HAPPY 4/20 to all



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  • #16
    • Mar 2006
    • 16

    Uggg..... Do you ppl even know what just one ciggarette can do to your lungs? It burns the tiny hairs in your lungs that keep mucus from reaching them and turns your lungs black. Now your coughing to keep the mucus up so it all doesnt go to your lungs. Its called 7th grade science ppl!


    • #17
      Imperial Advisor
      • Feb 2005
      • 1949
      • DSA Comp

      I smoked cigarettes for 15 years and quit a 4 years ago. It was the best thing that I ever did to quit. And it was the worst thing that I ever did to start...I probably cut 10 years off my life in my cigarrette years. I agree wholeheartedly that cigarettes are very bad. Don't ever smoke if you aren't already an addict. And if you are an addict, then please quit because we want you here with us longer.

      But I stand behind cannabis 100%...its illegal for economic reasons related to the fact that it is so useful, as a medicine, for fiber, paper, biofuel, food, clothing, etc. It doesn't have to be smoked. It can be eaten and vaporized, which are completely healthy methods of use. The seeds are high in protein. In some areas of the world it is grown in lieu of other crops like corn and wheat. I certainly hope that I open some minds in opposition to the propaganda and lies that have been perpetuated about it in the US. Cannabis is the dividing cultural factor between many different classes and regional lifestyles and is thus a very hot topic. It really should be legalized because its good stuff!

      Destroy Everything



      • #18
        Honorary DSA

        I agree completly w/ Comp. I've been trying to quit smoking ciggarets, I quit once for like 6 months but its a realy hard thing to quit. As for bud I see nothing wrong w/ it. How many drunk driveing accidents are there a year, I dont know but alchahol causes a lot more accidents then someone smokeing. I had a few drinks on my birthday but before that I dont remember the last time I drank. I lost a friend a few years ago to drunk driveing and I know if he had been smoking instead he would more than likely still be here. Since I dont realy drink, if I could get rid of the ciggarets and keep the bud I would be perfectly happy.


        • #19
          Honorary DSA

          Originally posted by CRABcrap
          sorry :oops: ,
          the only frugs ive ever taken were perscription drugs or medicine :oops: :oops:
          I've always hated medicine or drugs of any kind. Due to my heart condition I need to take two pills in the morning and a pill at night. It's the biggest nuicence in the world but I do it to survive. But I've been taking them since I can remember so that's probably how I took a hatred to drugs. Don't even get me started on Lasic, which I took until 3 years ago. Worse than getting high or any other side effects, that makes you go to the bathroom for a good hour or two after taking it.

          Originally posted by CRABcrap
          i hate my parents their too strict :(
          You'll thank them later though.
          "You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun." - Derek Jeter


          • #20
            • May 2005
            • 92

            I work with drugs, and believe me, its a HUGE business. People take entirely too many. They dont need to be on the half of them, but try to tell them that. People have the need for narcotic painkillers soo much that we cant order them fast enough. Its ridiculious.

            Fetch me another plaything, this one seems to have broken.


            • #21

              Personaly I dont like pharmacuticals. Too many ppl in this country take something b/c they are depressed, or have mood swings. Or just to get a buzz form painkillers and tranqs. If I'm depressed or upset, sad, angry, pissed, happy, or whatever, There is a reason for it. Sometimes its not clear but I would rather know and figure it out myself then just taking something to make it go away. But thats just me and my prefference. Some ppl DO need to take stuff. But the medical community and drug companies are making soo much off the profits, they dont care if you really need em or not.

              Cannabis on the other hand is a diff story. I see nothing wrong with it. besides from the tar if smoked, its not dangerous. If you really look up the history of it and the world you will be amazed. you will also see how money and corperations mixed with politics rule this country and not the ppl.

              Cannabis was the worlds most important fiber before the industrial age. Any nation that had a fleet or army and wanted to survive or win a war needed a huge hemp supply. Its one of the worlds toughest and strongest fiber with many purposes, one mainly being rope for ships pre industrial.

              After the industrial age hemp "growing" was declared illegal in this country. For one simpel reason. NYLON! Yes nylon. When the dupont company developed nylon they pushed to make sure hemp was illegal so they would have no compitition to compete against their marvelous new invention. Corperate dollars linign the politicians pockets as alway, made it possible.

              Then came the War on Drugs. Started by the nixon administration to sway the public eye from his other dirty dealings. (same way bush pushed the gay marriage issue to keep everyones attention off his dirty lil war).
              So now the american ppl pay more and more in taxes for a war on drugs that just doesnt work. There used to be a similar law way back that proved to not work WHAT so ever. It was called prohibition
              The government will never legalize cannabis at this point, b/c they make too much on fines and grants for the war on drugs.

