Microsucks hater...?



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  • Deslock
    Darth Beratter

    Microsucks hater...?

    You decide....:

    <a href="http://www.nerdtests.com/mq/take.php?id=1256">


    Take the test, and see how you come out. I do appreciate all the differences of every system, and I do respect them all for what they are. All the differences of all of the consoles have very good and bad points.

    So at least I'm not a "fanboy", but Microsucks does suck goat ass.

    So I can't argue with the answer I received. If you paid hundreds of dollars for a gaming console, and alot of money for a game, plus the cost of a computer and a internet connection, asking people to pay for extra content or maps is slap in the face to me.

    It's called "Customer Satisfaction".

    Wether it be from Sony or Microsucks. But I do believe it's just a matter of time before Sony cashes in on the whole corporate greed issue. Just give them time.

    "We'll fix what's wrong, just give us money". "You're happy, we're happy. See, everyone's happy". Now just give us your checking account number.

    "See, aren't you happy now?".


  • #2
    Imperial Guard
    • Feb 2006
    • 1415

    I got the "Not a fanboy"


    • #3
      Imperial Advisor

      What a silly test. Anyway, I scored "Not a fanboy."
      "Do on to others before they do on to you.”
      {DSA} RegentOne



      • #4
        Imperial Guard
        • Nov 2004
        • 4956
        • DSA Zabka

        not a fanboy---but that survey is so dated...The Revolution? PS3 has most exclusives? poorly written as well with choices that were contradictory.

        Des--I think you have to make the distinction between paying for content and paying for patches. Paying for patches--well, patches should just be done and not paid for. On this we agree. but nobody charges for patches. I just got my 3rd RB6V patch and haven't paid a thing for it. What about my MSFT LIVE Fees? I believe that pays for the servers and awesome connectivity that it provides with the friends list/join capabilities/messaging/chat across all games that I so have grown to depend on.

        Buying new maps? I think that is legitimate. When you buy a game, you aren't buying the right to have all future additions for free. You are buying the game modes and maps that are described in the box and in any review you read. New maps require development work and should be compensated for in my view. yes we pay for all these services and hardware, but this is content. Just because I bought a ticket for Star Wars, I don't get Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi for free. Nor do I get to see the rereleases of Star Wars for free.

        To charge for new content that developers have made well after the release of a game to me is called capitalism, not corporate greed.

        To charge more for services that other competitors do not offer? It's just microeconomics.

        I don't think anybody charges for patches. Des---you may say you see the benefits of all, but even this test describes you as a microsoft hater, by virtue of questions that describe an irrational disapproval of microsoft.

        Personally, I think a lot of people's hatred of MSFT and Gates is due to an innate sense of jealousy or in some cases some odd backlash to Windows domination. Not all too different from why many countries hate America. Bill Gates' fortune was earned and will be put forth to charitable causes. As a capitalist, I view many criticisms of wealth as either socialist, uninformed, or petty. Here is an old article (2000) I have found about his charitable giving. These numbers are much larger now.

        Bill Gates’s Money

        Whatever the fallout from the federal antitrust suit, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will be one Gates institution left standing. Patty Stonesifer and her colleagues at the foundation have problems of a different kind: everyone wants a piece of them.

        By JEAN STROUSE, author of “Morgan: American Financier.”

        Where the Money Goes

        o $1 billion over 20 years to establish the Gates Millennium Scholarship Program, which will support promising minority students through college and some kinds of graduate school.
        o $750 million over five years to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, which includes the World Health Organization, the Rockefeller Foundation, Unicef, pharmaceutical companies and the World Bank.
        o $350 million over three years to teachers, administrators, school districts and schools to improve America’s K-12 education, starting in Washington State.
        o $200 million to the Gates Library Program, which is wiring public libraries in America’s poorest communities in an effort to close the “digital divide.”
        o $100 million to the Gates Children’s Vaccine Program, which will accelerate delivery of lifesaving vaccines to children in the poorest countries of the world.
        o $50 million to the Maternal Mortality Reduction Program, run by the Columbia University School of Public Health.
        o $50 million to the Malaria Vaccine Initiative, to conduct research on promising candidates for a malaria vaccine.
        o $50 million to an international group called the Alliance for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer.
        o $50 million to a fund for global polio eradication, led by the World Health Organization, Unicef, Rotary International and the U.N. Foundation.
        o $40 million to the International Vaccine Institute, a research program based in Seoul, South Korea.
        o $28 million to Unicef for the elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus.
        o $25 million to the Sequella Global Tuberculosis Foundation.
        o $25 million to the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, which is creating coalitions of research scientists, pharmaceutical companies and governments in developing countries to look for a safe, effective, widely accessible vaccine against AIDS.

