today is 9-11....



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  • #31
    Imperial Advisor
    • Feb 2005
    • 1949
    • DSA Comp

    9/11 was terrible, and I have deep sympathy for all who were affected. Its a rare thing for our country to suffer direct affects of violence at home because of our isolation.

    I am a pacifist and I believe that we should only use force in self-defense. The cycle of violence is only perpetuated when you go after your attackers' blood lines.

    I think that our reaction to 9/11 regarding Iraq is wholly foolish and dangerous. I agree that a strong military and foreign policy reaction was warranted and necesary. But we really should have gone after the source of the attacks. We should have focused more on Afganistan and the Arab extremists who actually attacked us. Instead we have propogated a nascent worldwide religious war by invading another country of people with the same color skin as the attackers. This has the affect of making previously-neutral muslims side with their brethren against us in an induced holy war.

    I marched in protest in San Francisco a few times prior to the invasion of iraq because I thought it was wrong. A few hundred thousand people in the area seemed to agree with me and marched as well. If we spent a fraction of the money we have on invading Iraq, and used it instead for food and aid as gifts in the middle east, then the world would already be a very different place. Kill your enemies with kindness is a better solution. I think that we should have taken a different course, and I abhor our government for the choices they made. So no, I don't support our leaders for their idiotic and deadly errors. I feel that I knew the right thing to do, and they didn't listen to me. So I don't feel represented at all, but defied, misrepresented, and ignored by our leaders.

    I realize that many in our country feel very strongly that I am totally wrong, and that I am missing very important points. I argue with my dad about it every Christmas when I visit. He thinks that muslims simply hate Americans and just want to kill us, regardless of what we do, so why not just kill them back. I disagree with him because I care about all people. He thinks that I am a fool.

    But as a pacifist, I feel compelled to express my position.
    Destroy Everything



    • #32
      Honorary DSA

      topic de askew

      MT, that album kix ass. bring on the pain!

      Deslock, that's never easy losing a close family pet, I lost my childhood doggie a few years back, she was border collie/wolf and used to bite the door knob ferociously when the mail man came to the door. classic doggie shananagans. ps...kitties rule too.

      politics? I dunno fellas, ya got a minute, (and by that I mean 20 minutes).

      a little to the left fellas
      a bit more
      wooooah buddy! a little too far left!

      how bout to the right a bit
      mmm how bout a little more
      this outta do it

      bush vs. bush?
      wtf?! Bush vs Jesus??

      maaan, can't we all just get along? you dig?


      • #33
        • Aug 2006
        • 40

        I agree elite trooper our troops are out there fighting for nothing, and many,many families are being devistated when they realize that their relative died in a battle forged because of money, power, and stupidity.


        • #34
          Imperial Guard
          • Nov 2004
          • 4956
          • DSA Zabka


          Have you looked at our homepage and seen the Tribute to RegentOne? One of our brothers is in Afghanistan now,serving his country. I think your choice of words is poor here. While reasons behind the wars can be debated and the merits of tactics, goals, and execution can be debated, I think it is all too myopic to believe that people are dying for nothing. You just may not agree with the wars--or believe the goals may not be achieved (although in fact, some of them already have--just not the ones the public cares about)--but that doesnt' mean those people's lives were in vain. Personally, I have issue with a lot of things here--but I also understand the role that our military is providing our country and my hat's off to their valor. It's the contractors and the people who don't have to execute policy that I take issue with...not anybody who is serving. Our men and women in the armed forces deserve greater respect than flippant statements about lives being wasted. I don't think any of us are in a position to determine if their efforts are "wasted"; we just may not believe the causes worthy enough--but that's just one man's opinion...and none of us are over there---except Regent.

          I ask that you think twice before offering such simplistic platitudes in these forums--or at the very least be respectful of our own DSA brethren who so admirably serves this country.
          You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



          • #35
            Imperial Advisor

            Thank you Sir Darth Morder for the well versed posts you have written. I and the rest of the folks in Afghanistan with me appreciate your comments and support. The start of this forum was to remember those whom died during 9/11 and by no means should it have converted to politics. I think folks have already attempted to stop the politics in earlier threads but folks just keep bringing them up.

            If you are among the people whom must continue political debates, do so in a different thread and not this one. I find it distastful and out of place to do so here when we are remembering those whom died during 9/11 and continue to so to protect our freedoms.
            "Do on to others before they do on to you.”
            {DSA} RegentOne



            • #36
              Imperial Advisor
              • Feb 2005
              • 1949
              • DSA Comp

              Sorry my friends, I didn't mean to be distasteful. I sincerely apologize.

              I didn't by any means intend to distract from remembering those who died on 9/11. But so much of our lives revolve around the reverberations of the events on that day that its hard not to get into it. I guess I just don't know how/where/when to express myself regarding politics sometimes. But I do realize I shouldn't do that here in this thread.

              Destroy Everything



              • #37
                Honorary DSA
                • Nov 2005
                • 929


                ..personally, in the interest of clan unity, I think it would be best if we just let this thread fade away.

                This subject is just too touchy and in our polarized politcal climate and the various politcal backgrounds this clan has brought together, this subject is just going to spiral out of control no matter how much we try to keep it civil.

                Just my opinion.... :roll:


