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  • Deslock
    Darth Beratter


    Okay, as human beings, we all have wierd shit that interests us. What different hobbies do you have, that is BESIDES gaming, lol.

    Mine are:

    Painting Warhammer 40k figures.
    (Wierd Deslock trivia fact, I'm actually the third best miniature painter in the world, no shit. Been to the Golden Demon painting convention twice, took third place both times, out of literally thousands of miniatures)

    Star Wars:

    Collecting Just the Imperial Star Wars action figures. That and my extensive Tie fighter collection. (I have hundreds of the damn things)

    Star Wars Legos. I'm addicted to the damn things. Just built the Star Destroyer (took all day, suprised my fingers weren't bleeding by the time I was done) and the Chicken walker.


    Golf, golf, I loves me some GOLF !!!


    HALLOWEEN !!!! I'm a massive yard haunter. Besides gaming, I bleed orange and black. I spend the whole year planning out new stuff for my yard haunt. Literally. We spend big money for Halloween.
    www.halloweenforum.com it RULES !!!

    Collecting Zeon Gundam figures.

    German ww2 toys from 21st century toys. That and also German ww2 daggers. (I dearly want a real Kraut "coal scuttle" helmet, but *whew* the price, and don't even think about the uniforms. Even the reproduction ones used by the WW2 re-enactors are insanely priced!!)

    Building armor and sci-fi models.

    Collecting ancient Egyptian jewelry and daggers.

    Pirates!!! I have a huge number of these 'lil ships:

    Collecting pirate figures from the Megablok collection.

    Movies. My Gawd, I have 8 bookcases of dvd's and boxed sets.
    (A throwback from my days as a Big Truck Driver)

    Trooping with the 501st. Stormtrooper legion.
    (Chicks dig the armor, trust me on this)

    Collecting Cobra vehicles and figures from the 80's-early 90's and the Cobra vehicles. I have almost every one.

    Starting to build up my Micronauts collection. What? you don't know who the Micronauts are? simply the coolest action toys EVER made!!!!
    Gawd!!! Just search Ebay. They still are so amazingly kewl, Pallisades toys just re-made them from the original molds from the 70's. (yes, I'm showing my age there. Screw you, yes, I'm old. Fuck off! Damn whippersnappers)

    Getting drunk, playing video games, and trying to molest 20 something yr. old girls.

    So, what's your poison? Sound off Soldier!!!!

    Inquiring minds want to know!!!
    Last edited by Deslock; 06-21-2011, 01:31 AM. Reason: Updating.

  • #2
    • Jun 2006
    • 1448

    Here's something I have been working on from the 80's.


    • #3
      • Jul 2006
      • 1156

      Only one i can think of is collecting things from the medevil times. It's my absolute favorite and basically my whole room is full of bows, arrows, swords, sheilds, armor plates, etc.

      I also love studying the tactics armies used in those days. Some of the most decieving and mastermind tactics came from there.


      • #4
        Honorary DSA
        • Aug 2005
        • 3153

        I have collected a ton of original kenner star wars figures.

        Ton's of GI JOE's, I have like 2 tubs of figures and 8 box's of vehicles at my parents house.

        I have hundreds of comics as well, loved marvel and image. Along with several full sets of comic cards.

        But that was more in my younger days.

        I like to play music (drums), go to concerts, and listen to music anytime anywhere.

        Disc Golf, or Frisbee Golf for you lamen's. I play a lot of disc golf. It's a very fun and relaxing activity/sport. If you ever feel like trying it, I'm sure there is a course near where you live. Check the internet.

        Sports especially Hockey, I goto a bunch of the local ECHL games.

        Reading Star Wars novels, I have read over 35 now.

        And of course drinking!!! I'll drink pretty much anything, but if I can have it my way, I'd drink dark beer all the time. Anything from Stone Brewing Co., Mendocino, Hoppy Ale, Sierra Nevada, or ESB, just to name a few.

        "Beefcake the Mighty, clotted with spew. His sword falls, skulls burst in two. The eyes burst from sockets, he is not through. Thousands of warriors he does this to. Piling the corpses of those that he slew. Untill it was hard to tell if the pile grew!"-GWAR


        • #5
          Imperial Guard
          • Nov 2004
          • 4956
          • DSA Zabka

          Not much of a collector of anything, never have been.

          I used to really like lifting, soccer, and golf (but was no good at golf). But age, fatherhood, and time constraints have limited my ability to lift or play soccer in quite some time (in addition, I had major surgery right before becoming a father that halted a lot of rigorous physical activity for a while--when I could resume, fatherhood took me away). Plus, I only liked lifting heavy to see what I could do, but the net result was a lot of bulk that didn't look particularly good when I was in shape and looks worse now that I am not in shape.

          I still play an occasional round of golf. I used to be a really good darts player, but have since lost all touch.

          I love following US Men's Soccer--senior team as well as youth teams, americans playing abroad in Europe, and have even learned to start supporting MLS which has some great matches, but not enough of them for people to understand the improvement in quality in the US game.

          I also follow the Minnesota Vikings carefully----a passion that has resulted in far too many ruined moods.

          When I have time, I like to read novels by legitimate authors--not trash. I would rather re-read Steinbeck, Fitzgerald, or John Irving before reading some of the pulp out there. Chabon is also a very gifted writer.

