johnny fair play



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  • Inlimbo
    Honorary DSA
    • Oct 2004
    • 377
    • InLimbo

    johnny fair play

    ive noticed that there are alot of lopsided games taking place. we need to even up both sides to keep it fair and at the very least fun. i understand that clan members want to play together, but we need to strike a happy medium.
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  • #2

    This brings up a very good point. I notice most like going Imperial. And YES we are an imperial clan, But I have always said that this is only by theme. I will not force ppl to play as imperials, nor do i want ppl to only play imperial.
    There will come a time when we will be playing Vs another imperial clan in a war. So all factions should be mastered to a degree, just in case we have to play as rebels or whatever for a map or 2.
    Last night me and Andy switched to rebels to help balance out the game. Must admit, Kept almost shooting my own guys. Just so used to playign as imperials myself.
    Just know who's using a headset and decide who is willing to switch, on the next map. If there are a few not using a headset, assume they will stay that faction. Make the sacrifice and switch sides.

    Remember your DSA. You should kick ass no matter what

    "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
    ?Darth Plagueis

    "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


    • #3
      • Oct 2004
      • 756
      • Pants9000

      after switching factions a few times lately, to even things out, i found it is very important to play different units and factions. as ratix said, not only do you shoot you own faction (thinking its the enemy), but you might find you're not very skilled using a pilot's blaster cannon (sounds cool but good luck) although he's a VERY usefull unit.
      i encourage all to switch it up on occation. to quote Ratix :
      Remember your DSA. You should kick ass no matter what


      • #4
        Honorary DSA
        • Nov 2004
        • 496


        I agree exactly with everybody on this Topic. U can't get used to just Imperials because you'll get schooled if ur stuck as rebels or worse, a CW faction. When practicing but on and offline you should familiarize yourself with every unit's weapons and how to use them properly to deal a lot of wrath to people brave enough to cross our paths. And also, having (DsA) people move over to non-clan people makes it more interesting for now it's (DsA) vs. (DsA). It makes u tough and smarter to face your own in battle and helps u prepare for the real enemy, other clans. I'd just like to add this plus praise to the topic.