              So yeah.. I smoke weed and damn proud of it. I see no difference between coming home and having a beer and coming home and smoking a bowl to unwind. It is my choice. Others Choose not too. But thats whats really important that ppl lose sight of. This country wasnt based on making others do what YOU feel is right, But that we all have the opportunity to make our OWN CHOICES. Thats Freedom.
              "POWER!!! UNLIMITED POOWWWEEEER!!!!!!

              "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
              ?Darth Plagueis

              "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


              • #22
                Honorary DSA
                • Dec 2005
                • 1622

                when i am depressed or any kind of bad mood i just play a video game like Grand Theft Auto and kill people. It may not sound very nice but to me it takes out my anger and frustrations and other things.
                <a href="http://bf3stats.com/stats_ps3/shocker_101"><img src="http://g.bf3stats.com/ps3/97I76xWl/shocker_101.png" alt="BF3 Stats" /></a>


                • #23
                  Imperial Advisor
                  • Feb 2005
                  • 1949
                  • DSA Comp

                  Originally posted by RaTix
                  After the industrial age hemp "growing" was declared illegal in this country. For one simpel reason. NYLON! Yes nylon. When the dupont company developed nylon they pushed to make sure hemp was illegal so they would have no compitition to compete against their marvelous new invention. Corperate dollars linign the politicians pockets as alway, made it possible.
                  Also I should mention that the Newspaper conglomerates like those of William Randolph Hearst contributed to the criminalization of hemp. Hearst owned timberlands that produced wood for paper, which he sold to his own newspapers, thereby controlling multiple levels of production, and big profits. Hemp was a threat to his lumber business, so he helped with the criminalization effort started by the Dupont (the nylon issue Ratix mentioned). He did this by having his newspapers print articles about the "Demon Weed" the "killer of youth" that was consuming the american youth. His newspapers even first coined the term "marihuana" to link hemp to mexico in a derogatory fashion, all a part of the effort to criminalize it. Hearst was a maniac who was personified in the famous classic film, Citizen Kane. He built a giant castle in central California "Hearst Castle" that is a monument to his own madness.

                  Destroy Everything



                  • #24
                    • Jan 2005
                    • 317

                    A History Lesson For You All

                    Let me just add in a little history lession for you all about the 20th of April.

                    There are 2 grim events that happend on 4/20, one was a terrible tragedey, and another was the birthday of a mad man who caused many terrible things to happen over 60 years ago.

                    Incase any of you have forgotten, it was 7 years ago that the Columbine massacre took place. As many of you know, many students and teachers and school staff were killed in this attack.

                    Incidently, police busted up a group of kids who were planning an assualt on their school on the anniversary of the Columbine massacre. This happened in Riverton, Kansas FYI.

                    On April 20th, 1889 a great evil was brought into this world who would be known by all mankind, loved by all those loyal to him, and hated by of his enemies world wide. He envisioned a perfect human race that he believed would be invincible. Everyone else, was usless to him. Many followed him blindly as he lead his country and it's allies into the Second Great War, also known as World War II.

                    Yes my friends, on the 20th of April in 1889, Adolf Hitler was born.
                    IN THIS BATTLE,
                    THERE IS ONLY VICTORY OR DEFEAT,
                    FOR I SHALL NEVER EVER SURRENDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    • #25
                      Imperial Guard
                      • Nov 2004
                      • 4956
                      • DSA Zabka

                      Red's point is a good one about the fact that there are younger members in the clan who perhaps shouldn't be encouraged by potentially influential adults. That being said, the hope is that if the are in the clan, they have a maturity and an understanding that individuals make their own decisions for right or wrong.

                      There is a lot of truth to what Comp and Ratix posted. By that same token, a lot of assertions made come from propaganda that isn't necessarily more factually correct then the smear campaigns against marijuana over the years. There is some truth to it. There is some falsehood to it. Like all historical accounts and all written material, objectivity is near impossible.

                      Fromunda--sorry to hear about your loss. Like I said in Majin's thread, I have lost friends both to drunk drivers and their own drunk driving. Really sad and unnecessary. That being said, driving while high is still a problem. While motor function is not as impaired, judgment and reaction time can be impaired which can still cause accidents and fatalities. Driving while sleep deprived or on the cell phone is high risk as well, so I wouldn't completely minimize the impact of weed on driving.

