Happy Birthday Battlefront



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  • Kamui
    Imperial Advisor

    Happy Birthday Battlefront

    Happy Ten Years Battlefront 1
    A little surprised that not many have said much about Battlefront's birthday today, I guess I will kick it off by saying a few things.
    It was because of Star Wars Battlefront that I delved deeper into online games like I have. The thrill of competing against other players online was pretty exciting(especially when there were respectable teammates that didn't trash talk or bitch at you). I originally Rented Star Wars Battlefront from Blockbuster around my area, But as I was going to return it, Blockbuster closed it down. Since I hadn't tried online just yet I decided to invest in a network adapter to jump into this.
    Around that time it hadn't been too long since I had gotten cable internet with Optimum Online, So I finally wanted to bring the PS2 online since I wasn't really able to during my high school years.

    In the beginning the battles were an auto aim noob fest, But Lucas Arts patched the game disabling auto aim in public forcing people to play much better. I bet people from clans like Rabid, 420, TPB, VG,ARSE, and I remember even meeting my now clanmates of the DSA. Each clan had such amazing players. The LA forums were originally trolled hard. People were making sock accounts just to make troll posts and be annoying. I think at one point I wished I were a mod there just to clean up around there.
    I remember joining the Darksidealliance server a few times, But felt annoyed when public players were unwilling to even the sides so I joined a autobalance server. The thought of joining a clan never crossed my mind. I enjoyed the lonewolf life style, But at the same time I desired friends that respected my lifestyle, and wouldn't get offended by it. So I had joined ARSE which at that time had a US division that I is now defunct.

    I really wasn't able to compete when ARSE had a match with DSA at the time since I was going through my own personal dilemmas in life so I had to skip out on it, But it was funny how the way of the DSA always stood in the back of my head(Even before joining).

    Regarding the battles though in SWBF, Things really picked up during the summer as the Mega servers were pretty fun, such in tense fights at Bespin Platforms, Hoth, Rhen Var Citadel, Yavin Arena.

    I can still think way back about how I stood up until 7am playing SWBF, That is how much of an impact the game had on me.

    One last thing lol, I had a mic, But never bothered using it until I joined the clan in 2006. Even though I didn't say a whole lot, I still said something
    Last edited by Kamui; 09-21-2014, 07:57 PM.
    <a href="http://s11.photobucket.com/user/dsaBOSS/media/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a178/dsaBOSS/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href="http://psnprofiles.com/XxkamuixX1"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/XxkamuixX1.png" border="0"></a>
  • #2
    Darth Beratter

    From Free Radical:

    *Sighs*. "What we almost had." It would've been EPIC !. The game that should've been, and destroyed Free Radical.

    These guys discuss some very interesting ideas. Yes, it's a long video, but the discussion really is interesting, and very thought provoking. Especially the idea of resource sharing between friends.

    Dice does make good games, and I like Battlefield 3 an awful lot, despite it's flaws. Battlefield 4 ? ehh, not so much right now. I wish I hadn't of bought it, so close to the next gen consoles coming out. For me, it's a dead game, like Starhawk. The Battlefield games are fun, but for me, they lack the intensity of the SW battlefront games. I really liked the mix of real online players, and the mix of AI. Those weren't games, they were literally battles.
    They were both just awesome games, even if SWBF 2 was kinda broken and rushed.

    But the DSA reigned supreme on both of them. I personally didn't really care much for the Jedi maps/mode, but some of our members were ultimate bad asses on it, and that recruited a lot of new players to our Clan. I didn't like that mode very much, and would challenge myself to play Boba Fett and kill other players, just to piss them off. :p

    I remember one Jedi match where one player here would keep picking Chewbacca, and kept nailing RaTix with the remote wookiee missiles, until he unleashed his full fury, and killed everyone on his own team, and then everyone on the enemy team, and won the match all by himself. Now that my friends, is skillz.

    Ah, the LA forums, how I remember them well. I was bitching about the rampant teamkilling and lack of teamwork, which Zabka replied to me that I should check out the DSA, since I was so tired of all the bullshit players, and was looking for an Imperial military based group that believed in teamwork, which was virtually unknown at that time. And I got DSA Thomas as a mentor, and just how brutally efficient he was at that time.

