I hate Black Friday. Period.



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  • Deslock
    Darth Beratter

    I hate Black Friday. Period.

    Black Friday Brings Out the Worst in People
    Nov 25th, 2006 by Jeremy

    Every year we eventually arrive at perhaps the most marketed day of the by every retail store that has a stake in holiday shopping. Amazing how it isn’t Christmas that qualifies for this, but the first major shopping day of the year leading up to it. They do it because it works. It’s all about money, and we all know it. I like getting a great deal as much as the next person, perhaps more than the average guy in fact. Every year I am reminded though that I my desire for snatching a deal is nothing compared to the fervor you can witness 5 am at Best Buy, Wal-mart, or any major retailer.

    I have often wondered if most people really watch the pricing on the things they want toget both before and after Black Friday. How much are they saving? Sure, the door buster offers are some amazing deal, but is it really worth getting up at 3 in the morning and waiting in line for the hope of getting one of the 6 laptops available at that store. What’s worse, you jump out of bed - skip the shower - drive like a banshee to the store only to find that 60 people stayed the entire night to be first in line. You have gotten up early for nothing because all you are getting for your hours of lost sleep and standing in the cold is a 100pk of blank DVDs for $10 off regular price. Woohoo, boy did you get a deal for your time spent!.

    Have you ever witnessed the mayhem brought about by these sales? Where do these people come from? I’d like to believe it is just a bunch of wild people that normally stay locked up that are released only this one day of the year. Unfortunately this isn’t the case. What we are witnessing is people that in every day life would never do such things. Wave the carrot of a “deal” in front of them, and out comes Mr. Hyde. I have actually witnessed people working in team, “accidentally” blocking the door for others behind them while the first in their group gets a head start on grabbing up all the big deal items. Elbowing your way past others is for beginners. Don’t get me started on the placeholding/cutting in line tactics. I can’t stand being at a decent place in line only to find the guy in front of me was “holding a spot” for his 25 friends. Imagine these people the night before laying out the game plan for how they would attack. “Don’t show any signs until you see the whites of the eyes for the guy opening the door…then make your move!”

    I really have never understood getting up at such incredible hours for the savings. I have wanted to, but never have really done it. I have showed up at the opening time knowing I wouldn’t get the “real” deal, but have only ended up with a couple of “secondary” offerings. Half the reason I showed was to see the show I had heard about. Almost like witnessing the early days of evolution turned backwards. I long ago gave it up. I’m not that diligent for a deal, nor that lucky. Even if I did pull the insane acts to get in the front of the line, I don’t have it in me to use the elbows, push smaller people to the floor to be trampled and essentially sacrifice all semblance of humanity simply to score the prize.

    I want the cheap laptop, really, even though I don’t need it. I love my toys, just like every grown man. You know the saying, the differences between men and boys is the price of their toys. I exemplify that remark, thank you very much. I would like to think I have just wizened up in my years. Rather than value my time so low that it is worth spending hours or even all night in the cold? Nope, not any more. I figure for the time spent waiting the cold I could pick up some project or job and make the money I would have saved in much less time, and in much better conditions.

    I am always full of theories, and this situation is no different. I think deals like this have turned into mini lotteries. We all want to win something, and deep down we know there is really no chance we will win an actual lottery. Getting the door buster prize is something we might actually get, if we are willing to fight for it. Well, you win. I’ll sleep in, enjoy my comfy bed and the warmth, then order online what I am getting my loved ones for Christmas. My time and comfort is worth it.

    Deslock's P.S.:

    I am so amazed that our corporate masters had dishonestly convinced peple that they're "saving" money. This, besides "Santa Claus" has to be one of the greatest lies ever told, to be believed by so many people.

    Saving means NOT using. Period.

    If you are spending, Erm...., You're not saving.

    Even if you bought a brand new car for only one thin dollar, you have gotten a greatly discounted price, but, you didn't save a thing. It still cost you a dollar, that you didn't save.

    As a Christian, I HATE Christmas. I HATE Christmas carols. They are sooo old and outdated. C'mon. Really. Can't someone make some new ones at least? When then Hell was the last time you went on a sliegh ride? Or roasted Chestnuts over an open fire?. Who the Hell eats chestnuts anyways..? Bleech. My wife works at Hell-Mart, and told me that at 12am Nov. 1st. they started playing Christmas music. I swear by the time Christmas day is really here, I'm ready to strangle someone with a string of garland, and force them to eat broken glass ornaments. There's nothing like hearing the same, lame, outdated 10 songs being played a million times over, over a hundred different ways.

