BattleFront 3 Rumor



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  • Kamui
    Imperial Advisor

    I hear you Deslock, I couldn't agree any better on your opinion. LA these days make you think "wtf?" because of the nonsense they are constantly spewing out. On cartoon network is the annoying Clone Wars cartoon where Anikan apparently has an apprentice.
    It's confusing because how can a man conflicted and whiny can have an apprentice?! LOL
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


    • Deslock
      Darth Beratter

      The problem is that Lucas came out with some damn good ideas for doing the prequels.

      The origin of Darth Vader, and his utter and total betrayal of his fellow Jedi.

      The origin of the galaxy's best best badass relentless bounty hunter.

      How the galaxy decended into civil war, and the rise of the Emperor and the Galactic Empire out of the ashes of the Old Republic.

      The origins are indeed a damn good idea. Where it all became an "epic fail" was in the execution of those ideas. George Lucas is a fine producer, actually a damn good one. The first three movies prove that without any doubt.

      But he isn't a good writer or storyteller. Stephen King he's not. Not by a long shot.
      You can't blame the portrayals by the actors. Just look at Natalie Portman's acting in "V for Vendetta", and the wooden acting in the prequels. It's not the actors, it's the script and material that they had to work from, and Lucas's endlessly shitty directing.The best acting in the prequels came from Ewan Mcgregor, and Ian Mcdiarmid. The rest is watch.

      When Lucas said he was going to do the Star Wars origins, everyone was truly exicited and looking forward to it. :D

      For the CIS, using robots with a cyborg leader was not a bad idea, just look at Robocop and the Terminator movies. Robocop was a total badass that could destroy the best with ease, and the Terminators damn near commited total genocide on the Human race. It should have been an awesome titanic struggle !!!!.

      But unlike the damn near unstoppable badass killing machines like the Terminators, Lucas made them spindly and wimpy, that actually hollered "ouch, and oww!" when they were damaged, and had a programmed "sense of humor".

      And Greivous should have been totally scary. That if you saw him bearing down on you with four F'n lightsabers, you'd shit your pants in total fear !!!!.
      Instead like Darth Maul, there is no back story for him, and he's hunched over and wheezing, and coughing all the time like an old man, and tries to run away at every instance of confrontation. You don't care about Darth Maul or Grievous, because the movies never explain what their motivations are, or what their individual backgrounds are, because the story is written so weak. These two characters should've been very interesting and cool. But in the end when they get taken out, I just didn't give two shits about them. "Oh well, what's next..?"

      Lucas tried to stuff in as much CGI and special effects into the movies, by the time he was done, there was no real room for the actual story. Hence why Anakin literally turned on the Jedi overnight in the last movie. It should've been a drawn out detailed story since the first prequel. Of a child that believes in goodness, but his dark side always seems to get the best of him at the worst possible times.
      That his heart is in the best interests, but that he just seems "cursed".

      He should've been a lovable rogue that just let his anger get the best of him. Not a whiny bitchy baby that thought he was "entitled". Don't even get me started on the whole "immaculate conception" issue. That was just cheap and laughable.

      What we got:

      "In my opinion, it's the Jedi that are evil

      Not : " I think the Jedi are evil, Obi Wan, they are manipulative, self centered, and arrogant !!.They put their own desire for control over the need of order and peace for everyone in the Republic !". The Senate deserves strong leadership that only Emperor Palpatine can give them, over the corruption of the so-called "republic". Only the Empire can restore peace and order for us all !!!! I stand for the Empire, because only the Emperor can lead out out of this darkness and save us all !!!. Join me, or be damned !!!!"


      But alas I digress.

      You're right. It will be some more shitty "Clone Wars" games, or some more crappy ancient ass "Old Republic" mmorpg's that none of us give a shit about.
      Last edited by Deslock; 09-17-2011, 01:47 AM.



      • APAT
        Honorary DSA
        • Mar 2010
        • 2268

        He should've been a lovable rogue that just let his anger get the best of him. Not a whiny bitchy baby that thought he was "entitled"
        This was the biggest reason I hated the prequels and you're spot on on the rest Des. Lucas just simply had too many "yes men" around him. He needed someone to say "George, WTF are you doing!?!"

        "Don't mistake uniqueness for weakness" - The Grouch
        "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" -Benjamin Franklin


        • MajinTony
          Honorary DSA
          • Aug 2005
          • 3153

          They covered Grievous in the Books (Labrynth of Evil) and that animated clone wars cartoon, (the cell animated one, not the CG show). He was all coughy 'cause Mace Windu force squeezed his chest. He was on the run because he wanted to live. He knew the Jedi were coming for his head, and he wasn't in good enough shape to fight them.

          Movies are no different than music, if you go back to the well too often, you dillute the overall magic of the product.

          They exist and now we have to deal with a Clone Wars canon that is bigger and more confusing then the original trilogy. Thankfully I have the silver version of the trilogy on dvd, so I don't have to hear a new Boba Fett voice or see Han shoot first.

          QUIT TINKERING GEORGE!! You dick.

          "Beefcake the Mighty, clotted with spew. His sword falls, skulls burst in two. The eyes burst from sockets, he is not through. Thousands of warriors he does this to. Piling the corpses of those that he slew. Untill it was hard to tell if the pile grew!"-GWAR


          • BOSS
            Imperial Advisor
            • Jun 2005
            • 5834

            Well damn...
            "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
            <a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


            • The_Blunt
              • Jul 2007
              • 1822
              • DSA Blunt

              I give up. That is all.



              • Deslock
                Darth Beratter

                Well, here ya go....

                It's damn near enough to make me cry:



                • fromunda
                  Honorary DSA

                  Just saw this today and thought it was interesting......this is why Lucasarts will be recieving none of my money from here on out.


