JEdi Battles



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  • dRiX
    • Jul 2006
    • 136

    JEdi Battles

    i think DSA should take the password off it used to b fun even though there were glithers we either killed them or booted them. At least then there was actually people in that server now its always empty. Another thing if this wont happen u guys should take the password off for a while because the first reason of cource bcuz its always empty but second is because in the server it says this server will be passworded to get the password sign up at but how is any1 supposed to know that they cant get in it has a password well this is just an opinion.
    Now playing: Resistance 2
  • #2
    Imperial Advisor

    When the server was publicly open people there were numerous trouble makers and it was nonstop.Then when legit players entered they'd have a vote to boot against them when doing nothing wrong.Yet the glitchers will still keep on roaming about till an admin comes in to boot/ban them.

    Nay on the idea of making it public again.At least.To many ingrates that take advantage of the server trying to expoit the map.If they really wanna play on the server they should register or are they scared that we'll weed them out if something happens in the protected jedi server.

    Its nice to be able to play against different people,but the fact you'll have to forget that because some idiot is messing up the fun for the rest makes it not fun at all.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