    I hate Christmas because instead of being a celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, it's become a spoon fed overcommercialized nightmare that instead of bringing people together in love, it brings out the absolute worst in people. Punching people to get a "Tickle me Elmo"? Biting and kicking people to get the next "big thing" that our corporate master have convinced us that if we don't have it, the entire rest of our lives will be shallow and incomplete?

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/X3eUiMHtPgQ&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/X3eUiMHtPgQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    No thanks. I'll spend the extra money and not deal with that. I did it once, and swore never, ever again.

    So this Friday, while these roaches and sheep stand out in the freezing cold, just to battle it out for the next best thing, I'll be in my nice warm bed. Because the very few gifts I have to get, I already have. No fighting crowds and stupid rude people.

    "What do you mean you're out of stock?!!?, It's in your ad!!!
    Well, stupid, that's because people smarter than you didn't wait until Christmas Eve night to go out shopping. Idiot!.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehSkxg7wvyk"]YouTube - BLACK FRIDAY FIGHT.[/ame]

    Miss that kind of fun? Just to save a few bucks?
    No thanks. Black Friday sucks.

    I truly, truly hate this time of year.
    Last edited by Deslock; 11-23-2008, 03:30 PM.

  • #2
    Darth Vorse

    Deslock, I respect your beliefs and opinions on this subject. But as a person who grew up in a well blessed and lovable family, there is nothing that I anticipate more on christmas is sitting down every year with a family full italians with a table surrounded by 45-50 family members and eating our traditional dinner, spagetti and meat balls.

    And on part of this I do agree with you, Christmas has become to commercialized! The money, the preents, the lexus, the tickle me fucking elmo. NONE OF THAT MATTERS!!! Yeah sure your doing it for A LOVED ONE but people have no spirit any more because were all fighting over shit thats gonna break any way, You wanna know what cant break christmas cheer? FAMILY, It has no tag it has no price. And thats what people have forgotten, When the holidays come around, not once do I ever ask "What do I want for a present?"

    Because family is the biggest present of all.

    And for any body here reading this, If presents are the only thing you want for christmas then you seriously need to be SLAPPED!
    No matter the situation or past, Family is christmas, Christmas is blessing.

    But on the other part of santa being a lie,

    DOES NOT MATTER IF SANTA CLAUSE WAS REAL OR NOT!! Sure santa can be carried and abused as "your kids friend" or in "Adult" terms, A great deal at circuit city. But its how we carry it.

    I was a kid that grew up and believing in this character but knowing he was not the one writing "From Santa" on my presents does not meen give up all spirit in the holidays. IMO, I think that "Santa" should be used to embrass younglings and give them the extra lift to wake up mommy and daddy at 6 am just to celebrate, But I think that it should not be used to manipulate Elders finding that special deal at Wally-World or fight over a glow in the dark tonka toy.

    And that is where people lose cheer in the holidays is because of shit like that. I honestly could go 3 straight christmases without presents knowing I have the best gift of all sitting at a table of 45.

    And I know everyone hear has different opinions as well.
    " I need a beer "


    • #3
      Darth Beratter

      I agree with you completely. Rather than hate Christmas, I hate the materialistic monster it has become. Christmas is supposed to be about family and friends. A holiday to appreciate what blessings you already have, not about what you might get.

      The suicide rate is greater during this time of year over any other.

      Have you already noticed the subtle commercials coming out now, all the new toy commercials? When I was young, it wasn't like this. Christmas was a gentle time. A time filled with visits from friends, and family get to-gethers. We laughed, had a great dinner, and enjoyed our heritage and family.

      Now everything is wrong. Retailers in their endless thirst of greed now make their employees work on every single holiday 'cept Christmas day itself. Hard to celebrate Thanksgiving with your family, because you have to work Thanksgiving day standing behind a register ringing up morons that refuse to stay home.

      It's kind of a double edged sword. The morons come in because we're open. But we wouldn't be open if the idiots would stay home. One tradition we have is on Christmas Eve night, to wait out in front of Wal-Mart, and laugh at the zombies trying to get in after they've closed for the night. The one and only night for the entire year that they close.

      So this one ass clown comes up and starts beating on the door (nevermind the big WE'RE CLOSED sign on the door). We then tell redneck that the store is closed. He looks plain at us and asks us why. We tell him because it's Christmas Eve. He then gets all pissed off and hollers "So what?". To which one employee behind us yells out to him: "Because maybe, just maybe, for one night out of the year, we'd LIKE to spend it with our families".