    Kamui, I so remember all of us pushing you to join up here. Myself, and DSA Rickshaw, fussing at you to get off the damn fence, and finally join us. Kamui, remember Xisor, and his constant yelling at his squad ?. God, I can still hear him on the mic to this very day. :D

    The DSA Clan tag inspired outright fear back in those days. Players would leave the game, rather than face our Clan's wrath. Our server raids were the tales of legend. And I'm beyond so proud that our PS3 Dust team did that once again, on that game. Now when I jump on Dust, other players add me to their team, because of the DSA rep they've built up, thanks to JDez, Mishy, Red, and Mack, and the others I've failed to mention. And now they're adding their DSA talents to Destiny on the PS4, and building our rep there, on that fan base.

    But I will always remember our combined glory days on SWBF. And now hopefully Dice will do honor to the legacy of SWBF, and I can once again raise my blaster proudly by your sides, to defend our Clans' honor, and fight for our name.

    Years have come and gone. Games have come and gone. Consoles have come, and gone. But what we all stand for, over all this time, has been proven time and time again.

    The friendship, brotherhood/sisterhood, and good sportsmanship of the DSA, is indeed eternal.

    I may be an old shit, but this old shit is so very proud of you all, and prouder still, to call you my family. This old Stormtrooper salutes you all, whichever consoles you have now. Our core values still remain the same no matter what. Our combined kinship is true.

    In service to the DSA,

    Imperial Sentinel Deslock.

    High Council member, and advisor to his most Imperial majesty, RaTix.
    Last edited by Deslock; 09-22-2014, 12:26 AM.



    • #3
      Imperial Advisor
      • Jun 2005
      • 5834

      Good times...and I can't wait to finally play another SWBF whenever DICE announces a release date. BF4 is like SWBF2, broken and rushed as Des said but we still play it lol. The 64 player aspect of the next-gen versions make Conquest feel like the huge battles we had in SWBF though. They better keep those numbers for SWBF or bring back the AI like the way KZ or Destiny utilizes them.
      "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
      <a href="http://psnprofiles.com/dsaBOSS"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/dsaBOSS.png" border="0"></a>


      • #4
        Imperial Advisor
        • Feb 2005
        • 1949
        • DSA Comp

        I miss Battlefront! I still have my PS2 and the original games at work. I fire it up sometimes but I seem to have lost my chops for playing it.

        Looking forward to the new one next year!
        Destroy Everything



        • #5
          Darth Beratter

          Originally posted by BOSS
          Good times...and I can't wait to finally play another SWBF whenever DICE announces a release date. BF4 is like SWBF2, broken and rushed as Des said but we still play it lol. The 64 player aspect of the next-gen versions make Conquest feel like the huge battles we had in SWBF though. They better keep those numbers for SWBF or bring back the AI like the way KZ or Destiny utilizes them.
          The only thing that makes me feel somewhat melancholy about this issue, is now our Clan is divided, being on both the X-Box one, and PS4. Gone are the days of our glorious teams, all on the same console. But I know that was in the past.

          But on the other hand, it will give us all the ability to build two ultimate bad ass teams, for both consoles, and spread the reputation of the DSA across the entire console spectrum, on SWBF.

          If this was a "perfect" world, I'd love for all of us to have both systems for SWBF, so we could all have one night for PS4, and another for the X-Box one. Wouldn't that be amazing ? :D My gosh, think of the grand battles we could have once again ! But I know I'm a dreamer, and that's just what us "old guys" do. But damn it, it would be glorious to see us smash our enemies once again, truly side by side.

          Hey, a man can dream, can't he ?. There's no harm in having a happy thought. :D

          But I will always be proud of SWBF. That original silly game brought me here. And by being here, I had the honor of getting to know most of you all. I wear my DSA T-shirt with pride to this very day. And my DSA dog tag sits proudly along side my real life dog tags from the Army.

          The DSA is kind to our own, and outright brutal to those that dare to stand against us. That is our strength. To those "site guests" that are reading this, if you're a serious gamer, you need to sign up here, and become a active part of this great Clan. Our Clan brothers and sisters, and our Clanleader, are amazing. And if you don't join up, I truly feel bad for you, because you're missing out on a opportunity to build up some great friendships, and meaningful real life relationships, with fellow gamers over time.

          Being DSA takes the fun of gaming, and makes it astounding, and utterly remarkable. And after all, isn't that why you're a gamer ?.

          I've been a gamer, longer than many here reading this has even been alive, And I can tell you beyond a doubt, you will NEVER find a better group of men and women, than we have here in the DSA.

          "All-Star" Clan jumpers be damned. We fight for our friends. We fight for our own.
          And nobody could ever ask for more.
          Last edited by Deslock; 09-26-2014, 10:31 PM.



