Senior Trip



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  • Rdaug27
    • Jun 2006
    • 1448

    Senior Trip

    OK I saw some shouts about this and thought I would make a thread on it.

    My senior trip was to Cancun and it was pretty awesome. One of my friends did get strep throat from kissing on so many damn women 8O and he had to be sent home early. I remember drinking so much one night that I passed out in the club. I haven't been right since and to this day don't drink much. My hotel was on a nude beach which rocked. My friends and I kept hearing about a strip club, but no one had the balls to go, except us I had a hotel room to myself which was good and bad for several reasons. Oh well that was my experience.
  • #2
    Imperial Guard
    • Nov 2004
    • 4956
    • DSA Zabka

    Strip clubs in Mexico are mostly just fronts for extracurricular activities, RDaug. lol. Did you learn that on your trip?

    I hope everybody enjoys the celebration. But try to be safe and not get into situations you could regret later. There are rules....and then there are RULES.
    You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



    • #3
      • Jun 2006
      • 1448

      I learned that, but did not partake. I do remember one of my buddies dad was a preacher and us laughing uncontrollably at him getting a lap dance I saw some amazing things in Mexico. Coming from a small town it was amazing to see a city open ALL night. It was a great time. I am too reserved to try stuff that is too crazy though. I've always thought of the consequences before anything I did and that has prevented me from having some good fun, but it has kept me alive, drug free, with all my fingers, toes and no broken extremities.


      • #4
        Honorary DSA

        My school's trip is to D.C. I've been there before, and don't really care for it. Another thing is that NY to DC, isn't much of a trip. I've heard stories of districts close to mine going to Hawaii for their trip, some go to Italy. Basically I did not want to pay $400 for a place I've already been to and didn't have fun.

        Here's how the trip is planned out: Today all the seniors left at around 5 AM and took a bus to DC. Once they got there, they'd sight see in the museum and then go to a service at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. After that they go to the hotel and have a banquet. Tomorrow they go to Busch Gardens for the entire day. Sunday they hang around the Smithsonian Mall before they head back.

        Not my idea of a great weekend. I was at Busch Gardens last year, and since I am deathly afraid of roller coasters, did not really care. Didn't really like the museums in DC. Probably my greatest memory of when I was down there in '03 was watching Game three of the ALCS with Pedro pushing down Zimmer.

        But this weekend is going to be a long one. A lot of my friends are gone and I'm already bored. Not to mention three days without talking to Erin .
        "You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun." - Derek Jeter


        • #5
          Honorary DSA
          • Nov 2004
          • 496

          Must have sounded fun in Cancun but mine was definitely unforgettable.

          It's naturally a tradition for all SoCal schools on their Senior Trip to go to Disneyland however we were able to go from 8 at night to 6 AM the next day and to me being the giant D-Land fan that I am it was an amazing sight to see the sun rise on Main Street despite the fact that I was tired.

          It was amazing, horrendously crowded but simply amazing. Got a rare opportunity to go to the Haunted Mansion at Midnight, Pirates of the Carribbean at 2 AM, the Jungle Cruise at 4 with the sun just peeking out from Tomorrowland, not to mention doing everything else within that span.

          The thing that really threw me was not the fact that they closed Tom Sawyer's Island, which was obvious, but they turned several restaurants and extra line space into clubs. Yes people, dance clubs!!! Like lounges and things like that it was the weirdest thing I have ever seen in my life. And when we were approaching the park from the tram I ould hear this loud bass coming from the park and when we got to Frontierland I discovered that on the Fantasmic stage on the Island was a DJ playing nothing but Pop and Clean Hip-Hop. The only rock song I heard that whole night was Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day. The only one. Good thing we were in a lot of rides.

          Yeah it was definitely awesome to be at Disneyland from night to morning and after a hike back to the parking lot (the tram people took the night off so we had to walk the tram road all the way back) we all slept and we got to skip school that next day to sleep it all off. Very rare chance that SoCal ppl get. Wanna try it? Move out here before u graduate lol.


          • #6

            my school only goes to canada's wonderland or whatever it is called

            "I know they were just kids, but we kicked their pube-less asses!"


            • #7
              Imperial Guard
              • Nov 2004
              • 4956
              • DSA Zabka


              Busch Gardens isn't that close to DC. Kings Dominion is actually a big closer. But that sounds lame for a senior trip. I would think a National's or Orioles game would be fun (or DC United, Wizards, or Caps). The museums are pretty good actually, but I haven't been there for a while.

              But DC is most fun in a non-controlled setting. You need some freedom to hit the town right. Good restaurants, decent bar scene. But as a tourist location, it doesn't have anything all that different from NY other than the monuments.
              You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



              • #8
                Honorary DSA

                One of the things that was purposed early on in the year is a trip down to Disney World by bus and stay over DC for a night. Then we'd have DC open for us and I think other senior classes that were on their trip. Then on the way back up, while in DC catch an Nationals game or go to Camden Yards. It would have cost more money, but there probably would have been 100% participation. I would have spent a few nights with some dirtbags for that. Not DC.

                And yes, DC has very good restaurants. We stayed in Alexandria, Virginia, which is a pretty quick train ride from DC and our hotel had excellent food (and room service). We ate in DC the other two nights. One was at a tavern type place, which had good food. Then our final night we ate at this restaurant (and I forget the name) that every president since Andrew Jackson ate at. Very good food as well.

                Aside from that, nothing really interesting for me. I've been to Williamsburg twice, and I enjoyed the second time better than DC. Nothing like laughing at people in costumes when they're not looking. Or walking on streets without having to worry about cars. And, more or less, there's only one subject: Colonial history. It's not like in the American History museum where you go and see a costume Bono wore and then OH! it's Julia Child.
                "You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun." - Derek Jeter


                • #9
                  • Jun 2006
                  • 1448

                  Your school organized your senior trip? WTF? We did what we wanted. Not everyone went to Cancun, and by no means was the school involved with it, or any trip. That just sounds so lame. There were people from all schools from all over there, so it was a lot of people your own age there. Yes there were some chaperons, it was an organized thing. It was a package deal through a travel agency. We had wrist bands that gave us drink specials and stuff at certain clubs on certain nights.


                  • #10
                    Honorary DSA

                    Tell me about it. There are so many things I hate about my district. It's saving grace is one of the largest radio stations on Long Island. And the sad thing is, when I moved out here about nine years ago, there wasn't a spot on it's record. The football team used to be a powerhouse. Twenty some-odd straight years of making the playoffs. Now, ever since 2004, the school has missed the playoffs twice in three years. Unheard of back in the "good ole' days". Seven years ago, our girls basketball team had one of the top recruits in the country. This year, they won an "impressive" two games.

                    Back in 2000, with budgets already questionable, they decided to split the district from about 10 elementary schools, two junior highs, one middle school (9th and 10th) and one high school (11th-12th) to the same amount of elementary schools (changed from K-6 to K-5), four middle schools (6-8) and two high schools (9-12). This required the building of two new schools and re-alignment of the district. People who I was best friends with in middle school, and even some who I went to the same elementary school with ended up going to a different high school with me, but in the same district. And of course there's rumors of shady people dealing with finances, audits by the State. It really is fucked up. I will say that it's getting better, and maybe when my sister graduates two years from now, it will return to "normal", but for me and my friends it totally screwed up high school for them. The freshman class of 2008 (so not this upcoming year, but the next) will be the first "unaffected" class. Crazy.
                    "You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun." - Derek Jeter