      To which he so nicely replied: "I don't care!", and stormed off cussing and bitching. And yes, we smiled and laughed at him. :D

      But I know it's just a matter of time before these stores start requiring their employees to work Christmas too. Because for just a few days of the year, these idiots refuse to stay home with their families and friends, not as long as they smell a "bargain". I was horrified as a Veteran, to see that Sears was having a Verteran's day sale. As I said before, I'm sure as our soldiers were being mauled and shot to pieces on the beaches of Normandy, was thinking : "Gee, I hope 50 years from now, a store has a sale on power tools and riding lawnmowers in our honor".

      Nothing is sacred now. Our worship of the almighty dollar has ruined everything. Greed is God now.

      Holidays that were originally meant to be quiet times for reflection, and the sacrifices others have made for us, and to honor them, has become money grubbing nightmares. And we have no one to blame but ourselves.

      And the horror remains that it's only going to continue to get worse.

      <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/OEb9BwD9yJQ&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/OEb9BwD9yJQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

      Yay! Ho! Ho! Ho!
      Last edited by Deslock; 11-23-2008, 08:03 PM.



      • #4
        • Mar 2007
        • 1559
        • Gino31B

        Originally posted by Deslock

        I hate Christmas because instead of being a celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, it's become a spoon fed overcommercialized nightmare that instead of bringing people together in love, it brings out the absolute worst in people. Punching people to get a "Tickle me Elmo"? Biting and kicking people to get the next "big thing" that our corporate master have convinced us that if we don't have it, the entire rest of our lives will be shallow and incomplete?

        I truly, truly hate this time of year.
        Amen brother, I thought I was the only one. Christmas has become about "Finding the perfect present" Its more stress than happiness. And you can see it in their eyes. No offense but women are the pinnacle as it gives them an excuse to go out shopping. Men are enslaved by this commercialized holiday as most get caught up in this false hype.

        All I do every year for christmas is renew my parent's health club membership and give my niece and nephew money in their college fund. But other than that. I HATE CHRISTMAS!!!

        P.S. I'm offended when people give me presents too. (Except my parents always give me socks)


        • #5
          Honorary DSA
          • Sep 2008
          • 1701

          I can't say I agree with everything here, but certainly can't argue with the fact that Christmas has become nothing more than greed and materialism to most americans. I refuse to go anywhere near retails locations on days like this (Black Friday in USA, Boxing Day in Canada). It's bad enough knowing all those people are standing in line for that "amazing deal" on some piece of crap gizmo that wouldn't show their "Love" one percent as much as just spending some quality time with the loved one you so desperately need that perfect gift for.
          If all the previous statements aren't enough to turn your stomach this black friday....here's some horrible confirmation of how out of hand and out of focus the holiday season is getting.

          Breaking news and analysis from Canada and around the world for politics, COVID-19, racial injustice, travel, weather, entertainment, lotto and more.

          I wish a sincere Happy Holidays to all of you and your loved ones, and regardless of what your beliefs are, please try to remember what really matters, be safe, and be generous.

          "The way a man plays a game shows some of his character. The way he loses shows all of it"


          • #6
            Darth Beratter

            NEW YORK – A worker was killed in the crush Friday after a throng of shoppers eager for post-Thanksgiving bargains burst through the doors at a suburban Wal-Mart, authorities said.

            At least four other people were injured, and the store in Valley Stream on Long Island was closed.

            Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in Bentonville, Ark., called the incident a "tragic situation" and said the employee came from a temporary agency and was doing maintenance work at the store.

            "He was bum-rushed by 200 people," co-worker Jimmy Overby, 43, told the Daily News. "They took the doors off the hinges. He was trampled and killed in front of me. They took me down too. ... I literally had to fight people off my back."

            Nassau County police said the 34-year-old worker was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead at about 6 a.m. The man's name was not released and the cause of death was not immediately known.

            A police statement said shortly after the store's 5 a.m. opening time, shoppers "physically broke down the doors, knocking (the worker) to the ground."

            A metal portion of the door was crumpled like an accordion.

            Shoppers around the country lined up early outside stores in the annual bargain hunting ritual known as Black Friday. Many stores open early and stay open late, and some of the most dramatic bargains are available in limited quantities.

            Among the bargains offered by Wal-Mart for Friday were Samsung 50-inch high definition Plasma TVs for less than $800.

