BattleFront 3 Rumor



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  • The_Blunt
    • Jul 2007
    • 1822
    • DSA Blunt

    They took everything from Free Radicals BF3 except for the Engine which was owned by Free Radical. They would have to rebuild the game from scratch using the Unreal Engine 3.


    • Reaver
      Imperial Advisor

      If LA had something to do with money in this with FR, why would they completely scrap and dispose of everything they took? There has to be a reason. That's like going to the store cashing a 10 for two 5's then throwing one 5 in the trash. Either they are going to use it for another game, or they will hold onto that. I just cant see this being the whole story, Like Des said there are 2 sides. And I would like to hear the other. Something doesn't add up.
      " I need a beer "


      • The_Blunt
        • Jul 2007
        • 1822
        • DSA Blunt

        Nobody said they scrapped it. It's just not a full game anymore. They have all the assets; voices, art, etc. But Free Radical took their Engine down with them. It's like having a bunch of pictures for a collage but not having the paper that they were glued on to..


        • Reaver
          Imperial Advisor

          Hmm... Yeah well, You fuck someone over, your bound to get fucked back.. I get that, I don't see LA investing in an engine for this. I seen you said they were hiring people for an unreal engine. But I also doubt that they would use that either. What the Unreal engine is for, I don't know I didn't click on your links. I guess we can only hope someone as big as LA if not bigger steps in and makes shit happen.

          In there eyes, Money can buy everything, and that's what they are all about. I would assume it would be the, "whose got the bigger buck and the broader ego to pull those kind of strings."
          " I need a beer "


          • The_Blunt
            • Jul 2007
            • 1822
            • DSA Blunt

            The Unreal Engine is only one of the most popular, widely used game engines in all of gaming. It brought you hits such as Gears of War, Unreal Tournament, nearly every Tom Clancy game on Next-Gen consoles, BioShock, Star Wars: Republic Commando, Borderlands, Frontlines, Mass Effect, Section 8, Monday Night Combat, Batman: Arkham Asylum/City...the list goes on and on.

            Last edited by The_Blunt; 05-05-2012, 11:46 AM.


            • Reaver
              Imperial Advisor

              I still don't see the Unreal engine being used for that. I would think it's a dead end until someone or something else intervenes.
              " I need a beer "


              • The_Blunt
                • Jul 2007
                • 1822
                • DSA Blunt

                I'm pretty sure they would. They just signed a multi-year deal to use it. They wouldn't let it go to waste. And has been renewed until 2013, so we'll see.


                • Kamui
                  Imperial Advisor

                  We'll have to see what they announce at E3 this year. I'm hearing they are announcing a new game on the Wii U, and maybe another? It would be a dick move to announce a Battlefront game on a console non of the DSA have....

                  So I took a look "Graeme Norgate" he was the guy that did audio in Goldeneye 007, I was astounded! aw man! said to see what LA did to FR though. A part of FR were remnants of the Old RARE from the SNES/N64 days before RARE sold it's soul to the Microsoft. FR is from the Timesplitters fame for those who don't know.

                  I would recommend playing the Timesplitters series Blunt and whoever else, Get a taste of how the developers work and how SWBF3 would've probably wound up looking at least.
                  Last edited by Kamui; 05-05-2012, 12:23 PM.
                  <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


                  • Deslock
                    Darth Beratter

                    Time splitters are an awesome set of games, and Goldeneye is still considered a fricken classic of all time. It just defies any sense of reason why LA would "pull the rug out" on FR after they spent so much money and resources on them; unless they had a damn good reason to. If not; LA must have a truly piss poor excuse of a marketing division if they thought making a Star Wars "dancing" game for only the 360 would earn them more money than a complete cross platform blockbuster game like SWBF3, and I hardly believe LA's marketing division could be that terribly incompetant (SP ?) to think that.

                    LA must have a gag order prefix on these former exec's at LA that quit, because they sure as Hell aren't saying a peep about this specific issue regarding SWBF3.

                    Most of the Star Wars games that I have personally have played on have really been truly amazing; well that is besides SWBF2, and even if it did indeed have massive problems about it, overall I'd be outright lying if I said I still didn't find it still a "fun" game.

                    The only real "dick move" that I can tell from what LA has done, is what they did to all those poor "Star Wars Galaxies" fans by nerfing the game, and then forcibly dumbing it down to the lowest common denominator to try and generate sales from the WoW crowd, and it totally blew up in their faces; and killed that franchise. But correct me if I'm wrong, from what I've read about it, it also had alot to do with $ony online entertainment that soured that deal. I dunno for sure about that, just the fan rage about it that I've read online.

                    SWBF3 would totally generate absolute sick amounts of cash for LA; and for them to openly ignore it for all these years..????!!

