I've had enough....



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  • Deslock
    Darth Beratter

    I've had enough....

    Okay, I've finally had enough of my job.

    I've been offered a new position that will let me work Monday-Saturday, 7am-4pm.

    This should free me up to be able to do alot more Clan functions and practices.
    Honestly I thought the job I took would be better, be actually became a horror story as everyone left/transfered, leaving me basically screwed. I quickly became tired of working 7am-10pm everyday, with a boss that threatens everything with either write-ups, or plain out dismissal.

    What I thought could possibly be a dream job, has resulted in me being in just three months being written up three times, and demoted twice, with lots of double shifts, and being called in on my days off. That, as I said before, with a new Boss that does nothing but threaten everyone all the time.

    I've been offered two new jobs, with much better pay and hours.

    Color me gone from there. Tommorow I'm giving my notice, and I'm out of that Hellhole. Nothing like being demoted twice through no fault of your own.

    Now maybe, just maybe, I can have a job that will allow me some %&^$# free time for the Clan. So guys, if you're ever asked to be an Assistant store Manager for a small retail chain....Run like the ****ing wind away from them!.

  • #2
    • Mar 2007
    • 1559
    • Gino31B


    I too was a supervisor, but in a major manufacturer. I was easily working 60-70 hours a week and was constantly on my feet making managerial decisions. I learned some good things. Most importantly I learned money doesn't make you happy, your job does.

    I was glad I got out of my job and tremendously enjoy my new position as an ROTC instructor for the army. Your passion in life needs to be intertwined in your career. If not you will be unhappy. I used to make almost twice as much at my old position but I was depressed and hated it.

    Being in a managerial position is a monster on its own and understood why my father never wanted to pursue that lifestyle. Des I'm happy you made your decision, and I hail you for your fortitude.


    • #3
      Darth Beratter

      Thank you for your support Gino, it really means alot to me. As a fellow Veteran and a combat soldier, I salute you for your kindness and thoughtfulness.

      No matter what time or age, we will always be a "band of brothers", just like the DSA. And God bless you for your support for our future soldiers. The future of our great country rests in their hands long after we're gone, and is the reason will still have our greatness.

      They will look to you for guideness and leadership. Lead them well, and they will do honor for us all.

      You thank me for fortitude, but sometimes that can just mean compromise. God curse the person who thought of that word. Moral strength, yes, sometimes. But most of the time for most of us it simply means that you do what you have to do to pay the bills.

      Sometimes, like our founding fathers knew, sometimes you have to stand against orders to do what's right. Like the Wehrmacht officers that refused to give up Jewish prisoners to the SS, or a group of guys that threw a "Boston tea party" so many years ago. Sometimes life literally forces you to make a stand against what's wrong, damn the results in the end, you have to fight for what you you believe in.

      When all is said and done, you still have to be able to look yourself in the mirror, with no regrets.

      Stand proud, Stand true, and all hail the DSA!.

      Why? because we all stand for what should be right.

      Not killing people on your own side for points. Not cheating, because that's just plain wrong. No glitching, because that's a form of cheating also.

      We are DSA because we hold ourselves to a "higher" standard. Being DSA means taking the moral high ground, because that's just what we do, because we're better than that. Knowing right from wrong isn't a viewpoint, it's a standpoint for us.

      Games may come and go, and systems may come and go, but we as a clan stand together no matter what.

      And that's what truly matters.

      We are friends, we are Clanmates, we are brothers.

      And that is why I'm proud to be DSA.

      God bless you all,




      • #4
        • Oct 2006
        • 979

        hope the new job makes you happy,
        Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man, that state is obsolete. A case to be filed under "M" for Mankind - in The Twilight Zone.


        • #5
          Imperial Guard
          • Nov 2004
          • 4956
          • DSA Zabka

          Well, I am glad that you have found a job with more reasonable hours and better compensation. We spend so much time in our lives working, it is important that our jobs don't make us unhappy--although I don't know if jobs need to make you happy. Friends, family, etc. should be what makes you happy in life. Work just shouldn't get too much in the way while providing something meaningful to your life--whether it is a sense of accomplishment, intellectual challenge, or simply a paycheck.

          In my last job, I was in a position that most people in my industry would have found enviable. The setup would enable a ridiculous level of compensation when successful under a seemingly autonomous structure. Unfortunately, the autonomous structure proved to be a lot more intrusive, to the point where I had to do my job differently than I intended to do it. And the thing about investing is it is hard enough to do it right when you are doing it the way you want--to do it in a different style can be like trying bat left handed when you are a righty---you can kind of do it, but not so well, and probably will miss more. And in this job, to strike out is to get fired. 80% of the people I joined with were fired in less than 12 months.

          So I quit...without anything else lined up. And I spent a lot of time looking at jobs, most of which looked like they would be a repeat of what made me unhappy in the first place. So I waited some more. Now, I think I am at a good place for me. I have to move my whole family a couple hundred miles up north into the cold of Boston. But once you have worked in an environment that makes you unhappy, you realize you have to do what it takes to not replicate that experience.

          so congrats Des. I am sure you will discover warts with this new job (they ALL have them), but hopefully they aren't the type that make you miserable.
          You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



          • #6
            Imperial Advisor

            I am glad you are moving forward with a new job Deslock. From what you have stated many times over, the current job was for the birds. I really hope your new job turns out to be just want you want. You deserve it brother.
            "Do on to others before they do on to you.”
            {DSA} RegentOne



