PS3 v 360 in parody song form



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  • Zabka
    Imperial Guard
    • Nov 2004
    • 4956
    • DSA Zabka

    PS3 v 360 in parody song form

    Against the PS3

    against the 360 (inappropriate language)

    You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!

  • #2

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    I really liked this one. The song this is a parody of was my favorite song for a really, really long time.
    Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.

    As a man, I don't have high standards for women. I just three criteria you must meet. One, are you a woman? Two, have you always been a woman? Three, if you answered "No." to either of the previous questions, can you keep a secret?

    One should never start a conversation with, "I don't mean this in a gay way, but..."

    No Animal BEAT drums don't EAT drums!


    Fire fighter- Fights fire
    Crime fighter- Fights crime
    Freedom fighter- ???


    • #3
      • Oct 2006
      • 979

      all the ps3 complaints will be solved with time, the 360 just sucks, 3 people I know personally bought one and have all had to send it back, I just laughed at them,
      Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man, that state is obsolete. A case to be filed under "M" for Mankind - in The Twilight Zone.


      • #4
        Imperial Guard
        • Nov 2004
        • 4956
        • DSA Zabka

        Wow Ditch. What a well-constructed argument not at all smacking of fanboyism! I am kidding....we have all been through these issues so many times on these forums. Some people have an open view and others remain oddly resistant to recognizing the merits of both systems.

        Actually, unless Sony goes back on what it has said (and has already done so a few times), the key features of Live will still not be part of HOME or the PSN. In game messaging and joining will be enabled for games through gamespy for games with the unreal engine (license agreement announced a month or so ago) and Sony said it expects to continue to allow developers to choose what features they want on that front. So communications between people in different games will continue to be limited unless they change their stance. I think most online gamers who are on the 360 will agree that the network interface is the best thing about the system. My friends with both don't play the PS3 all that much because of that problem---unless their 360 is being sent in due to RRoD! LOL.

        The games for the PS3 will definitely come...but given lackluster reviews for games like Lair and ok reviews for Heavenly Sword (although both had GREAT reviews on the graphics), this impact is probably going to happen a little later. UT3 and MGS4 will be nice additions.

        I'll get a PS3 when I feel the 360 just doesn't offer me enough, the price is cheaper, and the online interface is better for gaming with friends. By then, the library should be pretty nice.
        You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



        • #5
          • Jul 2006
          • 1156

          ''If you have nothing nice to say, shut the f*ck up!'' -Everyone follow that when talking about 360 and PS3


          • #6
            Imperial Advisor

            <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
            <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


            • #7
              Darth Beratter

              Sony's online has gotten alot better since I've had my PS3. My friendslist now tells me if one of my friends comes online, wether I'm online gaming or not, and Ditch and myself send each other messages all the time, and now have instant voice chat if we want it. It now also tells each other what games we're playing, and if we're playing online or not, and we can join whatever game they're on in a few moments. So it is getting better.

              And now they're working on putting up specific servers you can download movies, videos and music, just for the PS3. So change may be slow, but it does show at least that they're working on it.

              One of the things that does bug me though is that I can use my WiFi headset for PS3 games, but to hear people online on PS2 games, I have to use my old wired headset. Not really a problem, more of just an annoyance.

              Zabka, with games like Jericho, Timeshift, Warhawk, Haze and RE5, you honestly say those games don't interest you until '08? And soooo much more is coming out.

              What does suprise is that Bioshock hasn't really taken off like I though it would.

              I've had my PS3 for almost damn near a year now, and it still amazes me.

              The graphics are truly stunning. I know Zabs that you don't like games like oblivion, but when you stand there in the world, and you can hear the wind gently blowing through the trees, and look up and see the leaves blowing in the wind, and the grass slowly swaying. And then it grows dark and starts to rain, and you can see each individual raindrop splashing and hitting the river, and watch the ripples across the water, it is truly stunning. Especially in Hi-Def. Which is why my Wife doesn't play any games on it, but told me that she could sit there for hours and just watch me play it, because the graphics are that amazing. Especially Oblivion, which is her fave to watch me play. She'll stop whatever she's doing at the time and curl up on the couch and watch me play Oblivion. Hell, she'll even beg me to play, just so she can watch.

              Anything that will make your wife STFU, and watch you play games, is a GOOD thing. So for your marital bliss Zabka, you need to get one. Trust me, you'll quickly see what I'm talking about. ;)

              There's no point in me slamming the X-Box, as besides the RRoD, it's not a bad system. But when you get a PS3, and really experience everything that it has to offer, Your 360 will quickly gather dust. I have absolute faith in that fact, without a doubt.

              Play B3yond. Your wife will thank you for it. And your kids will bless and hail your name.



              • #8
                Imperial Guard
                • Nov 2004
                • 4956
                • DSA Zabka

                I know about 10 people with both the 360 and the PS3. Most spend their time on the 360. To be honest the upcoming 07 PS3 games really don't hold that much interest for me. Especially since only 1 of the three big titles for the fall have proven worthy of the hype. And if you look at the launch dates for most of the games, they are mostly 08 and in almost all cases end up getting delayed. Besides, Resident Evil 5, Jericho, and Timeshift are all coming out on the 360 as well I believe. Only Warhawk (which looks great to me) and Haze (which didn't hold that much interest for me even when it being developed multiplatform) hasn't shown me enough to distinguish it from other shooters. UT3 is more compelling to me than Haze.

