Corruption in the vote-to-boot system



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  • Q
    • Jun 2006
    • 19

    Corruption in the vote-to-boot system

    Certain people are using the VTB system as a way to boot people that kill them. If you rather easily kill the enemy, they will boot you for cheating. This is how corrupted the system is. There is no way to get around it. If you try to VTB the TKers it will not work. so then the TKers will try to VTB you, and since you previously killed the other players they will vote FOR booting you. It is not fair that people are virtually banned for no reason.

    Anyone with suggestions? Please help, this problem is seriously ticking me off.
  • #2
    • Jun 2006
    • 761

    just join the other side and kill them (tkers that were on your side), i think only your team gets to vote to boot for tk.
    Frodo failed, Bush has the ring!


    • #3
      Darth Vorse

      Q the voting and booting system is not under or control. we only have the rights through the server manager to boot ban and warn people.

      and half of the time most of the dsa arent in the jedi room because they know what it's like. they know there's teamkillers. they know there's glitcher's we all know about this stuff and Q quite frankly not all of us around half of the time to deal with it. There are plenty of other server'sout there q that you could try and use but please do not complain over and over about how the server's are ran.

      P.S. and once again q the vote/boot system is not under our control and it only works if you get a high amount of vote.
      " I need a beer "


      • #4
        • Mar 2006
        • 381

        Yes as Soul sad you need a high vote to get booted if the room is full you need negative 8 votes to get booted and unless your rely annoying that’s pretty hard to do.


        • #5
          Imperial Advisor
          • Feb 2005
          • 1949
          • DSA Comp

          We have already configured our servers to make it as difficult-as-possible to vote-to-boot. This is the max setting, 75%. So we have done our part to limit abusive booting, but the problem is that there seems to be quite a few players out there who stand in favor of chaos, disorder, dishonor, and in general a lack of good sportsmanship while playing in our public servers. When someone votes to boot, many just blindly respond "yes" despite whatever might be happening. An honorable player would check up on the accused to see if there is a really a problem before voting to boot. Not sure what to do about this one. It is indeed ironic that the vote-to-boot feature is intended to control harrassment, but is more often used for harrassment.
          Destroy Everything



          • #6
            • Jun 2006
            • 761

            how does a vote (voice, cheating, tk, harrassment) come about, server software or player initiated? i'd think it's player initiated, but don't know how.
            Frodo failed, Bush has the ring!


            • #7
              • Mar 2006
              • 381

              Originally posted by TriPP
              how does a vote (voice, cheating, tk, harrassment) come about, server software or player initiated? i'd think it's player initiated, but don't know how.
              Yes it is you go to player list go to the person you want to boot (must be on your team) press square pick what you want to boot him for and hit confirm or select.