            Witnesses told the Daily News that before the store was closed, eager shoppers streamed past emergency crews as they worked furiously to save the worker's life.

            "They were working on him, but you could see he was dead," said Halcyon Alexander, 29. "People were still coming through."

            A 28-year-old pregnant woman was taken to a hospital for observation, and she and the unborn baby were both reported to be OK, said Sgt. Anthony Repalone, a Nassau County police spokesman. Four or five other people suffered minor injuries, he said.

            Ellen Davis, a spokeswoman at National Retail Federation, said the group knew of no other incident where a retail employee has died working on the day after Thanksgiving.

            Wal-Mart is working closely with police, company spokesman Dan Fogleman said.

            "The safety and security of our customers and associates is our top priority," Fogleman said. "Our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families at this difficult time."



            • #7
              • Jun 2008
              • 1927
              • DSA Solo

              BAH HUMBUG lol


              • #8
                Imperial Guard
                • Nov 2004
                • 4956
                • DSA Zabka

                Stores are entirely culpable for these problems. They incite these mobs...there is a lot they could do to prevent such tragedies from happening...nonetheless, that does not take a bit of blame away from every piece of trash that shows no regard for human life when doors open. Complete cretins who should be charged with manslaughter while the store is hit with the liability and pays damages. Maybe if people went to jail for what they cause, they wouldn't be so stupid.
                You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



                • #9
                  Imperial Advisor

                  I guess Materialism has consumed the world. People even kill eachother over a measly 360, Wii or PS3. Thats how materialistic. Animals over items and bargains. Fucking greedy bastards I swear, No wonder the economy is in such a bad shape.
                  <a href="http://s11.photobucket.com/user/dsaBOSS/media/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a178/dsaBOSS/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href="http://psnprofiles.com/XxkamuixX1"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/XxkamuixX1.png" border="0"></a>


                  • #10
                    Honorary DSA
                    • Mar 2006
                    • 906
                    • DSA TacO

                    I could go on a long rant on what we think is human nature, but i'm gonna refrain cuz i'd rather everyone still remain cool with me.


                    • #11

                      Oh please, do tell. Let's do it like a Oscar speech.

                      There's so many people I would like to thank(kill) for this honor (horror). I feel so unprepared and surprised (grabs list and speech from pocket).

                      I'd like to thank the Government for bailing out these types of institutions where without them and their support (greed), none of this would be possible.
                      I'd also like to thank the gov for the steady economy and great wages (low wages and lack of increase in minimum wage) that drives people to get this excited over such bargains (small deals).

                      I'd also like to thank the companies themselves, without their great insight and love of humanity, these special (small 4 hour window sales) that bring the people together (perhaps closer then they would like to be) would be long drawn out 3 day weekend sales where everyone would share in the savings (get a chance at the three of each item sales when thousands line up for them).

                      I'd like to thank the caring American citizens (douchebags) that are willing to stop and help a fellow man over some amazingly must have (totally retarded) tickle me (For this much, it better be blowing me) Elmo doll.

                      If only they can keep up the great (Devil's work) job they are doing, maybe the people will eventually come together (hopefully with many guns) and celebrate (loot/kill) these companies (thieves and lowlife degenerates) in a glorious rally (revolt).

                      On a more serious note... well less cynical note. I hate getting gifts, and hate shopping for people. It becomes an argument to those petty enough to let it get to them. The typical scenario of one person spending more then the other on a gift, and then it becomes a measurement of your respect and love for that person.
                      To me the holidays are about family and friends coming together and enjoying each others company without work, school, and day to day chores and errands getting in the way. Time where you can actual sit, talk, enjoy and be thankful for those you have in your life.

                      I think the main lesson to be learned here is. NO ONE SHOULD WORK THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING (Maybe cheap Mexican labor CAN serve a purpose)!!!!!!!! That's one thing I loved the teamsters for, they always argue to get the day after thanksgiving in the contracts. Working today at 8am with 3 hours sleep and a touch of (massive) hangover probably has something to with my feelings on it, but rightfully so. Working the rest of the weekend doesn't make me too happy either.
                      Last edited by RaTix; 11-28-2008, 11:52 PM.
                      "POWER!!! UNLIMITED POOWWWEEEER!!!!!!

                      "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
                      ?Darth Plagueis

                      "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


                      • #12
                        Darth Beratter


                        I told you things would get worse before they got better.

                        For some bizarre reason it's human nature. 15 people have to be hurt or killed at an intersection before some idiot decides "Gee, maybe we should put a stop light there". We only seem to react to somethings until they reach a crisis point.