                    Yeah, there has to be a damn good reason for it. A damn good reason that we're NOT being told about. No company turns down literally millions of dollars of "easy money". Unless there is something legally going down behind the scenes that we don't all know about. And the people that DO know; aren't saying a word (LA that is).

                    Right now the only people fussing about it, are the ones that got burned by the deal.
                    LA is being deafingly quiet about this, and for me, that alone speaks volumes.

                    In my own personal collection; I have Star Wars body soap, shaving cream, razors, combs, and even a Death Star sponge; and so on. As I said before, Lucas doesn't mind one bit to whore out his own I.P. for easy money if it's there for the taking. Hell, I even have "Empire strikes back" paper plates, and literally thousands of dollars worth of figures (That I no longer collect, and that I need to sell off). For LA to ignore SWBF3 and it's rabid fanbase doesn't make sense at face value in any way whatsoever.

                    Unless...that is, there's something that we don't know about. And we won't know about it, until someone at LA get pissed off at them enough to talk about it to a reporter; or the general public.

                    What I do know is this from everything I've read and seen, is that Lucas RULES Lucasarts and Lucasfilm with an absolute "iron fist"; and that if you are an employee of his, you dare not speak your mind, nor disobey, lest you get fired on the spot and sued; if you talk about it.

                    I honestly don't now if we'll ever get the real reason why SWBF3 was cancelled at FR.

                    All I know as a fan of the series, is that it's a damn shame. And continue to hope that one day we will see a SWBF3, and a great sequel to Tie Fighter. And then; I could die a happy man. :D

                    God bless, and take care.

                    Last edited by Deslock; 05-05-2012, 11:32 PM. Reason: Typo's, damn I'm tired....LOL!



                    • The_Blunt
                      • Jul 2007
                      • 1822
                      • DSA Blunt

                      This LucasArts employee is just loving rustling our jimmies. Here's an excerpt from his Twitter about the website which is basically dedicated to finding Battlefront 3:

                      6h Toby Clench ‏ @tobster619
                      @craigderrick @Witdarkstar have you seen or heard about these forums before:

                      1h Craig Derrick ‏ @craigderrick
                      @tobster619 I'm afraid to look!

                      1h Toby Clench ‏ @tobster619
                      @craigderrick why do you say that?

                      1h Craig Derrick ‏ @craigderrick
                      @tobster619 Afraid there'll be posts about me messing with you guys. ;-)

                      And here's the topic "Is Craig messing with us?"

                      ...they are listening...


                      • Kamui
                        Imperial Advisor

                        Last edited by Deslock; 07-04-2012, 09:51 PM. Reason: fixed link
                        <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


                        • Deslock
                          Darth Beratter

                          It's like I said before, there has to be legality behind this all.

                          LA must've thought FR was milking them for cash and dragging their heels on making the final version to get more money from LA, or so LA thought at the time, and shit canned them. FR was forced to go under because of this, and Crytek bought them out. Then Crytek was hurting, and sold themselves to EA, which then in turn re-branded them Crytek USA.

                          It's all very complicated, and I'm sure all the legal issues of FR designing the engine for SWBF3, and then being bought out by two different companies didn't help, and I'm quite sure everyone involved wouldn't mind a big slice of the SWBF money that would be generated, and I'm also quite beyond certain that LA wants to have all those slices of cash strictly for themselves.

                          Maybe perhaps due to legal issues LA couldn't even name the sequel "SWBF3".

                          Why else would a company that was sitting on a well known franchise and I.P., that would pretty much allow them to print as much money as they could possibly want, and just sit on it and outright ignore their beyond demanding fanbase.

                          But mark my words, I truly will not be suprised one bit when the next-gen consoles come out, you'll see a "Star Wars Battlefront-Generations" (or so on...) be developed and come out, with a new game engine built from the ground up that only LA themselves has the absolute rights to marketing and profits from.

                          Either that..

                          *puts tin foil hat back on* ;)

                          Lucas just hates us all for mostly not liking his crappy "beloved" prequels, and he wants to make us pay by denying us all want we want, because you can be damn sure that if Lucas picked up the phone and told LA outright that he wanted this game made because he wanted the cash, it would've been done yesterday, no matter how shitty and broken it was like SWBF2. ;)

                          Stop and think about that really for a moment. LA is literally sitting on a goldmine, but instead of making what their fans are begging for and waving their wallets at....

                          They decide to make a Star Wars dancing game instead ???!!!



                          Something fishy is going on here.


                          Kamui, that just plain out hurt to watch....
                          Last edited by Deslock; 07-05-2012, 12:05 AM.



                          • Kamui
                            Imperial Advisor

                            Sorry :(
                            <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


