DSA Vegas Takeover



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  • LvDevilsFan
    Honorary DSA

    DSA Vegas Takeover

    OK... just wondering, but who is planning to join the Pimperor on his visit to the desert planet of Tattoine in march???
    I could organize a few things, but really depends on whos coming and what they want to do...
    Gambling can be done.... not like there arent any casinos here... although i have heard reports of a few defilers rigging the games... grrrrr
    I have an in at one of the HOT new clubs, LAX at the luxor... a good friend is like one of the doormen..
    the deal on that is... its very nice inside... but no place to sit unless you reserve a table.. which has bennies, as well as... consequences...
    bennies are... bottle of liquor, a hot as hell waitress that wears next to nothing, a nice place to sit on NICE couches and a few others...
    bad thing is... its kinda pricey... like 500 bucks.. im willing to chip in a vast amount of it... but need to know if this is something that would want to be done..
    Otherwise, i can send out my probe droids to do further recon.
    <img src=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11/CaDevilsFan/Banner.bmp>
  • #2
    • Mar 2007
    • 1559
    • Gino31B

    Well Devils I'm like 480 miles away but love Vegas enough to visit. If its close to spring break i will definitely be there. I think Taco was interested, but i know he's been making some big investments lately so i don't know what his funds are like.


    • #3
      Honorary DSA
      • Mar 2006
      • 906
      • DSA TacO

      I may not be ballin the way i'd want to out there, but i'm pretty damn sure you can count me in. I'm not missin a chance to chill with some Brothers in Vegas.


