If I were a Programmer



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  • Catch359
    • May 2006
    • 14

    If I were a Programmer

    Now here are some Ideas that I'd think be cool if they were to make another Battlefront.


    1)Make command units more powerful, like give them long lasting buffs Attack Increase, Defense.
    2)It'd be cool if they put landing crafts in Conquest so Grunt classes could do like Paratrooper style combat, instead of 1 grunt rushing the command post and waiting on reinfocements.
    3)Also allow only the Rocket Class to drive/operate vehicles. If they can destroy them let them operate them.
    4)And for those who'd say what about the Engineer well let them only operate all air based vehicles. For drop-offs, Air-strikes that kind of thing.
    5)Command units can call for drop offs of Attack/Defense boosts and Air Strikes on Key points on/in maps

    1)Allow Command Units/Players to control Major Captial Ships such as Frigates/Carrier
    2)Allow Command Units/Players to set Carrier Auto Turrets to an Offensive/Defensive Modes, also include 2 modes for Engines:Evasive and Steady mode.
    3)For Bomber ships;Must have 2 players to operate 1 to pilot, and one to Drop the bombs.
    4)Landing Crafts should only be equipped with 4 Beam Turrets/Gattling Guns.
    5)Command Units/Players should be allowed to Desginate Squad Leaders. thus they can give out Buffs inspace and call out for tatical orders.
    6)Allow for 3 classes in Space: Marine, Pilot, and engineer.
    7)Engineer has equipped Shotgun, 4 Auto turrets, and Fusion cutter.
    8)Engineers can't enter any vechiles:must remain on Carrier, BUT Engineers can pilot Firgates.
    9)Create a Stealth Ship. If any Star Wars Lore behind it--thanks

    1)More Hero maps. Mos Eisley is designated for one side, and we all can see that.
    2)Grant different abilites to diffent heros. I.E. Yoda--Force Push/Force Crush, Create an inamite object to crush oppenet with for massive damage(Takes up all stamina.)
    3)Add more heros Add from Comics/books
    4)Personal wish of mine. Make Vader more powerful.

    Clan wise
    1)Just one here---Instead of Clan Battles Create Clan Battles that are Glactic Conquest. Leader of X team will assign different units pending Victories.

    That's it. Just wanted to get that out of me Lol. I was really bored. :P
    Grunt's Oath "First ones in and the last ones to leave"

    Pilot's Oath "Death from Above baby"

    My Oath "Pilot's are alot deadly with a Blaster Rifle"

