Star Wars Favorite



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  • #16
    • Mar 2006
    • 381

    The original three are the best, the new ones suck.


    • #17
      Honorary DSA

      By far, Empire Strikes Back is not only the greatest Star Wars, but one of the greatest films of all time. When I first watched Episode IV when I was six years old, I enjoyed it a lot. But, it wasn't "great". However, I remember a little while later, I was up "late" (10 PM for me as a six year old is late) and I remember looking for something because I couldn't fall asleep. I found Episode V on a movie channel and watched it. I didn't stay up for the entire thing, but it intrigued me enough to watch the entire thing about a week later. Instantly hooked. It's in my top 5 films to watch. What never gets old, for me at least, is C-3PO always saying something to piss off anyone else during the scenes inside the Falcon. And then the ending, which is as great as anything else. Just perfect. Musically, it's amazing and fits in great with the film. It's everything a person who likes films would enjoy.

      Episode III gets second place. When I was young and easily amused, Episode I and II were pretty good in my eye. However, the last time I watched Episode I, probably at least three years ago, I couldn't stand anything about it, aside from Liam Neeson and that epic lightsaber fight. Episode II was an improvement, but not by much. When I saw Episode III, I fell in love with it. Redemption for the entire prequels, though not enough for me to even search for my Episode I DVD. Episode III had the best acting of the prequels (though that's saying nothing) and the best story. The opening sequence in space has to be the greatest Star Wars visual of the six movies, and up there with the lighting of the Beacons of Gondor for one of my favorite scenes on just visuals. The music, as always, is great. I was sort of disappointed that "Battle of the Heroes" was not used in the space sequence, like it was in the DVD extra that came with the Episode's soundtrack. And so much fun to watch. Humor was in there, and not forced like so many times in the prequels. Finally Lucas decided to go back to what worked in the Originals and let R2 be the main source for comic relief, as we saw in the scenes on The Invisible Hand. Just a great movie.

      Now that I've gone on this trip down memory lane, I'm going to watch Empire now.
      "You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun." - Derek Jeter


      • #18
        • Mar 2007
        • 1559
        • Gino31B

        Here are the official grades.

        Episode I D (Darth Maul saves the film)
        Episode II B- (Monologue was not very good some slow points in movie)
        Episode III A+ (Movie was great to see how III and IV tie together, great battle scenes)
        Episode IV A (For that period of time when the movie was made it definitely had impressive special effects, seeing it in a theatre for first time was awesome experience. Had very good one liners and comic humor)
        Episode V A+ (Fast paced the entire time and kept you on the edge of your seat.)
        Episode VI A- (Could have been best movie but Ewoks definitely bring it down)


        • #19
          • Mar 2007
          • 121

          star wars favorite

          keeps me guessing if darth maul didnt get cut down and him and vader went at it who would have actually won that battle ,and its hard to believe that it will be 30yrs some time later this month that star wars a new hope came out,i remember i was waiting in line ti see that movie and the box office clerk came out and said it was sold out i was pissed
          <a href=""><img src="" alt="wwaredn[dsa] - brought to you by" border="0"></a>


          • #20

            I don't like the 4th one as much, but i like the 5th and 6th, and then the 3rd, cuz i like to see how it all comes together. The 1st one i just nap to, cuz it makes me sleepy.

            "I know they were just kids, but we kicked their pube-less asses!"


