Episode 7 Discussion May Contain Spoilers



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  • fromunda
    Honorary DSA

    Episode 7 Discussion May Contain Spoilers

    My bad if there is already a thread for the movie but I didn't see it.

    Anyways, who went to see it tonight? I did and it was amazing, however good you thought it would be you were wrong. It's better. The theater had a Darth Vader, Chewy and a couple Stormtroopers walking around. Before the movie started, the theater went dark and Darth Vader walks out and someone had a flashlight on him putting his shadow up on the screen. He starts the deep breathing and then says "Celebration Cinema is more forgiving than I am, silence your cell phones or I shall silence you".

    So what were you guys' thoughts after seeing it, I know I plan on going again at least once because IMAX 3D was sold out and I MUST see this in 3D.

  • #2

    My short review is this. A mix of old and a mix of new perfectly blended into a non stop action film that left me in amazement. It left many questions about the backstory of Rey(is ken somehow related to Rey). I had this feeling he somehow knew she would have the force. Was Rey placed in hiding after Luke failed with ken? I am curious about the supreme leader. Is this the same person mentioned by palpatine to anakin. It was intersting to mention the dark side takes many forms, first sixth, then empire and now first order.The powers of the dark side have gotten insane. Controlling people's bodies! The scene where solo dies was perfect in every aspect, specially with the lighting of the sun. That's my few comments for now.
    We are all gonna have to live in da woods some day, cause the government is gonna take our guns away.


    • #3
      Honorary DSA
      • Dec 2007
      • 2433

      Spot on Muncher...agree with you. I think Rey is Lukes kid and was placed in hiding on purpose when Ren started to show bad signs...that old guy in the beginning who gave Lukes whereabouts was probably watching over her.
      Love Abrams take on the application of the force and the lightsaber duels.

      A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. ― Alexis de Tocqueville


      • #4
        Imperial Advisor
        • Jun 2005
        • 5834

        I enjoyed it.

        The actors did a good job portraying their characters and the plot was more of what we already saw in the other films (trying to redeem a villain, blow up a death star, etc) but that's not a bad thing for the sake of nostalgia. I liked Kylo Ren as the villain and I'm glad he wasn't killed off after one film like Maul was. Han's death was shocking though. Everyone in the theater was dead silent after that. As for Rey, I think she could be Luke's kid but one of my friends brought up he did go into exile for awhile and we know it's against Jedi code to start a family...so maybe not? We'll see, I want Luke to give Rey the "I am your father" speech if he is lol.
        "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
        <a href="http://psnprofiles.com/dsaBOSS"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/dsaBOSS.png" border="0"></a>


        • #5
          Imperial Advisor

          Rey is definitely Luke's Daughter. Kylo Ren and Rey will fight again in the future, They are likely going to work on completing their respective training. Finn will become a better leader/Soldier in the future as well.

          The darth that Palpatine mentioned was Darth Plageous, And he killed him in his sleep.

          Sad to see Han die, It was a risky move, But think of it as passing of the torch. Rey is full of potential, and it was great to see the banter between Solo and Rey.

          I will write more later.
          <a href="http://s11.photobucket.com/user/dsaBOSS/media/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a178/dsaBOSS/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href="http://psnprofiles.com/XxkamuixX1"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/XxkamuixX1.png" border="0"></a>


          • #6
            Honorary DSA
            • Dec 2007
            • 2433

            When Rey out forced Ren to grab Lukes lightsaber and then the Jedi themed song started to play, that was complete badass!!! What a well done scene!!!

            A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. ― Alexis de Tocqueville


            • #7
              Imperial Advisor
              • Feb 2005
              • 1949
              • DSA Comp

              That was Luke's/Anakin's original blue light saber that Luke lost in part V that was returned to Rey, and not the green one Luke made between V and VI. I wonder what the back-story is there. Last we saw it was falling in the Bespin air shaft when his hand was cut off.

              I appreciated that the vehicle combat was so "nuts and bolts" with focus on small details, rather than trying to overwhelm the senses with a feeling of overdone CGI like in parts 1-3. It felt more real. Keeping the Falcons original 1970s turret targeting software was a nice touch.

              I like how the light sabers are drawn with a sort of dynamic, chaotic field distortion, which also makes them feel more real than the pure glowing blades of past films.

              I call racism on Finn though. He is portrayed as an escaped slave, lacking the ethical vision to realize he should join the fight against his former master rather then just run away. They also have him get worked up a couple times like the stereotype of the loud obnoxious black dude who lacks manners and needs to be told to behave by his white friends. Its good to make him a hero, but its sort of a left-handed compliment the way it was done.
              Destroy Everything



              • #8

                I still want Finn to turn into a Jedi even thought they made him look like a bitch at times


                • #9

                  This WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS!

