Any 360 price breaks?



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  • #16

    Gold is the actual online gameplay, I think silver is just for using the marketplace, but I am uncertain.

    As far as I knew though, I though the premium also came with a month of XBL Gold, at least that's what all my friends got when they bought theirs.

    Edit: Upon checking the circuit city page, I don't see it mention XBL gold anywhere only silver. Yet in the reviews one dated on 10/20/07 said that it came with a month free of gold. Maybe because of the 2 game addition to the package they took out the Gold subscription.

    Another Edit: From checking the GT forums, and I'm sure someone who has a 360 here would have eventually chimed it, but apparently when you register on XBL it asks whether you want the free trial.
    lol another guy said that you can create a new account three times and get a month free each of those times, but you lose gamerscore and you need a new tag.
    Last edited by CHRIST; 11-05-2007, 06:57 PM.

    "I know they were just kids, but we kicked their pube-less asses!"


    • #17
      Imperial Guard
      • Nov 2004
      • 4956
      • DSA Zabka

      1. if you go pro, read the packaging carefully to be sure you get one with an HDMI port...older models don't have them and have more hardware problems (unrelated, but they are older models).

      2. Most of us haven't run into a hard drive capacity problem yet, but most of us probably aren't downloading a lot of HD movies from XBox Live. I still have 10 gigs of memory on mine (the first 5 or 6 gigs go to the OS). But Idon't download much. So it is up to you on if you will be doing a lot of downloading of demos, movies, etc. I would also expect that more games will have more extensive downloadable content as that is a way to counteract the larger blu-ray DVD capacity over traditional DVD capacity. Most downloads I have come across are about 700 MB tops. So you can do the math.

      3. Phoenix--who has been MIA--had and Elite and loved it.

      4. Corp originally bought a core system. Totally not worth it. You need an HDD.

      5. HDMI is supposed to be much better for clarity, but to be honest, I think you need to be a video/audiophile to really tell. But those cables aren't cheap (I have seen them from $30 to $100 for 6 foot HDMI cable). The Elite was the first of the 360s to offer HDMI jacks. Now that all of them offer the jacks (but not the cables) the differences aren't as compelling.

      6. Silver membership is worthless. It is free for everyone I believe. Gold is for online play.

      7. Ultimately, the question is whether or not you think you will need the space later on and if you would rather just have the drive now or not. The other thing to consider is that going with the smaller HDD will get you where you want to be while also funding a new game and xbox live for a year just about. There are so many games you are going to want to play. Trust me.
      You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



      • #18
        Honorary DSA

        Well, at the store, I saw that the PRO ONLY comes with silver and not gold. They must have changed it. All of the pros come with HDMI ports, so those are the good ones that I would want. I can't see myself ever downloading movies or demos, so it's just support for games that would be d/l.

        I think I'm leaning towards the pro right now.
        "F--k Ron Paul!" -Gino in the heat of a losing battle; COD4; Crash.


        • #19
          • Jun 2006
          • 761

          i've got an elite (more hdd than i need) and pro. as zab basically said, the pro will do the job for gaming, if ur a download whore u need the elite.

          the core is useless (no hdd) if u plan on playing online.

          pro system $350 (comes with 2 free games, forza 2 & mua)
          gold membership $50
          gears or halo 3 $60 (no reason to get a 360 if ur not getting one of these games)

          so $460 plus tax
          Frodo failed, Bush has the ring!


          • #20

            Originally posted by TriPP
            so $460 plus tax

            lol that's why I plan on getting it this weekend in NH, no sales tax.

            "I know they were just kids, but we kicked their pube-less asses!"