                      Finally--weed today is a lot different than the weed that is referred to in history. Much of it is much more potent than it used to be and seems to be alot less mellow than it used to be. Genetic strains, chemical additives, etc. have all contributed to making the stuff not the same as what hippies were smoking in the 70s. Not as natural---and potentially less safe. Not all of it, but a lot of the stuff out there is just not natural.

                      Finally--from a physical standpoint, the impact is certainly debatable about the deleterious effects. But one shouldn't forget the psychological impact. Beyond the afterschool special message of being a gateway drug (which it was for plenty of friends of mine), it is also something that I have seen way too many of my friends just burnout on. Motivation gets lost, memory is impaired, and they are just a bit slower than they used to be. It may not give a hangover like drinking does, but for many it has a different type of hangover--that dull feeling where you just aren't thinking all that great.

                      That all being said, I ultimately agree with Ratix--at the end of the day, it is probably no worse than drinking. But drinking isn't really a great thing for our society either between alcoholism, drunk driving, etc. But it is socially acceptable and widely utilized. For that reason, I don't think ill of pot usage too much other than for reasons listed above. But the reasons above are plenty of reasons for kids not to do drugs...especially the burnout part.

                      On pharmaceuticals--I think people believe the media too much. Pharma companies do a lot of bad things---but so do food companies, beverage companies, internet companies etc. and nobody complains about how they make their money. Part of the nature of capitalism is that it doesn't always price in the negative externalities that are created into price, thereby creating inefficiencies in pricing. That being said, pharmaceutical companies do a tremendous amount to help people's lives. People can live longer and healthier as a result across a number of disease states. Unfortunately we have a society that refuses to own up to any accountability and disregards its own health wantonly, hoping for a pill to fix their problem. So the drug companies try to meet their needs through biochemical or biological means. The cost of drug development is incredibly high and very risky. As a result, they need to be able to produce very high returns in order to lure in capital to take on the risk of clinical development. They have to be expensive and profitable. They are just too risky otherwise. (would you play the lottery if all you could win was $100 instead of $5million?) Problem is many drug companies have not been productive in innovation for years, and have instead continued to try to milk innovation of the past for as much as they can for as long as they can. That's the unfortunate part. That and our entire payor system that masks true free market principles.

                      Anyway, off my soapbox. Lots of interesting points in this thread, I wanted to comment on.
                      You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



                      • #26
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 95

                        Happy National Stoners Day To All!

                        Just wanted to say happy national stoners day. And happy birthday Hitler you jeu hating bastard, and not so happy anniversary to all those kids who got shot and killed at that tragic school shooting.

                        This is realy not a good day a bunch of crap is going down!
                        First off 2 of my best friends have had an accident. Kieth slipped and hit his head on a podium and got a huge gash. And Eben pissed some one off and got stabbed with a pencil that at least went a quarter of an inch in, but I'm proud of him its the first time he got hurt and didn't cry well at least till no one could see him. And my favorite teacher has a birthday today so shes one more year closer to retirement.
                        Also I heard 2 coal miners died, 2 bomb treats in my state. and 1 place I think its a school is getting held up by a gunner, and some other stuff happened but I didnt get to hear it before I went in for counciling.
                        ZZ Caps


                        • #27
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 3

                          Originally posted by ZEZEEMAYO
                          Just wanted to say happy national stoners day. And happy birthday Hitler you jeu hating bastard, and not so happy anniversary to all those kids who got shot and killed at that tragic school shooting.

                          This is realy not a good day a bunch of crap is going down!
                          First off 2 of my best friends have had an accident. Kieth slipped and hit his head on a podium and got a huge gash. And Eben pissed some one off and got stabbed with a pencil that at least went a quarter of an inch in, but I'm proud of him its the first time he got hurt and didn't cry well at least till no one could see him. And my favorite teacher has a birthday today so shes one more year closer to retirement.
                          Also I heard 2 coal miners died, 2 bomb treats in my state. and 1 place I think its a school is getting held up by a gunner, and some other stuff happened but I didnt get to hear it before I went in for counciling.
                          go smoke


                          • #28
                            Imperial Advisor

                            So....your first post is a Necro Bump. Outstanding man, outstanding.
                            <a href="http://s11.photobucket.com/user/dsaBOSS/media/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a178/dsaBOSS/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href="http://psnprofiles.com/XxkamuixX1"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/XxkamuixX1.png" border="0"></a>


                            • #29
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 3029

                              Let's light up.


                              • #30
                                Imperial Advisor

                                Sorry, I was just alittle grumpy.
                                <a href="http://s11.photobucket.com/user/dsaBOSS/media/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a178/dsaBOSS/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href="http://psnprofiles.com/XxkamuixX1"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/XxkamuixX1.png" border="0"></a>