                  I probably need to watch it again, but I have mixed feelings on it. I enjoyed the experience, I enjoyed watching it, but once I left the theatre, mixed feelings set in.

                  First off, its exactly the same movie as episode IV. Jakku might as well have been Tatooine. Good to see 20 years later they are still using the same old moisture vaporators as well. The whole thing seemed to be a homage to the old, with little risk, and little in the way of a new story. Just recycled so he wouldnt stray too far and piss off the older fans.

                  I'm sure the movie was a millenial librals wet dream by throwing in a woman and black lead. Probably because JJ only has daughters. Not saying they shouldnt be, but it seems like it was a forced pc decision rather than for the sake of a better story.

                  Finn, who was raised from young, lived, breathed and fought with his brethren, turned on them faster than Anakin turned to the dark side. After seeing one of his brethren die, he had no trouble quickly getting over it, turning traitor and killing his brothers.
                  Where the fuck did he learn to swordfight with a saber!? If all the first order troopers are trained in it, why don't they all carry them. He got his ass handed to him by a stormtrooper with an oversized cattle prod, but somehow got good enough to go toe to toe with the wannabe jew vader.
                  Speaking of Kylo Ren, omg the movie would have been 100x better if he never took his mask off. I didn't think it was possible, but he seemed just as, if not more whiny, then Anakin was.
                  I saw no good villians in this at all. None that I wanted to root for. My only prayer was that Kylo would have died in this one so they could try again. But looks like we got at least one more movie with this tucan nosed Anakin wannabe.

                  Why the fuck didn't someone call maintenance and the IT team to download everything in R2D2. Oh he's in low power mode, we think he knows something, but we don't know. Are you fucking kidding me.
                  Why the fuck did they have the map segment anyway? Where did it come from, and why would there be a map to begin with?!

                  So many holes and unanswered questions. They could have started the story back a little more, like when luke was actually training up the new Jedi order. But its fucking JJ, and he wants everything to be like Lost, where all the movies will answer some things from the next, but yet leave more holes to try and fill later. I dont want lost, I want a fucking epic story arch between good and evil where the lines can get blurred, I want something that is new and not some safe recycled bullshit.

                  And no, they should not have killed off Solo, I dont care how old he is, and how much they want to "pass the torch". I'm glad Solo had a more central role and not just a cameo though. Shouldn't have died though. Not by that pussy fake ass vader. Leia is a pos for getting him killed. And why did Luke always ignore his training to save his friends before, but now, ahh fuck solo. You know he must have already known and foreseen it.

                  Mark we want you reprise the role of Luke Skywalker, dont worry, you have no lines.

                  And for the love of god, how many times are they going to build a deathstar type weapon with a glarring design flaw.
                  A weapon of that size must have a flucuater...oh yeah here it is, out in the open and lightly guarded.

                  These are my issues with it so far, but again. I do think it was good, and I did enjoy it. But maybe thats just because it is a new star wars movie. I think I need to find a copy to watch again, maybe my take on it will change, but as of now, lot of issues and not understanding why so many are blindly in love with it. It was good, but I wouldnt say it was great, or as great as some are making it out to be. I'm gonna chalk it up to the opening weekend excitement and maybe seeing ppl in costume and shit like fromunda talked about.
                  "POWER!!! UNLIMITED POOWWWEEEER!!!!!!

                  "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
                  ?Darth Plagueis

                  "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


                  • #10

                    I liked the fact that there were some unanswered questions, it gives you something to look forward to in the next movies. Idk I like the feeling of "eureka" when things come together in the end.


                    • #11
                      Honorary DSA

                      I thought it was great and definitely better than the prequels. Did I want Solo to die? No but I felt it was an honorable enough death that I can eventually live with it. I can think of much worse ways for him to die. Would more back story and information be nice? Of course but I don't want all the answers in the first movie of the trilogy. Give me something to think about and look forward to. I think that is what makes a movie in a series good is leaving questions and keeping your interest alive. I'm also ok with them playing it safe. Better than making too huge of a leap.

                      The original movie left questions unanswered and I'm sure there were people then saying the same thing we are now about wanting answers. Also as great as the originals were, they had their flaws too. However, they blended together to make a great trilogy. I think it's really hard to judge the movie completely now with not having the rest of the trilogy in front of us. Maybe because the prequels were such a mess, we have become over-analytical of movies

                      Also I think Rey is Luke's daughter. It would make sense why his lightsaber "called out to her".
                      Last edited by Andy; 12-21-2015, 08:20 PM.