                I know that PSN has been improving steadily since it launched--but to ask a similar question as you have asked in the past--why wasn't it there in the first place? Nonetheless, the capabilities are still well short of Live where it doesn't matter what game you are in or not, all functionalities are there for communicating by text, chat, or voice message in addition to sending invites or joining public rooms together with friends. From a clan perspective it is a huge help for gaming together. I have also read that Halo3 lacks a clan function in part because Live reduces some of that necessity, but also because there is a rumor that Live will incorporate clan functionality within it. I believe Home is supposed to help for such functions on the PS3, but that has been delayed into 08 as well.

                Oblivion was out first on the 360. It was used for graphical comparisons by many sites. Load times were definitely better on the PS3, default lighting looked to be better on the PS3, textures were more vivid on the 360 if I recall correctly. I just don't get into RPGs.

                Bioshock has been a resounding success as it sold over 2 MM units in August. I bought it and don't even like RPGs, although this is a shooter/RPG. Played it, enjoyed it, but don't really feel the need to revisit it. Bioshock is likely to be awarded game of the year by a number of publications (I can't imagine Halo3 winning it since it is simply an improvement over a successful formula instead of a new world) and has received reviews beyond any game that I have ever seen. The visuals, mood, sound, etc. are all quite impressive.

                As for having the PS3 for a year, how is that possible? I haven't had my 360 for a year, and I got my 360 around the time of the PS3 launch. Hasn't it been closer to 6 months?

                Again...comparisons made for arguments of persuasion are almost always biased by personal preferences. I only play my games online and in `multiplayer. Bioshock is the notable exception. The 360 still has the superior online gaming service (for now) as it should given subscription fees (small as they may be). That's where I go. The 360 has the larger and superior library, but there are certainly more PS3 games that will be of interest. Just no reason to go with it before the price drops at least another $100.

                To be honest, I don't think PS3 owners need to try getting the 360 at this point either (if they aren't Halo, Gears, or Bioshock fans). The best games coming up will be multiplatform (for what I like at least). Hell, aside from playing COD4 beta, I have spent most of my time on RB6 which is multiplatform. COD4 is simply an awesome shooter. It will rock on both. GTA4 (also not my cup of tea) is going to be on both although the 360 will have exclusive downloadable content. I wasn't a Halo fan before I got Halo3, but have since found that the multiplayer is really a lot of fun and the co-op campaign is simply awesome.

                I don't know why I feel compelled to pipe up every time people disparage a system. Oddly, if you look at our boards, lately you see very few 360 owners disparaging the PS3, but most of the PS3 owners feel the need to try to assert the PS3's superiority. I think the reality is that they each have strengths and weaknesses. You go with the strengths that are most compelling to you.
                You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



                • #9
                  • Oct 2006
                  • 979

                  the psn has worked ever since I bought my ps3 on dec 24th, ˆ have always been able to do a video chat and browse the web with it, I dont know what the issues are, people say stuff about the ps3 that arent true, yes it does cost alot and no there arent very many games out there yet, the media and people say how crappy it is and a waste, I recently played halo 3 with my good friend a huge halo fan, I was expecting more, although no game could ever live to that kind of hype. I was glad they kept the same physics engine and basics, but then I popped in resistance just for a comparrison, I went to the level where you drive the jeep, the graphics are good and detailed, and I think the main difference was clipping and draw distance, when driving the warthog or the chopper, motorcycle type vehicle in halo 3 (actually a very fun vehicle) I like the vehicles they put in thoe halo games, even though I am not a fan of the game I think it is a good game, anyways, when driving in halo 3 I noticed the grass and bushes seemed to grow in front of me as I drove, this did not happen in resistance, everything was just there, I am not a computer guru, but this is so far the main difference I have found in the 2 systems(other than the red ring of death) I have been perterbed the developers make the games better for the 360 hopefully things will get better with unreal tournament 3, I have seen the two videos at the top of this thread, before, and many more ripping on the ps3, it doesnt make me mad becouse I know that some of the stuff in the video is true and some are lies,
                  Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man, that state is obsolete. A case to be filed under "M" for Mankind - in The Twilight Zone.


                  • #10
                    Imperial Guard
                    • Nov 2004
                    • 4956
                    • DSA Zabka

                    Yeah, I think the PS3 wins the graphics battle. The 360 has some beautiful looking games, but I think that the PS3 seems to just process them a bit faster so that what Ditch described is less prevalent on the PS3. However, the difference in graphics is still not really all that great---it is much less than the difference between the orig xbox and the PS2. At least at this point the differences are more modest than great.

                    At the end of the day, I think most online gamers want something that looks good, with great design, playability, replayability, and responsive controls. I think Halo3 (never a Halo fan myself) has really delivered that in spades. Graphically, they knew they weren't going to be nicer looking than Gears or Bioshock. As far as shooters go, I think Gears still might be the most impressive looking game out there with a phenomenal co-op mode. The multiplayer is great as well, but people have varying opinions on that.
                    You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



