Microsucks hater...?



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  • #16
    • Jun 2006
    • 1448

    Originally posted by Zabka
    Flatline and Deslock's opinions on paying for LIVE are completely legitimate. I can understand that thinking and once thought that way too. It was my experience with LIVE that led me to believe that it was a good value. Lag will always occur--in part because some people have lousy connections---but some games are better than others. RB6 has had almost no lag problems. GRAW2 doesn't have much lag either--because the game automatically boots people if the connection can't handle it---but if you are all in, then it works fine. This is different from the demo, where the lag from a Kerry hosted room made me feel like I was in a roller disco with strobe lights going. But now---the game just drops people if it will cause lag. GoW has pretty bad lag for certain players.
    Oh I totally understand their point. I agree that paying anything extra sucks balls, but it seems thats the way its gonna be from now on. I mean Live, Playstation Store, and whatever the hell the Wii shop is called, paying for extra content, games, or add ons is here and will remain.

    Yeah Grejo don't pay for MS Office when you can use Sun Microsystem's Open Office for Free. ROFL.


    • #17
      Honorary DSA
      • Jun 2005
      • 778

      Nintendo Fanboy: 55%
      Sony Fanboy: 28%
      Microsoft Fanboy: 62%

      This means you're: A Sony Hater

      Not really surprised. I own both the Wii and the 360 and don't plan on getting a ps3. I've played resistance but im not really impressed with it. And im a huge shooter geek. I really don't have anything against the system or sony itself, i just don't like it so i go to other companies. I have to say, gears owns. Those questions where kind of weird anyways. Oh well. And i don't really go around saying i hate sony or anything. The ps2s have given me ample problems in the past. Maybe once the price goes down to at least 300 (like 10 years later) and gets some better shooters i might be interested to pick one up. Nothing against you ps3 guys.
      <img src=http://dsa.ctrlfreak.net/banners/shoot-bannervf.jpg>


      • #18
        Imperial Guard
        • Jun 2006
        • 4051
        • DSA norm

        Open office is a great program and I use it all the time. I've even got family members using it. I also have Office which I have to use for school programs.

        Paying to play. I am not a fan of this with Microsoft. I personally think it's a dumb idea. I was completely against the idea of LIVE until Sony made a couple of "quiet" announcements about their online service. They proclaimed that there was going to be no charge to play online, yet in smaller print they did leave the door open for the individual game makers to charge to play. If you think Microsoft is greedy and paying $3.85 a month to play any game you want is too much just wait till the game makers start charging you to play. To play on the EA servers could cost you $3.00 a month to play, the Ubisoft servers $2.00 a month, the Sierra servers another $2.00, and the Midway folks charging you $2.00. That's $9 per month just to play online. That doesn't count if they limit you to only playing 1 game online per month for that price. They could charge you twice that to play extra games. Just think about how many EA games there are and how much money they could make per game per month with a monthly charge. With the greed that is out there and the fact companies all ready do this with computer games you and I both know this will happen very quickly.

        For as much as I don't like Microsoft they actually did their gaming right. Live is a great product and so is the 360. They are working to improve it everyday. With Sony all I hear of are broken promises. The PS3 will have this now it won't. The PS3 will play every PS2 game, now it doesn't and now the European market is getting shafted in that regard. The PS3 will cost $600 and it doesn't matter how much it will cost because people will buy it. If there is anyone who has collectively slapped their fan and consumer base in the face it's been Sony. As much as I was all for the PS3 and against Microsoft in the beginning I have changed my mind and those are the reasons why.


        • #19
          Imperial Guard
          • Nov 2004
          • 4956
          • DSA Zabka

          Going back to the Bill Gates as altruist point, I found this in Wikipedia (I suppose I could go to the cited sources instead)


          As of 2006, the foundation has an endowment of approximately US$33.7 billion. To maintain its status as a charitable foundation, it must donate at least 5% of its assets each year.[10] Thus the donations from the foundation each year would amount to over US$1.5 billion at a minimum.

          The Foundation has been organized, as of April 2006, into four divisions, including core operations (public relations, finance and administration, human resources, etc.), under Chief Operating Officer Cheryl Scott, and three grant-making programs:

          * Global Health Program
          * Global Development Program
          * United States Program
          You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



          • #20
            Darth Beratter

            Zabka, just because I dislike Microsoft, doesn't mean I dislike Bill Gates. Hell, he's a Hell of a lot smarter than I could ever dream of being.

            But his company does really crappy on their products sometimes.:

            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.



            • #21
              Imperial Guard
              • Nov 2004
              • 4956
              • DSA Zabka

              lol. That wasn't necessarily directed to you Des. It's just that very often people view them as one and the same--but Gates is giving more money to charity than anyone else ever has (some of that is Buffett's money too).

              I agree that MSFT does put out some crappy products at times. Manufacturing issues on the 360 still seem to exist (I found a website where people past their warranty had figured out what the issue was--and they were all fixing it with a little soldering). That is disappointing. PS2's had their issues as well, but not like this alarmingly high rate of 360 failures. Fortunately for most, the warranty covers it. I guess the fact that MSFT is grounded as an engineering/software company instead of a manufacturing company must have something to do with it.

