyline they are taking. Did they say if they were following any of the books (Thrawn was a badass)?
"Are you questioning my Bad-Assness? Have you seen my guns?"Comment