            • #21
              • Apr 2007
              • 198

              Wait hold On Im planing on the 360 to but all this info got me lost so...

              regular 360 pro has...
              20 gb hard drive
              2 games
              silver membership

              and elite has..
              system black
              controler black
              headset black
              120 gb hard drive
              2 games
              gold membership
              and halo 3 or gears?
              Brawl Friend Code:5412-9698-8492


              • #22
                Honorary DSA

                Everything is right, except including halo or gears. Zab was making a point that if you get a 360, you're going to want to play one of those. SO, factor that into the cost and add $60 to what ever system you chose.
                "F--k Ron Paul!" -Gino in the heat of a losing battle; COD4; Crash.


                • #23
                  • Jun 2006
                  • 761

                  the gold membership came with my pro and elite, but it's only for 30 days if u don't already have a gold membership (introductory offer only, it was offered when signing up for xbox live). it's no the 1 yr gold membership that's $50, this is what u want, 1 year.

                  regular 360 pro has...
                  system white
                  20 gb hard drive
                  2 games
                  silver membership

                  and elite has..
                  system black
                  controler black
                  headset black
                  120 gb hard drive
                  2 games
                  gold membership (it's a 30 day intro offer, comes with pro sys too)
                  and halo 3 or gears? (neither is included, but u'll want at least one, if not both)

                  i recommend gears between the two, it's the best violent close combat shooter out there. halo 3 is a good shooter with unmatched features (save game films, costumization of maps, and so on).
                  Last edited by TriPP; 11-06-2007, 12:08 AM.
                  Frodo failed, Bush has the ring!


                  • #24
                    Darth Beratter

                    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

                    When I read posts like this, I could just sit down and cry. From what I can tell, most gamers are buying from the "right now", rather than thinking about the future. Guys, for the moment, you have to think about the future of what you've paid you're hard earned money for.

                    "Well, it's cheaper!". But it's not when you add on the price of what you'd need to get a full interactive gaming experience. Just add on the price of what you'd need to make the 360 into a home entertainment system that you get with the PS3 right out of the box. That's what I did.

                    X-Box wireless: You have to pay.
                    Free with the PS3

                    Get online (for now at least):

                    360: You have to pay.
                    PS3: Free

                    Blu ray Hi-def:
                    PS3: free
                    360: doesn't have it, but you can PAY more to get hi-def, just not as good as Blu-ray.

                    Play Hi-def movies:
                    360: Yep. Once again, with another add on price.
                    PS3: Out of the box for free.


                    360: Nope.
                    PS3: free, once again. With endless add ons.
                    With no additional cost.

                    Hard drive upgradable:

                    Regular 360- Nope.
                    Elite: yes, but you pay more.
                    PS3: once again, out of the box.

                    And I could go on and on.

                    What hurts me is that I see so many of you guys buying the 360 because "It's cheaper", but in the end, if you want a full immersive gaming experience, you end up actually paying more for what you want.

                    Just do the math. Do your homework and add on everything you want your 360 to do for you, and you'd actually end up paying less for a PS3, that can do a helluva lot more for you in the long run.

                    I just hate to see so many DSA members buying the Sega Dreamcast (even though it was technically a better system), than buying PS2's.

                    Cheaper doesn't mean technically that it's cheaper in the long run.

                    Just play Oblivion or Warhawk on the PS3, and you'll never touch your 360 again.

                    And that's what bothers me the most. That eventually you all will get a PS3, and say "For God's sake, I should've bought this years ago".

                    The 360, like the Dreamcast, is basically a dying system. When the PS3 hits full stride, Microsucks will allready have new system for you to buy, with I'm sure more online features for you to pay for. And you'll be stuck with a system that warms up with the wonderful RROD.

                    Microsucks allready turned it's back to those that bought an original X-Box, and left them hanging. My PS3 plays all of my PS2 games. Microsucks does have a better online experience for now, but ya gotta pay for it. And Sony is learning, although slowly, from their mistakes.

                    Just do the math, and you'll see where I'm coming from.




