BattleFront 3 Rumor



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  • Kamui
    Imperial Advisor

    Not quite a rumor, But just news that might have a connection to the eventual game announcement.
    Star Wars studio confirms former Ubisoft Montreal creative director has joined its staff to work on an unannounced project.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


    • fromunda
      Honorary DSA

      That looks like a good find Mui. While I have given up on waiting, I havent given up on hoping for it. All I know is the day they announce BF3 I will take my happy ass to Gamestop and pre order it for both 360 and PS3. I think that will be the one game with battalions on both systems and will make the time Ive spent on Gears 2(64 days of game time) look like nothing.


      • Kamui
        Imperial Advisor

        Same here dude, If it ever occurs then i'll happily pre-order it, Because I think it is a game we've all been wanting to hear about already whether or not it exist at this point.

        I was reading the December gameinformer about "The status of the Battlefront franchise" It looks like LA really didn't wanna talk about the franchise, But considering how they released a PSP game last feel I wonder if they perhaps prepping.

        Merely speculation with no proof, It would be great if Crytek/FR got their hands on this again. For those who don't some of the crew from FR were some of the guys that were part of Rare in the development of Goldeneye, And I think Perfect Dark.
        Can't deny that the trailer that looked so impressive, You could hear a clamoring room a folks in there.
        <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


        • Kamui
          Imperial Advisor

          So the speculation continues. They are still working on an unannounced project. Since the dude that is leading it is from Farcry I can only wonder and speculate as to what game they are currently making. However I know I may or may not come out disappointed greatly. Honestly I have a lurking suspicion we may see something really awesome at E3. One can only hope though.....

          Till then.....the speculation continues.

          Also wanted to add some more thought into it:

          I've been thinking about two most recent Battlefront games and they were very subpar compared to Star Wars Battlefront and Star War Battlefront 2. Since Lucasarts only gives the say so as to whether or not the developer can make the game or not I think LA was gauging who could do this project(SWBF3)concise and well executed. They may not say it since they are corporate faces, But this may be what I believe is happening at LA. Whatever remains of the old SWBF3 project may be in reference.

          Rebellion sucks as developers with two half-assed PSP titles that stripped the game of some of the features with my complaints leading from free aim, Crouching, And going prone to a game where it's completely full of cheaters especially on a system that's all hacked up like the PSP. I still puke at AvP.

          LA knows what they are up against. Throwing out shitty Clone War type games for the kiddies knowing that the juggernauts like CoD, Halo, KZ3 are lingering around. It's not like the PS2 days.

          Here is what the creative director at LA has to say from GDC in reference to how "Dynamics create meaning in a game"

          GDC 2011: LucasArts creative director Clint Hocking shows us what Hemingway, Thomas Edison, elephants, and Nazis have to do with creating meaning in games.
          Last edited by Kamui; 03-02-2011, 05:08 PM.
          <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


          • BOSS
            Imperial Advisor
            • Jun 2005
            • 5834

            Here's a pretty good rundown of what is going on with SWBF3:
            "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
            <a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


            • Kamui
              Imperial Advisor

              LA and the Unreal Engine/

              While Blunt had posted this elsewhere, I thought i'd post it here as a staple point. Doesn't necessarily mean that SWBF3 was announced, But does make you wonder if the game will be announced with LA not doing much these days and after SWTFU sucking imo.

              With sub-par psp battlefront and SW games lately i'd wonder if they lost their touch if they had any.
              <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


              • Zabka
                Imperial Guard
                • Nov 2004
                • 4956
                • DSA Zabka

                My guess is that any new swbf type game will end up being extensions of the clone wars stuff they have been doing rather than deepening the world of the original movies. The idea of playing the movies is probably lost.
                You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



                • fromunda
                  Honorary DSA

                  This would be the only game that would impact my Gears time. If Reaper thinks I play Gears 3 a lot now, just wait till BF3, I might never sleep again lol. Hopefully at E3 there will more info.


                  • Kamui
                    Imperial Advisor

                    Job Posting for some unannounced titles.
                    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


                    • Cottoinc
                      Imperial Advisor
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 1909
                      • DSA Cotto

                      At less a new xwing tie fighter game would be cool
                      "Thrawn: "Do you know the difference between an error and a mistake, Ensign?"
                      Colclazure: "No, sir."
                      Thrawn: "Anyone can make an error, Ensign. But that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it." [points at Pietersen, Rukh kills him] "Dispose of it. The error, Ensign, has now been corrected. You may begin training a replacement."
                      ―Grand Admiral Thrawn, punishing a naval officer for failure


                      • BOSS
                        Imperial Advisor
                        • Jun 2005
                        • 5834

                        This seems to be a trend now (having unannounced titles to get our hopes up). LA...just announce SWBF3 dammit! ;)

                        My guess is:
                        Action/Adventure Game = SWTFU3 *sighs*
                        FPS = Republic Commando 2/Imperial Commando or ANOTHER Clone Wars game (SWBF has always been TPS, so I doubt they would change that).
                        Aerial Game = TIE/X-Wing

                        That's assuming the titles are Star Wars related.