                  • Reaver
                    Imperial Advisor

                    Un-fucking real.. Are you kidding me? Sabotage? There should be some kind of suit or compensation for that. The entire gaming universe from PC to 360 wants this game, and LA sabotaged the BFIII project because of cost mandates? Without breaking contract? That doesn't sit right with me.. If those accusations are accurate something should be done about this. I smell either A.) Jealousy, B.) A straight dickhead or C.) Both. Just to save penny, do they not realize that penny they saved could have turned into a buck? Fucking morons.

                    LA has now proclaimed them selves as the "douche bags" of the gaming industry. Over Activision and Blueside.... For not making a second to KUF: Circle of Doom... Pricks...
                    Last edited by Reaver; 05-04-2012, 07:52 PM.
                    " I need a beer "


                    • Kamui
                      Imperial Advisor

                      I'm disgusted with the way this gaming industry is functioning right now. It's downward spiraling itself into another gaming crash. They're not willing to take risks like in the past and it's turning into corporate and money grubbing.
                      This is the industry I want to work for? I may as well work for an IT department and earn my money while lamenting on my crushed dreams with this pitiful industry or just becoming my own indie developer while relying on no publisher while attempting to get my foothold on the industry.
                      That's just sad.
                      <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


                      • The_Blunt
                        • Jul 2007
                        • 1822
                        • DSA Blunt

                        I think LA has something cooking right now. Might not be BF3 but they are working on a first person shooter. Republic Commando 2 anyone?

                        Also, one of LAs employees, Craig Derrick, tweeted "battlefront 3 is...(finish this sentence)" and then recently deleted the tweet. The folks over at have been bombarding him with questions and hes been rather nice. In response to the article about LA making better games, he said "Oh we are, and we will."
                        So we'll see.


                        • mdg60
                          Honorary DSA
                          • Nov 2009
                          • 394

                          Not all of the gaming industry is like this, fortunately. Naughty Dog has put out some of the best games I have ever played and I can't wait until The Last of Us comes out. Naughty Dog will always get my business, unlike LA.
                          I have avenged you. - Fitz


                          • Deslock
                            Darth Beratter

                            First off, as the old saying goes..."There are two sides to every story".
                            And all we're getting is one side of it, as LA always clams up about everything; so we can't get their side of this issue.

                            There has to be more to this story than what we're being allowed to see.
                            SWBF3 would make godly amounts of cash, and as we all know, there's nothing Lucas loves more than cashy money that could literally be handed to him, especially with them having to do next to nothing to get it, since SWBF3 would be outsourced since LA doesn't make their own games or I.P. anymore.

                            Think about it. Lucas loves money sooo much that he allowed abominations like "Yoda's tales, Super Bombad racing, Teras Kasi, and now even a F'n Star Wars based kinnect dancing game". He's proven beyond a doubt that if he can whore his own I.P. out to make a few bucks, he'll do it without even blinking an eye about it.

                            Ellis at Free Radical never said how much they were going to charge LA to make this game, so if LA thought it was too much, they'd just shitcan it and get another Dev to make it for less, so they could make more, even if it did take more time, or years even, because in the end, they'd get the last laugh, and the lions' share of the cash.

                            Please remember that all of these "Corporate" companies here in "Muricka" are run by "suits and ties"; and they are not fans of anything.

                            Anything that is besides making huge amounts of money.

                            "The bean counters rule all."

                            They do not like or even care about Star Wars, Sci-fi, or the genre that we all love so much.

                            Their only reason for existence is to bleed out every penny they can possibly get from their own perspective customer bases, that they can figure out how to get as much as they possibly can, Pay as little as legally possible; and hopefully not run afoul of the law. And if they do; how to do the best amount of "damage control" for the least amount of money, for them, and their stockholders.

                            When all these different companies look at you; all they see is a wallet; and how much they can squeeze from you until you scream "ENOUGH, I've had it !!"
                            And they are VERY good at their jobs.

                            There has to be much more to this story about SWBF3 than what we're being told. There is very easy money to be had for LA in this, so for them to keep dragging it on over oh so many years certainly makes me wonder.

                            There has to be much much more to this than what we're being informed about.



                            • The_Blunt
                              • Jul 2007
                              • 1822
                              • DSA Blunt

                              Originally posted by Deslock
                              There has to be more to this story than what we're being allowed to see.
                              SWBF3 would make godly amounts of cash, and as we all know, there's nothing Lucas loves more than cashy money that could literally be handed to him, especially with them having to do next to nothing to get it, since SWBF3 would be outsourced since LA doesn't make their own games or I.P. anymore.
                              I'm pretty sure they are changing that formula up now. The Old Republic and Kinect Star Wars will be the last games (for a while?) that are developed by 3rd-party developers. They're starting to hire a lot of people to work on in-house projects using their newly purchased Unreal Engine 3.

                              Publisher's job postings point to multiple unannounced projects under way at San Francisco-based development studio; action adventure game also in the works.


                              • Reaver
                                Imperial Advisor

                                LA has money, and as Des said, thats what they know. There could be a possibility, LA used the fundings as an excuse.. Look at it like this, LA is working on 3 games, BF3 is a big push on behalf of FR. So LA, contracts it out to FR. FR finishes the game, LA now has ridden there 3 games on the market and now see there future finished game of BF3. Maybe they will take it under there wing. Without exactly saying so.. More money they would have had to put in if they did it themselves other than Free Radical right? I mean, I'm sure LA's resources are much much bigger, you know LA isn't going to give those resources to FR. So let the lower budget company make the game, then LA can take it back and invest bar none to nothing to touch it up. Would that sound right in thinking that?
                                Last edited by Reaver; 05-05-2012, 10:00 AM.
                                " I need a beer "