                    • #25
                      • Oct 2006
                      • 979

                      couldnt agree with you more des, think about the future. I almost bought a cheap version of the 360 7 months ago to play with all my friends who have one, but my wife reminded me, 4 of 6 people I know who have 360's have had to send them back, my wifes cousin and my friend who used to love his ps2, he even had to pay microsoft $100 to fix it, they sent him a box with free shipping but they ae charging him for the repair of their defective machine, he plays wow on pc, never touches his 360 then hola 3 comes ot, he played for 25 minutes and rrod
                      Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man, that state is obsolete. A case to be filed under "M" for Mankind - in The Twilight Zone.


                      • #26
                        • Jun 2006
                        • 761

                        ha, one could go through both of the above posts and pick at them, but why?

                        just get a ps3 if u have any doubts about the 360, plain and simple.
                        Frodo failed, Bush has the ring!


                        • #27
                          Imperial Guard
                          • Nov 2004
                          • 4956
                          • DSA Zabka

                          Originally posted by TriPP
                          ha, one could go through both of the above posts and pick at them, but why?

                          just get a ps3 if u have any doubts about the 360, plain and simple.
                          Good point Tripp. Inaccuracies abound.

                          Interesting thing is I haven't heard anybody say they are getting it because it is cheaper.

                          Deslock's video actually does a fair job of comparisons, but is dated as it describes features (360s have HDMI, 40 gig PS3s have fewer features and no backwards compatibility, I think the PSN interface has gotten multiple upgrade as well). But the video says what we have all said: PS3 has more features. 360 has better games and online service. Of course the video was also before the news of how widespread the 360 hardware issues were as well!

                          If people want a 360, they should get a 360. if they want a PS3, they should go get a PS3. If they want both...then both. Arguing the points with flawed information doesn't really enhance anybody's decision making.
                          Last edited by Zabka; 11-06-2007, 07:36 AM.
                          You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



                          • #28
                            Imperial Guard
                            • Nov 2004
                            • 4956
                            • DSA Zabka

                            Originally posted by Ditch
                            couldnt agree with you more des, think about the future. I almost bought a cheap version of the 360 7 months ago to play with all my friends who have one, but my wife reminded me, 4 of 6 people I know who have 360's have had to send them back, my wifes cousin and my friend who used to love his ps2, he even had to pay microsoft $100 to fix it, they sent him a box with free shipping but they ae charging him for the repair of their defective machine, he plays wow on pc, never touches his 360 then hola 3 comes ot, he played for 25 minutes and rrod

                            If he got the RROD, his repairs should be free and warranty covered for 3 years.
                            You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



                            • #29
                              • Oct 2006
                              • 979

                              I agree with you zab, and so does he, we dont know why he is having to pay, nobody else did. the video seemed unbiased but did have a few facts wrong
                              Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man, that state is obsolete. A case to be filed under "M" for Mankind - in The Twilight Zone.


                              • #30
                                Honorary DSA

                                Des, I appreciate your comments. Thank you for making them.

                                I'm sure you won't like what I have to say, but here are my comments. The problem is that I cannot forsee what my future holds. Normally I have a pretty good idea, but things are all up in the air at this point. Two years, or maybe even just a year, from now, I may not be able to play video games due to RL situations. I'm also hoping to get into a federal training academy that lasts 6 months where I won't be able to touch video games at all!

                                I don't want to bank on buying a ps3 (which very well may turn into the best system ever) right now, when the majority of DSA RIGHT NOW are playing 360. I'm looking for the most bang for my buck at the current time. Wow... normally all I think about is the future. However, I don't want to limit myself now when I may not be able to play much (or with dsa at all) in the future.

                                If I get my dream job, I'll be able to also afford the ps3, if I still have time for video games.

                                EDIT: Two comments on features. I didn't know about the wireless feature of the ps3, but I don't actually need it. I'm setting it up right next to the router. Also, I'm not (at this time) interested in paying extra for bluray or HD movies, so I really won't be using that feature any time soon.
                                Last edited by Dioxin; 11-06-2007, 10:12 AM. Reason: additional comments
                                "F--k Ron Paul!" -Gino in the heat of a losing battle; COD4; Crash.