                        At this point I think Ratix needs to open a donation to build a Death Star and show Lucas the "light" lol.
                        "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
                        <a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


                        • Deslock
                          Darth Beratter

                          I swear I truly don't understand it. It's like they're purposely avoiding their own most popular series, and it just doen't make any kind of sense. Aren't they in business to make more money ?.

                          What the Hell happened to all the good Star Wars games..?:

                          Star Wars Tie/X-wing series
                          Star Wars Rebellion
                          Star Wars Battlegrounds
                          Star Wars Force Commander
                          Star Wars Galaxies
                          Star Wars Empire at war
                          Star Wars Jedi Knight series
                          Star Wars Battlefront 1/2

                          All we've gotten lately in my opinion is utter crap. SWTFU...? Here you're "supposed" be Darth Vader's "ultra secret" apprentice, and yet goes around slaughtering hundreds of fellow imperials, and even pulls a Star Destroyer into a planet, and no one's going to notice..? Yep, that's stealthy to me..LOL !!!!

                          Check out the old days:

                          Good Star Wars games

                          Ah, the good old days when you could smash the filthy rebels into the dust, and make the traitors pay....:

                          Last edited by Deslock; 09-14-2011, 11:36 PM. Reason: Typo's



                          • keyser28146
                            Honorary DSA

                            Gotta agree. TFU was TLS (The Last Straw). It's BF3 or something that's an appropriate successor or nothing for LA.

                            In the last console gen, with console online in it's infancy, they pulled THAT off, and in this gen, they've abandoned it. Unbelievable.

                            And be careful guys, I would LOVE to see a true XWing/TIE Fighter update, but let's face it, that's not what is going to happen here, it's going to be some bullshit clone wars game. I won't saw Jedi Starfighter was bad, because it wasn't, but it was not touching either of LA's classic SW flight sims.

                            Honestly, if they busted out X-Wing and TIE Fighter with expansions with the original graphics and sound I'd be all over it in the PSN and happy to pay $14.99 each for them. Obviously, an update is in order.


                            • Andy
                              Honorary DSA

                              Man I remember playing the Tie/X-Wing and the Jedi Knight series all the time. Still have the games and play them from time to time too


                              • Deslock
                                Darth Beratter

                                And that's why I'm truly baffled. What Star Wars fans want from what I've seen and read, is a return to the original roots of Star Wars, but it seems like Lucas is dead set on ramming this clone wars crap at us, like it's his own personal pet project, that by God he's going to do everything in his power to try and make us like it, even though most die hard Star Wars purists hate it. LA is releasing the saga in blu-ray, and then he does a pure punk move once again by adding Vader going "Noo, Noooo, Noooooo !!!" as he decides throw the Emperor down the Death Star shaft. What made that scene so powerful WAS Vader's lack of voice.

                                I've always loved Star Wars, but Tie Fighter was the game that made me a die hard Imperial, and as I posted above in the link, and by the posts there many others agree with me that "Tiefighter" has to be without a doubt, the absolute best Star Wars flight sim ever made of all time, and to this day is still considered the very best Star Wars game ever made out of them all.
                                I know that some may disagree with me, but I'm also willing to bet that they never had the chance to play it. This game was the epitome of "intense", with a white knuckle grip on your joystick(pun intended). You wanted to finish the "secret" missions, and see what rewards the Emperor would grant you for believing in him and his vision, and to make those damn rebel terrorists pay. Dearly.

                                Now since Lucas in his "great" wisdom infilicted us with the travesty of the "Clone Wars", I'm forced to sit back in horror and watch Lucas take a beloved memory of my childhood, and turn it into a utter laughable pair of Clown shoes.

                                But as some has said before, it is indeed his own story to ruin.

                                But that also means that I do not have to "like" it.

                                I don't give a crap about the "Clone Wars", and I never will. Lucas took what I truly loved about his universe, and strangled it to death in front of me.

                                #1. We find out that the origin of the the most badass villain of all time started out as even a more whiny bitch than his son. And totally betrayed everything he everything he believed in at a moments notice; over a "dream".

                                #2. The "Force" isn't some magical mystical energy like magic that could be used by anyone with the knowledge of it; you have to have special "bugs" in your blood called "Midiclorians".

                                #3. Jar-Jar. Enough said. Shit and fart jokes don't belong here. Period.

                                #4. Lucas's heavy hard on for CGI instead of real models. It looks fake, because it is. It's just true. Just look at the Sci-fi channel now. Yay ! Dinogator VS Sharktopuss anyone..?

                                #5. The fact that Lucas just can't leave his own shit alone and let it stand for itself as it should be. Greedo shooting first, more CGI added, fake ass Jabba "singin' and dancin' number, replacing Sabastian Shaw with punk ass Hayden was a total blasphemy to tie in to his shitty "prequels".

                                And I could go on and on, but I won't. There's no point. What's done is done.

                                But I do truly lament that I won't ever get a new chance to fire up the engines of my Tiefighter, pick out my missile loadout, and give total hell to the rebellion in the name of the Galactic Empire, it's citizens, and my beloved Emperor.


                                Please, let me have the old days back.