          I watch far too much TV--something that has absorbed me since I was little.
          You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



          • #6

            Playing soccer

            Playing soccer video games

            Watching European soccer when i have the chance, dont bother with MLS, but might catch some galaxy games next season cuz I wanna see Becks destroy the americans

            Snow football

            Ministicks (have tournaments with my friends every few weeks, actually gets really intense and ends up with usually bruised/bloody knees, elbows, and knuckles)

            Following the buffalo bills, not old enough to have seen the glory days.

            following sabres since start of last season (pride of our city now)

            same here grejo about old war strategies and stuff like that. Sucks though that our school only offers a class called war in the 20th century, when I prefer rome/egypt/greece over WWI/II. thats why i loved comp. games like caesar 3 and pharoah.

            "I know they were just kids, but we kicked their pube-less asses!"


            • #7
              Honorary DSA

              While not playing video games, I am usually watching, listening, or talking about sports. Ever since I was six, I have been a huge Yankees fan. Throughout the years, I have been able to collect various items like a Yogi Berra signed baseball, an ball autographed by BOTH of the guys who set up "The Shot Heard 'Round the World" Ralph Branca and Bobby Thompson. Recently, the collection grew to an autographed bat signed by Derek Jeter and Jason Giambi and an autographed picture of Don Mattingly. I have been very fortunate to recieve these. Aside from the first two autographs I mentioned, the other I received when I saw the Yankees at Spring Training courtesy to Make-A-Wish and the other was from a guy who bought the picture at a charity event for Make-A-Wish and then gave it to me.

              Aside from Sports, I love music and playing the piano. Billy Joel first got me started when I was 8 years old and then it's expanded from there. Currently trying to learn U2 songs on piano (hard because they do guitar) and Coldplay songs.

              For my broadcasting life, you can check my journal entry on this site. I wrote that just this week, so it's pretty current.

              Don't really hang out with friends. Most of the guys I know at school either play sports (which being small and unathletic is not good for) or get drunk or worse on weekends. The ones I do "hang out" with are usually the same guys who are down at the Radio Station with me. Despite being away from home most days (7AM-8PM or later), it's pretty fun down there. Order in food from the local pizzeria or call the Chinese food place that we believe lives in the basement of the school because he gets to our school in five minutes. It's fun there.
              "You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun." - Derek Jeter


              • #8
                Imperial Advisor

                You guys have lots of interesting things that you do as compared to me. I am just a dull sword. I love to hunt during the deer season. I bowl on occasion and golf every now and then. A quick trip to a local fishing hole is fun every now and then with my kids and I love to play video games.

                When not online playing video games, I love to watch the History Channel because I am a big history buff especially of WWII, WWI, and the Egyptian era.
                "Do on to others before they do on to you.”
                {DSA} RegentOne



                • #9
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 587

                  I'm a music man all the way. I've been playing music since I was 9 and know my way around the Piano, Guitar, Bass, Drumset, and I can sing decently but I'm learning to do better in that feild. If im not gaming Im playing music. I have a huge collection of Star Wars figures and ships and I got one of those expensive Lightsabers from master replicas that I'm putting more money and upgrades in to. Seems like we have a lot musicians amungst us. We should totally make videos or make like a DSA band or something. I have a really cool arrangement of the Empirial March that I wrote for guitar.
                  One shot, One kill.


                  • #10
                    • Jun 2006
                    • 577

                    Sweet...I call dibs on the weirdest hobbie yet! But first my normal ones....I play upright Bass (the huge acoustic one), fretless-electric bass, and a bit of normal electric bass. I also like to go fishing for catfish, seeing as we have some monsters down here in Texas.... 40+ pounds is common....

                    Now for my weird hobbies. I like to keep and breed exotic reptiles and amphibians 8) Right now I have poison dart frogs, chameleons, leopard geckos, turtles, fish, and more insect and fruit fly cultures around the house to feed them. Fun stuff. I also like hunting snakes when it is warm enough, ratsnakes, copperheads, rattlers, kingsnakes, whatever. I also enjoy making custom vivariums for my various animals, usually with many exotic bromeliads and such. Cool beans man, cool beans. And lastly, here is a pic of some of my dart frogs. :D


                    I like cookies. You like cookies? You no like cookies? I put rebel scum in your cookies...


                    • #11
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 587

                      Awesome frogs dude! I forgot to mention my fishing. Easy to forget living in AZ I don't get many chances but I love deep sea fishing. Last year I set a personal best for a 6' 250lb Marlin while deep sea fishing in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
                      One shot, One kill.


                      • #12
                        • Jun 2006
                        • 761

                        yeah, neat frogs rico.
                        Frodo failed, Bush has the ring!


                        • #13
                          • Jun 2006
                          • 577

                          Thanks. Dang Ian, thats a freaking beast. Lol 8) Mucho Sweet

                          I like cookies. You like cookies? You no like cookies? I put rebel scum in your cookies...


                          • #14
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 587

                            If I can figure out for to make the Pictures smaller I'll post it and some pics of guitars I built etc.
                            One shot, One kill.


                            • #15
                              Imperial Guard
                              • Nov 2004
                              • 4956
                              • DSA Zabka


                              Dioxin is also into reptiles and creatures of that sort. He has some pictures in the show yourself thread holding some monster turtle.

                              What are the odds that we have two such collectors in the clan?

                              Or so many hockey fans?

                              Or, as Tony put it, the only two Americans into soccer (so wrong, but how can I blame him--he likes hockey and wrestling, only one of which is a sport!)
                              You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



