The life of a mod



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  • norm
    Imperial Guard
    • Jun 2006
    • 4051
    • DSA norm

    The life of a mod

    I mod a college website. There is one for my home school that I am one of the supreme mods for and there is a global site that the local schools connect too and I mod one of those forums too. It's great. I can warn people, suspend them, find out exactly who they are and all sorts of little perks. However I have to be "nice". This whole being nice thing sucks. Sometimes I just want to drop the banhammer and give them 99 days to think about why they shouldn't screw with the mods. But no I have to be nice about things and keep the level head. I'm also not allowed to fuel the "drama" that comes with the site. You know the nude pictures of users that they accidently load onto the site. The break-ups of one user with another. It's not bad enough they have to act like fools offline but then they come online and air out every dirty event that happened. As a normal person I just want to egg them on, but as a mod I have to be fair and nice. Right now there's a 30+ page thread called "Stalkers and Weirdos" and is calling out some of the creepiest members of the site. My inbox is full of people that love the thread and would hate it if I locked it and those that want me to lock it and would hate me if I did.

    On the bright side I was a judge to the online Swimsuit Contest for the site. Nothing like a little cash to bring out the

    Sorry about the long post, but I had to vent a bit.