              But I have come across crappy products from everybody. That's non-unique. Most of the issues I have heard about for Sony are more software related instead of hardware--since software can be fixed with patches, firmware, etc. I would prefer that problem. however, I do find it interesting that the manufacturing company's weakness is the software, and the software company's weakness is manufacturing.
              You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



              • #22
                • Oct 2004
                • 756
                • Pants9000

                Originally posted by Zabka
                however, I do find it interesting that the manufacturing company's weakness is the software, and the software company's weakness is manufacturing.
                Not to poke fun at you Zabadaba (that's ur name in my head cuz I like that candy), but aren't you saying you're surprised that people have issues with things that aren't their fortes (ie I'm good at soccer so it is interesting that I suck at baseball :? ). Rather, it's what is expected.

                The perfect future company is Microny or SoSoft


                • #23
                  Darth Beratter

                  I guess what bothers me is that he does donate all this money, but in my opinion he should give something back to the very people that made him rich beyond avarice.

                  His customers.

                  Seems like he has money to give away to everyone except us. Hell, it would be the very best PR move ever made!

                  The lag issue has to do with the software involved. I have never, and I mean never experienced lag of any form in the BFMC2 servers. Ever.

                  But SWBF2? Almost every time. And the mic cut outs get really old too.

                  I know that "pay for play" issues are mine, and mine alone. To some it's worthwhile. To me, it's an uneeded expense. I would've been all over Star Wars Galaxies if it were for free. But they changed the software, and from what I've read, completely ruined the game experience for a lot of gamers who vented their fury to me about it.

                  People fuss that certain games aren't online compatible. I think that beyond a doubt, that if "Oblivion" was online, it would have to be voted best game of all time.

                  Yeah right.

                  Yes it would be awesome, until you get into the whole W.o.W. problems of teamkillers and glitchers killing everyone all the time. I never see female players pulling this kind of crap, so it must be a testosterone driven problem.

                  Where is the "fun" in killing people on your own team?. It's not the object of the game. So therefore it must just be the "fun" of being a complete asshole to people that can't really do anything back to you.

                  Ha ha. What fun. My BFMC rank is still low due to this problem, although I've been fussing at Neko to help me get it back up. Seems that TK'rs love it, unless it's happening to them. I shot them, blew them up with rockets and landmines, and squished them with tanks until they were literally begging me over the mic to please leave them alone.

                  Nope. I showed them exactly how much "fun" it was. Over and over again, until they gave up and left. The guys on my team were loving it, I was never booted, as they enjoyed me taunting the TK'rs over the mic.

                  Is this issue handled better on the X-box?. I don't know, and I don't like to talk about things I don't have much info about. Does X-Box live have better controls on removing these "pests"?.



                  • #24
                    Imperial Guard
                    • Nov 2004
                    • 4956
                    • DSA Zabka

                    Hosts can boot anybody at will in most games. Beyond that, most games have a setting for booting after a number of teamkills. However, I have actually never run into a problem like that. You run into loud mouths and glitchers a fair amount in all games, but for pure teamkillers, I haven't seen any issues.

                    For those who are disruptive, there is a feedback mechamism to xbox.com where you report language, cheating, etc. The first level is to damage their reps. But that is pretty meaningless, it just makes it less likely for you to be randomly put together (when you just choose a room to play).

                    The next level is to file a complaint. The complaints can result in the person losing their LIVE privleges--I think the first step is a 2 month ban. I think you lose your money. There can be more aggressive repurcussions too. I am not sure how they determine one person's word v another, but I think with a pattern, that a person loses his privleges. Person can't be anonymous becuase the name is linked to an account. If they want to change the account name, it costs them money and it is still linked. I suppose they can just open up a new account...but if kids are the perpetrators, then they probably don't have credit cards...so they would need to buy more membership cards. I suppose they can keep making more accounts each time, but it certainly ups the difficulty for them to cause problems. Because LIVE has a friends list as well as a recently played list, it allows you to see whoever joined the room with you---I think the fact that they can't just anonymously do their damage and escape limits it.

                    Of course now that I have written this, I am sure I will run into problems left and right.
                    You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



                    • #25
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 587

                      Nintendo Fanboy: 30%
                      Sony Fanboy: 48%
                      Microsoft Fanboy: 28%

                      Not a fanboy.

                      Strange that I own and love my 360 and got microsoft as the least, but I did hate the original xbox and have allways liked the other 2. I also plan on getting a PS3 after I pay off my amp. But seriously Rev?!? no wonder the questions weren't too title/game specific the questions seem a bit outdated.
                      One shot, One kill.


                      • #26
                        • Jun 2006
                        • 327


                        Nintendo fanboy 36%
                        Sony fanboy 40%
                        Microsoft 59%

                        What does this mean?

                        "You're a gamer, since you like all the systems, but Microsoft is your favorite. But even though you like Bill Gates, you don't love him and help lead the armies against Sony and Nintendo."

                        Sounds pretty close to me. But I did choose to kick the one guy in the balls for offering all three systems and only letting me choose one.