        One of the ways in which the very rich are different from you and me is that they become public property.

        Just about everyone has an opinion about Bill Gates’s business tactics, products, motives, character, house—and about what he should be doing with his immense fortune.

        Before he began giving money away, people complained that he was a miser. Now that he is giving money away, they complain that he’s doing it too late, that he isn’t giving enough, that he hasn’t a clue about what he’s getting into, that the projects he is financing are too conservative, too liberal, too big, too small, too safe, too risky, too conventional, too splashy. top of page

        Or they say he’s only doing it to avoid taxes, or to expand Microsoft’s markets, or, especially, to improve his image in light of the government’s high-profile antitrust suit.

        “Bill Gates can’t win,” says Vartan Gregorian, president of the Carnegie Corporation and a longtime adviser to Gates on the subject of philanthropy.

        “It’s like 19th-century anti-Semitism. If the Jews didn’t mix into German society, people said they had a parochial, shtetl mentality. If they did mix, people said they were trying to pass. More important than why he’s doing this is what he’s doing. The proof will be in the pudding.”

        In January, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation edged past Britain’s Wellcome Trust to become the largest in the world, with assets of $21.8 billion. Even the greatest philanthropists of the past did not give away as much in real dollars over their entire lifetimes as Gates has at the age of 44.

        According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Andrew Carnegie made gifts amounting to $350 million before he died in 1919 -- a sum that would be worth about $3 billion in today’s dollars; and the $540 million that John D. Rockefeller dispensed before his death in 1937 would amount to more than $6 billion today—less than a third of the Gates total so far. As a percentage of the gross national product, Gates’s gifts do not yet match those of his predecessors, but he is just getting started.

        That Gates began adding to the foundation in huge ($5 billion) increments over the past 14 months, as the government prosecution took its damaging course, led to a widespread conviction that his philanthropy was just part of a public relations campaign. Then, on April 3, Federal District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson ruled that Microsoft violated the law with “predacious” anticompetitive behavior, and the stock market knocked $80 billion off the company’s value.

        Gates himself reportedly lost $12 billion to $14 billion that day, but the foundation’s endowment remains intact: its donations come in the form of Microsoft stock and are immediately converted to cash. What effect, if any, the lawsuit will have on future contributions to the foundation is unclear. Microsoft intends to appeal, and the battle could go on for years.

        Gates has always said that, like Carnegie, he will give away most of his fortune before he dies. He plans to make sure his children are well taken care of but doesn’t want to leave them the burden of tremendous wealth.

        Carnegie, however, turned his full attention to philanthropy only after he retired from the steel business at age 65. Gates probably has several decades of earning and giving ahead.
        You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



        • #5
          • Mar 2006
          • 381

          I am not a fanboy.


          • #6
            • Jun 2006
            • 761

            here we go, AGAIN, ha.

            it's a dead horse.
            Frodo failed, Bush has the ring!


            • #7
              • Dec 2006
              • 106

              I didnt feel comfortable taking a test I didnt study for so I didnt take it but Ive said it before. I will not pay for access to play games online. Your more than welcome to try and sell me maps and stuff but I already pay someone for internet access. I might consider paying another fee for gaming access if someone can garuantee me No LAG EVER!!!!! Other than that Kiss Off Microsoft. I vote with my wallet.

              As it sits right now Sony is walking the line with me. Ive purchased 4 PS2's over that consoles lifetime. The games quality are compromised more and more. The price of the PS3 makes me want to puke and now they are getting rid of the cheaper 20 gig model. Im not even convinced we were ready for a PS3 when they never even maximized the potential of the PS2. Hard drive support was a joke. i Link never happened. AND DAMNIT I WISH SOMEONE HAD TOLD ME NOT TO STAND MY PS2's VERICALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              Momma always told me never put off tomorrow Stuff you can blow up today!!!!


              • #8
                • Jun 2006
                • 1448

                OK since we are going there again I have a question. Someone posted the other day in another thread, that in a PS3 game, an update was out that allowed for in game buddy lists. So with 360, is there a buddy list that shows up no matter what game you are in? Like will you know in game what buddy is talking, or when they joined the game? I mean if it does, and the PS3 has to be done with every game, then well to me that means that no PS3 game has to have a buddy list, and no matter how much you want one, it just might not ever happen. I am just asking cause I don't have either system. While I believe the PS3 is a better hardware system, from what all I have heard with software, support and stuff, the 360 is a better way to go. You can only read so much, but I would rather learn from peoples experiences with the systems.


