School... day before day after tomarrow



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  • #31

    it was funny last year, I had to read 3 books, I chose All Quiet on the Western Front, Great Train Robbery, and 1984. During the Summer I only read one of the three, Great Train Robbery. All Quiet I had read in 8th grade for school. 1984 I just didn't have the time to read meaning I was too lazy and didn't really start until the last few weeks of summer.

    So when school started and I found out we were gonna have a test on the three books we read, I went onto Sparknotes, and read about 1984, which I realized is a book I would probably enjoy. Funny thing though is I did the best on the test on the section about 1984.

    So i just have fun arguing with my dad about the summer reading, because he got pissed that I did that about my book last year so he wants me to actually read the books this year. And I just enjoy pointing out the fact that I do better on the book just learning about it on sparknotes instead of actually reading it because it does all the analysis for me.

    which i realize is just half assing it, but my side of it, is why not use the resources available to me if it helps me do better in school.

    "I know they were just kids, but we kicked their pube-less asses!"


    • #32
      • Jul 2006
      • 1156

      lol i used sparknotes on the scarlett letter AND huckleberry finn.....and i owned those tests

      i didn't read a single page of those books but i know all the parts of the story by heart.....which is weird


      • #33
        • Jun 2006
        • 577

        Dude school starts Monday for me. All but two AP classes. -brain explodes-

        Lol, I'm kind of the stud within my 'group'. I may suck at games at times but at least I have real life ;) Sounds like the opposite of most game addicts, but whatever... :D

        I like cookies. You like cookies? You no like cookies? I put rebel scum in your cookies...


        • #34
          • Apr 2006
          • 587

          You guys have to get out of the mentallity that reading is only something you do when your forced. It really does make you smarter, I read for fun all the time once I realized I could read without being graded and being told what to read. Zab, your right on the instrument thing, my actual major would be musical performance for either classical or jazz guitar ( I havent decided yet since I start today, once you can play classical you can play any thing but Im allready good at jazz and own 6 electrics and one steel string acoustic but no classical). I wonder if I can spend a federal grant on this les paul I want and count it as school supplies.
          One shot, One kill.


          • #35
            Imperial Guard
            • Nov 2004
            • 4956
            • DSA Zabka

            Also, there are pretty much only two ways to get better at writing. Practice writing and reading (both need to be done, actually). And anybody interested in a non blue-collar, artistic, or athletic career should recognize that being able to write effectively is at least an advantage and, at most, necessary.

            I don't read nearly enough myself as I have a tendency to read only on flights or on vacations.
            You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



            • #36
              Honorary DSA
              • Jun 2005
              • 778

              I don't start until the day after labor day. The 4th i think? But thats good, im not in the mental state for school atm. RL issues have completely devastated me and not being able to play makes it worse.
              <img src=>


              • #37

                Originally posted by Master_Ian
                You guys have to get out of the mentallity that reading is only something you do when your forced. It really does make you smarter, I read for fun all the time once I realized I could read without being graded and being told what to read. Zab, your right on the instrument thing, my actual major would be musical performance for either classical or jazz guitar ( I havent decided yet since I start today, once you can play classical you can play any thing but Im allready good at jazz and own 6 electrics and one steel string acoustic but no classical). I wonder if I can spend a federal grant on this les paul I want and count it as school supplies.
                Oh I don't mind reading one bit, if it is a book I choose, but most the books we read for English classes are ones that have deeper meaning, that you are supposed to take something from the book and use it in life. And I just can't enjoy it when I have to take apart the book and worry about getting tested on it.

                "I know they were just kids, but we kicked their pube-less asses!"


                • #38
                  • Jul 2006
                  • 1156

                  exactly the same with me. if i have to read this or that by a specific date, discuss about it THOROUGHLY and then have a quiz....i just can't get into it.

                  but if i was reading on my own and then maybe talked to a friend about it, i could easily get into the book and learn more.


