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  • #31
    • Apr 2006
    • 587

    yeah no glitches would be asking too much but it would be nice. Or at least not have all the glitches in the jedi rooms where they are abused the most.
    One shot, One kill.


    • #32
      • Mar 2006
      • 767

      a new idea for the planets on Campian mode(CLONE WARS) that your able to be the Commander'z(for the clone'z) and able to tell your troopers what to do?


      • #33
        Imperial Advisor

        More competent AI.While they'll listen to to and folow you it will only be for a short amount of time which is bad.Since it'll be hard to lead a squad on Single player since the AI run of to get killed

        There are many things Pandemic would need to improve on instead of rushing production on Battlefront 3.Jedi Battles,CTF,Conquest,etc

        I wish I knew why they took out Bespin,Yavin:arena,old kashyyk and rhen var.Those were favored levels which had excellent capabilites for on going land battles.

        Another thing with the AI.We can't have alot of them like on the first battlefront because they'll mess up the server.I bet thats why they had no AI on there official servers when they were up at one time when the game first came out.Worst of all the AI isn't as competitive as they were in battlefront.In battlefront one you'd at least see them flying around indicating there dumb,but there fighting and dying nevertheless.

        Additional modes should be to customize your own Stormie,rebel,Droid or Clone.So they can tell you apart from the others online.Map makers......a game called Timesplitters 3 has this mode and it is awesome.My only complaint is that it limits ones idea as I always run out of space to build a really big map.If SWBF3 were to have a mapmaker mode then this would be a hit.

        While yes I know the PC version of the battlefronts have mapmakers only few people know how to use it.Not many of us have a clue on how to use it.

        More ideas to come soon though.
        <a href="http://s11.photobucket.com/user/dsaBOSS/media/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a178/dsaBOSS/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href="http://psnprofiles.com/XxkamuixX1"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/XxkamuixX1.png" border="0"></a>


        • #34
          • Jun 2006
          • 1448

          How bout letting Han or Leia have some mines. Yeah I know that could take out some team mates, or kill yourself, but against a jedi running toward you i would prefer it to a detpack. Map editor, or and option to add or remove tanks would be cool. And for my bothan I would like mines, or even a detpack, the time bomb sucks ass. Its sometimes hard to stick it to a moving tank.


          • #35
            • Jul 2006
            • 1156

            Well the jedi could still push or pull you away from your protection so unless they're stupid and run into the mines, it's no different than using a detpack.

            And with the bothan, it's already suped up with the invisibility and that incinerator gun that almost always kills them in one clip, so i don't think they deserve more of an advantage, otherwise it could really unbalance the factions.

            Sweet ideas though rdaug.


            • #36
              Imperial Advisor

              I just noticed this thread here and I know I'm reviving a dead horse but I had to comment.

              In the big scheme of things, we actually have the power in our hands. I'll promise you that if Lucas/Pandemic releases SWBF3 and all of the clans of SWBF2 band together and boycott the game they will take notice. When thousands of copies sit on shelves unsold for months at a time, Lucas/Pandemic will begin to wonder why. I know it sounds impossible to do, but if you do the math, there are roughly 30 SWBF2 clans out there, say each clan has an average of 30 members, that's 900 less copies of that game that would sell and that would get noticed.

              In the end, I know that we all love to play these games, but when we purchase a hacked up mess like this we lose any control we have over it. They've already got our money, they don't care anymore beyond that point. The reason they are so quick to make patches for X-Box is because there is still money to be made in that market. They stand to gain nothing if they dump a bunch of R&D into the PS2 version, so it's economically not feasable for them to do so, at least in the short term. If we show them that we will not stand for another worthless waste of programming, then they might take notice and fix it.

              Just my $ .02 worth.

              I have a rendezvous with Death, at some disputed barricade. It may be he shall take my hand and lead me into his dark land, and close my eyes and quench my breath, it may be I shall pass him still. I have a rendezvous with Death, on some scarred slope of battered hill. And I to my pledged word am true, I shall not fail that rendezvous.


              • #37
                • Jun 2006
                • 1448

                how about a weapon select? not both weapons how about just the secondary? some people would prefer grenades over mines, or detpacks, could you imagine a regular soldier with detpacks, or the health/ammo? lol everyone might think its crap or sucks, but its fun to imagine.


                • #38
                  • Jun 2006
                  • 1448

                  I might be the only one still beating this topic to death but I got another idea for a SWBF3, even if said game never comes out. So they have jedi, and bounty hunters and such in the game, but how about in the space battles? How about with heros turned on having some specialty ships like the falcon, or slave I?

                  Ok let me know how stupid that sounds lol.


                  • #39
                    Honorary DSA
                    • Nov 2005
                    • 929


                    I completely agree with you, hero ships would be a very nice upgrade, but I hope they fix the ships that already exist (ie: 3 seats in the ARC and make the V-Wing a fighhter like it's supposed to be) and add some other non-hero ships like the B-Wing. Expanded interior to the capitol ships is badly needed as well.

                    Overall map sizes for BF2 were disappointing, bring back the Rhen Vars(Dune Sea) and Bespins and fix Kashyyk and Geonosis! felucia had so much potential and they messed that one up too!

                    Ships on land maps besides Hoth is a must do! Biggest problem with BF2 besides all the glitches was the removal of Beak Wings from Geonosis and no more Bespin Platforms! God I miss whiping out ten people in one run with a Y-Wing!

                    Anyway, I could go on and on!

                    I just found this, looks like BF3 should be coming out after all, but it may only be for the 360.

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                    • #40
                      • Jul 2006
                      • 22

                      Well I found this in the IGN PS3 section:

                      Odds are that it will be only for the next gen systems, but to soley make it for the 360 would cost them some serious cash. So there is hope yet. 8)
                      Whenever you lose contact with the enemy, look behind you.