                • #9
                  Imperial Advisor

                  It said I was a 'Microsoft Hater' even though I answered the questions stating that I liked them all equally. :(
                  <a href="http://s11.photobucket.com/user/dsaBOSS/media/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a178/dsaBOSS/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href="http://psnprofiles.com/XxkamuixX1"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/XxkamuixX1.png" border="0"></a>


                  • #10
                    Darth Vorse

                    Here is my Results.

                    Nintendo Fanboy: 17%
                    Sony Fanboy: 38%
                    Microsoft Fanboy: 59%

                    This means you're: A Nintendo Hater

                    And I am not a Nitendo Hater..... lol... I like the wii..... A little bit.. lol.
                    " I need a beer "


                    • #11
                      Imperial Guard
                      • Nov 2004
                      • 4956
                      • DSA Zabka

                      Originally posted by Rdaug27
                      OK since we are going there again I have a question. Someone posted the other day in another thread, that in a PS3 game, an update was out that allowed for in game buddy lists. So with 360, is there a buddy list that shows up no matter what game you are in? Like will you know in game what buddy is talking, or when they joined the game? I mean if it does, and the PS3 has to be done with every game, then well to me that means that no PS3 game has to have a buddy list, and no matter how much you want one, it just might not ever happen. I am just asking cause I don't have either system. While I believe the PS3 is a better hardware system, from what all I have heard with software, support and stuff, the 360 is a better way to go. You can only read so much, but I would rather learn from peoples experiences with the systems.
                      Flatline and Deslock's opinions on paying for LIVE are completely legitimate. I can understand that thinking and once thought that way too. It was my experience with LIVE that led me to believe that it was a good value. Lag will always occur--in part because some people have lousy connections---but some games are better than others. RB6 has had almost no lag problems. GRAW2 doesn't have much lag either--because the game automatically boots people if the connection can't handle it---but if you are all in, then it works fine. This is different from the demo, where the lag from a Kerry hosted room made me feel like I was in a roller disco with strobe lights going. But now---the game just drops people if it will cause lag. GoW has pretty bad lag for certain players.

                      To answer your question, RDaug--the friends list on the 360 is across all games, not by each game. As a result, you can see whenever any one of your friends log onto LIVE and then check and see what game they are playing, send messages to them, or invite them to the game. If it isn't a private server, they can just join your room from the get go. My friends list is the first thing I check to see who is playing what (actually, I usually check it on line at xbox.com where it can also be accessed).

                      In terms of seeing who is talking, some games support this (GRAW2) and some don't (Gears). To be honest, I don't recall if RB6 does or not, but I don't think it does. These are all open mic games. I haven't noticed the need to be honest---SWBF1 showed all names, SWBF2 only shows buddies. But the main reason you wanted names was to boot/vote mic chatterers off. In RB6, if you want to, you just pull up a translucent screen of the player list, and it indicates who is talking. But only the host can boot players, so it is up to him to police this. I have never had any of the mic BS issues that I had on SWBF2. Or even socom.

                      But there are no individual game buddy lists. It really isn't necessary because of the centralized nature of the friends list.
                      You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



                      • #12
                        • Mar 2006
                        • 767


                        Nintendo Fanboy: 25%
                        Sony Fanboy: 25%
                        Microsoft Fanboy: 46%

                        This means you're: Not a fanboy


                        • #13
                          • Jul 2006
                          • 1156

                          41% Nintendo Fanboy
                          31% Sony Fanboy
                          9% Microsoft Fanboy

                          i hate microsoft with the biggest passion ever and i hate the xbox......this test just proved it lmao


                          • #14
                            Imperial Advisor

                            I already know you like Nintendo since you've played ToS and the other one 8O
                            <a href="http://s11.photobucket.com/user/dsaBOSS/media/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a178/dsaBOSS/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href="http://psnprofiles.com/XxkamuixX1"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/XxkamuixX1.png" border="0"></a>


                            • #15
                              • Mar 2006
                              • 767

                              Well Grejo if you hate Microsoft just take out all the Microsoft software on you PC if you do have it? and don't use Excel, Powerpoint, and Word


