For you Tomahawk.



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  • Deslock
    Darth Beratter

    For you Tomahawk.

    For doing so well against me today in the space server. Next time, I won't be sooo tired. So here's your cookie:

    Really though you did really well.

  • #2
    Imperial Guard
    • Feb 2006
    • 1415

    Ha ha thanks Des. I'll name her Candy. I did pretty well but I would've done much better if you hadn't been there to save your teamates so often, lol. Your timing is precise.


    • #3
      Darth Beratter

      Yes, I know you've been spectating and watching me. I don't mind, but you've picked up a few of my tricks, lol. I did hear the comment about my dreaded "Deslock Manuever", pretty sharp of you to pick that up.

      It was killing me today, I was sooo damn tired(I've only had a few hours of sleep), and I think I need to replace my rather expensive controller(which really pisses me off!), it was giving me Hell today, I don't know why. Maybe by accident I activated the MACRO button. I'd be fighting in the landing bay, trying to repel attackers, and it would without warning, switch me to the damn fusion cutter, while I was fighting. It kept doing this even in the other DSA servers. (When I was in a VS battle, it would switch to the pistol)

      Gawd, everyone kept "stealing" my kills. I'd blast the Hell out of someone, then while I was waiting to finish them off, someone else would nail them after I wore them down. That and the fact I was doing nothing but "missile running". Were you telling your side to gun for me? LOL, I swear at one time I had over 8 salvos of missiles coming for me. And Lord knows, you can only run so long.

      But truth be told, I was just "outplayed" today. and you've more than earned my respect. There are no excuses. You were beyond awesome today. You continue to suprise me. And that's not an easy thing to do.




      • #4
        Imperial Guard
        • Feb 2006
        • 1415

        Thanks Des! The way I figure, the only way to get better is to go up against the best. Although I got more kills on a few maps, I must admit that I was picking on the weaker pilots first and then teaming up with anyone else that was going after you. I know at one point you had 3 of us right on your tail and you shook all three of us. I had to pull out because I started to get too many missile locks from your teamates. I notice it isn't always to hard to kill other people but the true skill lies in being able to evade an attack. With the amount of people all over you tonight I am still under the belief that your piloting skills are the best. I look forward to facing off against you anytime and would be more than happy to be your wingman if need be.


