Tattoos experiences



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  • Light496

    Tattoos experiences

    Hey guys and ladies, so as you can see from the title I wanted to ask you fellas that have tatts how it was when you got your first tattoo. I'm getting one this saturday and I just wanted to hear your stories, and see if you could give me any tips as to how to take care of it and such things. I've done my own research but I figured why not ask my friends here in the DSA :D. thanks
  • #2

    So I've got one on my hip (it's such a painful place to get it, to be honest!) and it was a pain to take care of it since it was right where most pants/shorts waistbands sit, but I managed! This is all of the stuff that I used to take care of my tattoo.

    I would recommend getting some of that Vitamin A & D Ointment (Doesn't have to be A&D brand, just use something like this would work) and you MUST apply it ALL DAY EVERY DAY (when I say that, I mean: If it feels dry and itchy, put a thin layer on, don't smother and waterlog your tat!) after your artist tells you that it's okay to take the cover off of your tattoo until it starts scarring and peeling.

    After the peeling of the tattoo scar begins, I would recommend switching to this Lubriderm scent free lotion and apply it like you would with the A&D ointment. This might not come in a small bottle, but boy, this stuff works well!

    And after it all finishes peeling, I still put some lotion on it for like a week or so just to make sure that the skin is moisturized. Don't expose it to pool water (at all) for a good 3-4 weeks and try not to put it out in the sunlight too much for the first 3 weeks as well. That was my experience with mine. Even though I did all that, I still had to go back after 1 year to get it touched up, since the color faded fast on mine. Actually, might have to go get it touched up again soon.


    • #3

      It looks cool mish. I got mine done in the chest (I'd put a pic if I knew how lol) I think it looks cool though.

      I got some aquaphor which is almost the same as a&d ointment for it and I'm washing it with dial antibacterial soap. I just hope nothing goes wrong =(

      These are going to be a hard 3 weeks because I like doing physical activities like kick boxing and basketball but now I can't now ����


      • #4

        Originally posted by Light496
        It looks cool mish. I got mine done in the chest (I'd put a pic if I knew how lol) I think it looks cool though.

        I got some aquaphor which is almost the same as a&d ointment for it and I'm washing it with dial antibacterial soap. I just hope nothing goes wrong =(

        These are going to be a hard 3 weeks because I like doing physical activities like kick boxing and basketball but now I can't now ����
        Make sure that soap is unscented! I know that the scented stuff have chemicals in it that will mess with your skin as it's trying to heal from the tattoo.
        I know what you mean about exercising though. Let me just say that moving around with that tattoo healing on my hip was not fun, especially when I'm living in the same house at that time as my mom and I was hiding it from her lol. In fact, she didn't learn that it was a permanent tattoo until the third time she saw it (she thought that it was a temporary until the 2nd month).
        Also, a way to post a picture is to just use the app TapaTalk and use your phone to take the picture.


        • #5

          Yea The soap isn't sented if i'm not wrong. haha my mom knows I got it but she's not a big fan of it, but I got it with my own money so she didn't care much. I really like how it ended up looking.

          I found a different way to insert the image so here it is



          • #6

            Originally posted by Light496
            Yea The soap isn't sented if i'm not wrong. haha my mom knows I got it but she's not a big fan of it, but I got it with my own money so she didn't care much. I really like how it ended up looking.

            I found a different way to insert the image so here it is

            It's not showing up for me on Tapatalk


            • #7
              Darth Beratter

              I got my first tat when I graduated from basic.

              That was a real mistake. We were training so much, I didn't have the chance to keep it wet, and it scabbed over, and I lost all my red pigment. I got one more when I finished my OSUT (One Station Unit Training), and my last one when I finished Ranger school, my Life and Death tat. The white ink has completely faded out on that one, but then again, that was thirty years ago.

              When my son is born, I'm going to get a German Iron Cross with a wreath around it done, with my original family name (Schlie, as my name was legally changed after I was born).

              My Grandfather, the last male born with his name, tried five times to have a boy to carry on the name, as he was the last Von Schlie, so his namesake wouldn't die out.

              Alas, he had five daughters. But I was born out of wedlock, So, my name was his, and not of my father.

              I asked him on his death bed, if I should change it back. He said at this point in his life, he didn't care anymore, he was just happy to have a loving family, and to have had a good life. But it always bothered me, being the last Von Schlie, And since up to this point, this beyond noble name would die out with me, as I've had no children, as of yet.

              When my son is born happy and healthy, the beyond proud Iron Cross of my Crusader ancestor will be put upon me, and with his name added.

              If I could tell you any advice; it would be this:

              Tattoos are permanent (mostly now), make them meaningful, and important to your life. Make them be a statement of whom YOU are. Now, and the future you, that you will become. And as Mishy said, for God's sake, keep them wet, and let them heal over properly.

              Then that way, every time you look at them, you can be proud of the milestones you've acheived in your life, when you look upon them. Let them tell others about what you've made happen.

              But then again, that's just me talking. Other people get tats of flying dicks, or butt holes on their belly buttons. When it all boils down to it, the choice is yours. :)

              Just keep it wet until it heals, and be proud of it. It's your money, tats are expensive, so use your money wisely.



              • #8

                Originally posted by KuroiStar
                It's not showing up for me on Tapatalk
                It looks fine from my laptop idk what to do


                • #9

                  Thanks for the advice des, and good luck with your new tattoo that you plan on getting with the arrival of your baby


                  • #10

                    did it work now??


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by Light496
                      did it work now??
                      Nope, not showing up on my computer either...


                      • #12

                        Fuuuuuu.... Ok I think I know what's wrong, I got one more trick up my sleeves


                        • #13

                          ok ok it should work now


                          • #14

                            Very nice! Now.. if you just listened to me the first time about uploading pictures [emoji14] Haha, anyways, take good care of that Tattoo and you'll have something awesome to look at for the rest of your life :) any more questions you can always ask us.


                            • #15

                              yea one more question. On friday (that would be a week from what I got the tattoo I have kickboxing and I would like to go to the class, but would getting all sweaty be bad?? like some people tell me i should be fine as long as i clean it and put ointment on it before and after, and dab away the sweat. should i still go???


