So I recently read this article, and I didn't think it was funny at all. But I'm not sure how I feel about the sentencing. What do you guys think?
That shit ain't funny.
That shit ain't funny.
So I recently read this article, and I didn't think it was funny at all. But I'm not sure how I feel about the sentencing. What do you guys think?sigpicTags: None -
That little bastard got what he totally deserved.
Maybe this will serve as warning to all the other idiots out there.
These men and women of law enforcement, especially the SWAT teams, are not to be trifled with.
I have absolutely no mercy for him. And Rage, you're right. It certainly wasn't funny, and I'm sure as Hell this evil little bastard isn't laughing now.
Well there a few problems with this, and all should be very alarming to everyone.
For starters, let's get this out the way and say that the kid who made the call was a fucking retarded waste of space and and oxygen thief. He definitely deserves to get in some trouble over that bullshit.
With that being said, I think this also shows the sad state of things in this country and the slow inevitable march towards a police state. Swat teams are far more over utilized than they should be. Grossly over used.
So perhaps the cops should start doing actual police work and investigations again, instead of pretending to play army. Half the ignorant fat fucks probably couldn't even get into the army to begin with so they are living out their failed dreams.
Then comes the pentagon and Homeland security with their overstock of military grade weapons and equipment, that I'm sure was pushed through and ordered to just help fund and further the military industrial complex in this country, and let small towns with unqualified, under trained, egotistical zealot retards buy up these new toys all for the sake of "fighting Terrorism".
Which comes to the last issue which is the Patriot Act and all the war on terror bullshit. The gov scares us into thinking we need to act and stop being who we are, to protect us from the terrorists trying to change us from who we are. The entire Patriot Act was every law enforcement agencies wet dream.
So now you have situations like this. Yes this kid should have gotten into some kind of trouble, but 25-life on a fucking terrorist charge?!! That's fucking overreaching. They can basically lock you up and hold you indefinitely under the slim accusation that you might be or have ties to terrorism.
They obviously found out who the kid was, so why wasn't that great detective work put to use before sending in the swat team? The fucking cops on that night probably all creamed their pants when they heard the call come in, not even stopping 1 sec to think about doing anything else but run in there all geared up and guns blazing.
Why didn't they track the cell number and verify where the call actually came from? Was the area code on the caller ID even from the same State? I mean I can think of 10 things they probably SHOULD have done before even thinking of gearing up.
Honestly the kid should have been charged with filing a false police report and that's it. Maybe as part of his probation or parole after serving a light sentence, he can't use a computer or online console for X years. A little common sense goes a long way.
And I don't blame the judge either. They have to sentence based on how the law is written. Blame the lawmakers who came up with this bullshit to strip us little by little of all our rights, and to silence you with long jail terms if you speak or act out."POWER!!! UNLIMITED POOWWWEEEER!!!!!!
"Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
?Darth Plagueis
"Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."Comment
I'm really glad this little shit got caught. The sentence is probably a little much but i can't really feel bad for such an ignorant little fuck. The number of these SWATTING attempts are growing rapidly. Hopefully this sentence will deter some of the basement dwellers who think this is a good idea.
This actually happened to someone in MY TOWN. Right on the other side of my fucking little, quiet town, cops busted down someone's door because he was whooping someone's ass in Halo. When it happens that close to your home, you start to get fearful that it may happen to you as well.
BLUNTS TOWN, N.J.—A bomb squad and a swarm of cops descended on a house rented by a 19-year-old and his fraternity brothers here last weekend, told a person inside had pipe bombs and were holding hostages. It turned out to be another example of "Swatting," in which an online griefer—typically playing on Xbox Live—calls police to an adversary's home with a false report of an emergency. The victim, Travis Graves, was playing Halo (version unspecified) when K-Towns police force rolled up and took him into custody. He was quickly released once it became apparent he was the victim of a prank, not its perpetrator. Neighboring homeowners are furious, the police chief said the prank cost his department thousands in manpower and overtime, and they've opened an investigation into who may have made the call, which came via Skype. [WNBC-TV, New York]Last edited by The_Blunt; 09-01-2014, 10:22 AM.sigpicComment
If you guys check out the link there are two videos on there that show someone getting Swatted and the second link is the actual 911 call. It's a little long but what he did is he tracked his IP address and got his address and name.
The fact that he went thru all that trouble shows malicious intent and with just that intent and the way the laws is written makes this an easy case to screw this kid's life. I agree he should be punished considering it wasn't the only time this kid does this, or at least that's what I understand from this article, and someone was actually shot and almost died..
25 to life, that's the problem in this nation they are quick to steal someone's life away, instead of rehabilitation. The fact that someone was hurt just makes it hard to not want to just lock him up.
Listen to the call, as a parent I would whoop his ass and sell all his tech and put his ass back to the stone age.sigpicComment
After doing some research, I have determined that this article is FAKE. The National Report is a satirical news site. Multiple people are saying this kid was actually charged with murdering a 23 month old child. I cannot confirm this as none of these articles speak about where the picture actually came from.
Swatting, the obnoxious prank in which a gamer calls the cops on another gamer in order to get a SWAT team sent to their house,…
The National Report has released another highly disturbing story out of Louisiana where Paul Horner, 15, allegedly was given 25 years to life for “swatting” — calling in a face po…
Still, SWATTING is very real and very dangerous and really needs to be stopped.sigpicComment
Thanks for the fact checking, I mostly put this up for a conversation piece, Swatting is pretty serious thing. I'll have to do some fact checking myself to see what's up with this. This was a post from a friend, i just thought it was good to share and see what folks would say.sigpicComment
It is becoming increasingly harder these days to tell which news sites are real and which are fake. The article I posted about my town is very real though. Happened just last year in July. Swatting is definitely a huge problem. I feel like I'm seeing a new story about it every week.sigpicComment
It just seems so dumb that people are doing this "Swatting" thing... I mean, seriously if I lost that bad, I would just get angry and get over it. Not "Hey I'm gonna call the cops on this guy!"Comment
Yeah I just don't get it. No game is worth really injuring someone over. Especially with this overpowered armed Police Force....It's time to chill out and perfect the craft, work on your game if it means that much to you.
Put down the guns, Pick up the sticks.sigpicComment