Star Wars Next Gen Peek Up (For Now)



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    Imperial Guard
    • Jun 2006
    • 4051
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    Star Wars Next Gen Peek Up (For Now)

    well prolly not a real game, maybe just showing off what the engine cane do. so here it is!

    poor poor stomies
  • #2
    • Jul 2006
    • 54

    Hey! Jedi aren't supposed to be allowed to have force lightning!
    If a game come out that is like that any time soon I want it.
    Click this and get free gold and booty*

    *details at link.
    Note, you may actually lose gold by clicking on this link, but that is unlikely...


    • #3
      Darth Beratter

      "A Jedi uses the Force only for defense, never for attack." -Yoda
      Jedi aren't supposed to use force lightning, and I'm damn sure hurling pieces of crap at a TIE Fighter or repeatedly bashing a Stormtrooper on the ground with the Force would be looked down upon. But then again, if George Lucas has something to do with this, then he's just continuing what was already set in motion by destroying everything his struggle had stood for. I've got a bad feeling about this.

      by denki on 07/22/06 10:18 PM

      Once again, I'm faced with complete and utter bullshit. I concur completely with that quote. The Jedi were supposed to peaceful problem resolvers, like Qui-gon being sent to Naboo, to negotiate, and under the most extreme circumstances, use force to defend themselves, like Obi-Wan did in the bar scene in EP4.

      Now since those idiotic cartoons came out, instead of being cool tempered "Samurai" warriors, now they're uber powered super heroes, that "SUPER" leap around and seriously pwn their enemies. Midiclorians my ass. It was much, much cooler when "The Force" was a magical force that surrounded all living things, that anyone with the determination and skill, could tap into it through introspection and quiet meditation could become one with the life force of the universe.

      Now, thanks to the great "flanneled" one, the "Force" is a bunch of microscopic life forms, that live in "special" people's blood.

      Thanks George!. For totally cheapening a really cool idea and philosophy. Thanks for "dumbing" it down for the great unwashed masses.

      Now the Jedi suck goat ass. Thanks for making them a bunch of arrogant clueless supermen. It was better when they were just dedicated "normal" men, trying to make the Republic a better place.

      Read this review, which was made one whole year before EP3 even came out, and most of his fears were realised, to everyone's horror:

      Now if Luc"ASS" could re-do the scene in the Death Star in EP4, elderly Obi-Wan and Vader would be leaping of of the beams of the Death Star, doing "super" flips, and jumping all over the place, regardless of their age, after all, the mighty Yoda did it in Clones.


      I'm glad the jedi were exterminated, they totally deserved it.



      • #4
        • Jun 2006
        • 237


        First, I think Deslock needs to settle down a little. Remember, you're an old guy like me so you don't want to burst a blood vessel or throw out your hip or blow your O-ring getting overexcited about this stuff. :?

        I think it's a cool clip and we need to remember a few things.

        1) The "Jedi" shown trashing Tie Fighters and Stormies in these clips could very well be folks who walk the line between the Light and Dark Side hence they carry green or blue lightsabers but wield some mutha powers like force lightning. Think of it like college and being "undeclared" in your major only in this case, "undeclared" means one minute your helping a little old Bothan cross the street and the next minute, you're shocking the ever lovin' crud out of a squad of stormies and throwing them around like rag dolls. I think that one stormie was my buddy, Homer, who got it on Rhen Var but I could be wrong.

        2) If you remember from EP3 especially, there were some really bad dudes who borrowed the good guy lightsabers and did bad things with them. Grievous had a personal collection. Yes, he was a cyborg but I'm pretty sure taking a good guy lightsaber and using it for evil applies to anyone, ugly alien robot, human, wookie, etc. Anakin (before he was truly evil) borrowed Dooku's lightsaber before slicing Big D's head off. So the premise works both ways. And so on. . .

        Or these could be drunk teenage Jedi out on a Saturday night.

