Shooting at VT



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    Shooting at VT

    33 people were shot at Virginia Tech, 9 people were killed at 7:15, then 2 hours later, 22 more people were shot .5 miles away from the first shooting. Students were not warned of the shooting until 2 hours after the first shooting, where an email was sent out to the students during the second shooting. The shooter eventually took his life. This is the gist of an article I read, it will be all over the national news. This is the deadliest mass shooting in US history.

    My condolences go out to all the families who lost children, brothers, and sisters.

    "I know they were just kids, but we kicked their pube-less asses!"
  • #2
    Imperial Guard
    • Nov 2004
    • 4956
    • DSA Zabka

    This is an incredible trageedy. Such completely senseless killing--not that murder ever seems to make much sense.
    You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



    • #3
      • Jul 2006
      • 1156

      It's all over the news now. They won't release any info about the shooter yet but since there was two shootings and i think i saw one was in the engineer wing and the other in some dormatories, this gunman was after someone.

      I was going to apply to VA Tech too......i want to know wtf happened but we won't know that for a while yet


      • #4
        • Jun 2006
        • 1448



        • #5
          • Jan 2007
          • 652

          I heard something about how this was the second time this year that this kind of thing happened to V-Tech, of course the other occurrence pales in comparison. I don't understand what causes people to do things like this. There are other ways to solve problems.
          "Dim my eyes if they should compromise or fulcrum want and need. If I need this I might as well be gone." -TooL

          "Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results."
          George S. Patton

          Veni, Vidi, Vici. (I came, I saw, I conquered) - Julius Caesar

          "Gisou, Fuurinkazan"!



          • #6
            Darth Vorse

            He was supposed to be an asian male 6 feet tall.

            This is screwed up.

            These school shootings are becoming very common lately. And shit has to be done. I'm talking secuirty, Not any tazers or mace. I'm talking security that makes sure that this kind of shit doesn't happen.

            Thank god I'm going to a community college.

            " I need a beer "


            • #7
              Honorary DSA

              Well Reaver is right. Something has to be done but the problem is these universities are open to everyone 24/7. Like in Houston you can walk right into the schools without anyone stopping you. But anyways my prayers go out to the families of these lost souls who didn't even have a chance.


              • #8
                Imperial Advisor
                • Feb 2005
                • 1949
                • DSA Comp

                Humans are not perfect, which can lead to aberrations such as this.

                I remember one day while I was college I found out that my girlfriend was screwing around with another guy. I got so pissed off that I became violent and yelled really loud at her as she went back to her dorm. And then I yelled at the whole dorm building from outside and all these people looked out their windows at me like I crazy. Well, I was indeed crazy. I remember feeling adrenaline and anger mixing together with a desire to ignore all my concious restraints. I was such a fool... But I learned afterwards that it in certain situations it doesn't take much to go over the edge, even as an adult, and why its so important to remain in conscious control of my actions. Humans have biochemical functions similar to animals, including primal violent survival tendencies, and I gave-in to them.

                I am guessing that this guy was probably pretty whacked one way or another when he did this, and it might have something to do with his relationship. Start with a breakup, add some sexual jealousy, throw in some firearms, coffee, and a lack of restraint, and you can get this. After he shot some people in the first wave, it probably spiraled out of control like a one-way trip...possibly anger with himself too, and he came to some silly conclusion that he needed to kill as many people he could before he turned his gun on himself, hence the 2nd and more deadly wave. How awful...uggh

                This really is terrible. My heart and sympathies go out to all of the families and friends involved. No doubt there were a lot of broken dreams in this loss. Just awful.
                Destroy Everything



                • #9
                  • Jun 2006
                  • 1448

                  That is no shit about the anger stuff. Some people can just push the right buttons consistently. Some young people don't know where to turn, or that there are people out there to talk to and will help you out. Unfortunately stuff like this seems to be the release of there anger or frustrations and it seems to be growing. Get involved in something. Don't just sit alone and stew and let some bad experience just bring you down further and further. Don't sit and beat yourself up about things that happened. I know its easy to say, but believe me I have been there. Hell there are still times, like this past weekend, where I had to just get away from the house, be around some people. I sit alone sometimes, thinking of my life, and have thought of some pretty crazy shit. Luckily the thought of my son comes along, and thats the only thing that keeps me going sometimes. He is the reason I rarely go out. He is the reason I don't spend all my money on useless stuff. I'm lucky to have him because without him, who knows where I would be right now.

                  I feel for these young people, and there families. Today, is a sad day.


                  • #10
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 121

                    va shooting

                    very well put Rdaug27 about the son part i have a son who is 14 and like you with out him who knows where i would be now but to all the families in va my condolences go out to you
                    <a href=""><img src="" alt="wwaredn[dsa] - brought to you by" border="0"></a>


                    • #11
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 26

                      funny thing is i was going to go there the year i got out of school glad i didnt and went to look for my biological parents and also i live in VA so yea big hit close to home and i hate to say this but VA's crime rate has been increasing for a few years so if nothing is done quick it will only get worse ...
                      ALL YOU ARE IS JUST ANOTHER VICTIM


                      • #12
                        Imperial Advisor

                        This was devastating attack at VT. We are in shock and awe in VA. I had relatives calling me yesterday to see what was going on in Virginia. My daughter and her friend were both accepted for Fall Term at VT this year. They both will still be going and will live in an apartment near the campus.

                        One cannot let things like this frighten you from attending a great institution like VT. This event could have happened on any campus. For that, what is stopping it from happening on other campuses? I too feel for the loses and pray for the families.
                        "Do on to others before they do on to you.”
                        {DSA} RegentOne



                        • #13
                          Imperial Guard
                          • Nov 2004
                          • 4956
                          • DSA Zabka

                          This incident has nothing to do with crime rates. While it certainly contributes to the statistics, the correlation between this event and violent crimes in any of the Va cities is probably very low.

                          The man who did this clearly had more than a couple of screws loose and dealt with it in the worst way possible. It's a very sad incident indeed, but it doesn't indicate that Tech is any less safe than any other school. I just don't get what motivates somebody to do something like this. Anger, rage, isolation, etc. are all serious emotions---but this guy had HOURS to decide to continue his murdering spree.
                          You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



                          • #14
                            • Jul 2006
                            • 1156

                            Yes that's true Regent you shouldn't have to be scared to go there or any college. I'm still going to apply there next year and if i get accepted, i'll be right in that same building as the 2nd attack where 32 or so people died. I am very nervous but the knowledge they give is worth it.


                            • #15
                              • Jun 2006
                              • 1448

                              Some profiles of some of the victims. Some teachers were killed too. One guy survived the holocaust just to be gunned down by some....................... pisses me the hell off.