        And finally,

        3) I completely agree with Deslock on the midichlorian thing. Before, it was mystical and an energy field and all that. Now, it sounds like to have the force means you have something akin to "having worms". Good for you, Jedi! Get the hell away from me!!! Anyway, Lucas like so many others should have opted for the "less is more" approach and stuck with the original premise. He didn't and yes, the first trilogy suffered for it. Oh well, I still paid a ton of money to see all of them multiple times so I'm willing to deal with a little suckage to get the backstory on the Star Wars Universe.

        If any of you ever read the Timothy Zahn novels following EP6, I think it would have been totally cool to throw in a twist about the Yslamirri (sp?) producing force bubbles around the Emperor thereby throwing the Jedi Council off his scent. Lucas' explanation of how he managed to cloak himself by saying the Jedi were arrogant/complacent was ludicrous. That's like saying nobody noticed the 800 lb gorilla in the room. Apparently, the Jedi were arrogant/complacent/colossally stupid.

        I think that's my first official fun rant on the DSA site. I hope that everyone who reads this (especially Deslock) takes it in fun and if they have a problem with me, we can work it out on the Battlefront I'm sure.


        • #5
          Darth Beratter

          First, I think Deslock needs to settle down a little. Remember, you're an old guy like me so you don't want to burst a blood vessel or throw out your hip or blow your O-ring getting overexcited about this stuff.
          Personally, I think getting your "O" ring blown is kinda fun actually. :P

          I just don't like how they've changed the Force, and the nature of the Force. Certainly, the characters in that preview couldn't be Jedi. Those poor Stormies didn't even stand a chance. That wasn't fighting, that was plain out and out murder.

          Throwing around a Stormie that's begging for his life disturbs me. Then taking his dying body, and then throws it at a Tiefighter, makes it even worse to me. What is that garbage? Matrix meets Star Wars..?

          YUCK. :x

          But then again, maybe it's just me. Nowadays kids are sooo desensitized to violence, due to atrocities like GTA:SA, and that disgusting 50 cent game. I remember when games didn't have to have needless violence, foul language, and sexual themes to be "fun". Where being a criminal, or Drug dealer is not only okay, but promoted.

          Selling electronics I learned a very chilling lesson.That there are "parents" (and I use the term loosely) that don't give a damn what their children are exposed to. I've personally seen "parents" that bought that horrible GTA:SA for their 9yr. old, even though we're required by law to warn them of the rather "extremely adult" content of the game, and warn them that it's not really appropriate for a child of that age, that you have to be at least 18 to even purchase it. We get:

          Oh, it's okay, he (or she) sees worse at school"
          WTF elementary school are they going to, and why does that allow you to enable them to even more exposure to "bad" behavior?.

          We just stand there stunned. I wanna say "Well, hell, since they're exposed to sooo much at such a tender age, why not stop at the gas station down the road, and get them a pack of smokes, and while you're at it, ya know the video rental store also sells porno, so ya might wanna stop there and buy 'lil Jimmy a few pornos too, since he's gonna be exposed to that pretty soon too."

          Hell, I've even heard "mothers" say:

          "That's okay, he plays them with his Dad"
          WTF kinda "Dad" willingly exposes their children to such language, and bad behavior, and encourages it, by giving adult games to their young children the "seal of approval"..? :?

          Yep, great new generation we're raising. God, how I fear for the future.

          And no Mace, I really have a amazing sense of humor IRL. No offense taken, lol.



          • #6
            Imperial Advisor

            Yea true told Deslock I hear those little kids mouths on the mic and its dispicable.Especially in the Jedi server.Those little kids don't seem to have no respect cursing and other fresh things.
            Anyways the preview was ok......,but it was abit brutal for a light jedi to defeat an enemy.I much torture to a stormie.Just cut him :roll:
            <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


            • #7
              Darth Beratter

              Well, it's down now, lol. Figured Lucas's lawyer sharks wouldn't allow that for long. God forbid someone see something about Star Wars that you didn't "have" to pay for. :x