                        As Zabka wisely pointed out, Black Friday is 50/50% in blame. Just because some stores offer a very few amount of limited bargains, do we have to revert into being club wielding Cavemen, that will get our way no matter what?

                        On the other hand:

                        Ellen Davis, a spokeswoman at National Retail Federation, said the group knew of no other incident where a retail employee has died working on the day after Thanksgiving.

                        Wal-Mart is working closely with police, company spokesman Dan Fogleman said.

                        "The safety and security of our customers and associates is our top priority," Fogleman said. "Our thoughts and prayers are with them and their families at this difficult time."

                        Dan Fogleman is a company mouthpiece, and and outright liar. Period.

                        If the safety of their customers and employees were such a concern, why do they continue to encourage these stampedes? (As was shown in the videos I posted). You honestly mean to tell me they can't find any other better way?

                        I bet after the "wrongful death" lawsuits that they're going to get hit with now, will "help" them find a better way.
                        This says it better in pictures and sounds, than anything I could say in words:

                        [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk_45bL2sSw"]YouTube - Christmas Madness at Walmart[/ame]

                        But it's not just the retailers fault. They may incite, but that's NO excuse for people to act in such an inhuman nature.


                        Maybe it really is human nature.

                        I just know Jesus didn't die for us all, for this.



                        • #13
                          Honorary DSA

                          The Valley Stream Wal-Mart story pissed me off. Not only because I live about 40 minutes away from that town, but also because it happened on Black Friday.

                          I hate the mad rush of shoppers at Christmas. HATE IT. And for a while, I let that effect my view on the Christmas season. I think it brings out the absolute worst in humanity and those people at the store that trampled that worker should be lined up and should be shot one by one. WHO CARES if you don't get some video game five minutes before someone else does? Who cares if you can't buy a present for someone on Black Friday and (God forbid) have to wait until *gasp* the next day! Can we get a little sanity back in our lives? The Doorbusting assholes need to get a life and realize who the fuck they are. They aren't entitled to anything. They aren't kings or queens. Shut up and stop thinking you'll be God if you get your eight year old nephew Gears of War 2. It seems like every year, some one gets killed. Sometimes it's one of the assholes that tries to bust the doors open. Good! More people like them should get trampled! Other times it's like this one where an employee gets trampled. Now why should the employee get punished for having to go to work? Where's the fairness in that. I hope that everyone of those Valley Stream residents has nightmares the rest of their lives, but I know that won't happen.

                          True story: I woke up very early yesterday morning, earlier than I normally do, 7:30. The first thing I did was that I looked out my window and saw my dad's car gone. I shook my head. Now I don't think he was one of those that was out at 4 AM. I think he went out at like 6:30, but that's still pathetic. Come on! Can we not wait until 9 or 10 AM like it's any other shopping day? It's absolutely pathetic.

                          But I think I have a solution to all of this nonsense. Instead of stores who open up at way too early in the morning and egg on all these doorbusting mobs, keep the store open all night. Keep the store open through midnight and through the wee hours of the morning. Keep it open all night so that you will get crowds, but you won't get that single rush.

                          The problem with that, I know, is people will say everyone should be off on Thanksgiving. Well then close the store from 4 PM until 11 PM on Thanksgiving that way all the employees can be happy and we don't get these mobs. Because how many mobs will you get on Thanksgiving night? None. So keep all the stores open throughout the night that way you don't have an entire wave of people flood the store at once.

                          But what the fuck do I know?
                          "You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun." - Derek Jeter


                          • #14
                            Imperial Guard
                            • Nov 2004
                            • 4956
                            • DSA Zabka

                            Ratix's point is key. The narrow window of offering is a big cause of the rush. Then when everyone is in there, they buy the stuff that isn't super duper marked down. But the last three years, black friday has been a big disappointment and the retail seasons have steadily declined. This strategy just flat out doesn't work. They should start thinking out of the box and come up with ways to get people shopping that isn't reliant on a 3 hour death crush. The 3 day sale idea from Ratix would seem reasonable, but would crush margins. But perhaps, they rotate items that can go on sale at various points. Keep traffic high throughout the season and offer multiple "blue light specials" every few hours. something like that.

                            If the companies actually benefited from these practices, it might make some amount of infinitissimal sense. But retailers get drilled for discounting by the stock market since it hits their margins. Black Friday is just the mother of discounting practices. It seems like an idea that worked a long time ago, but now just creates a feeding frenzy of unsafe practices and less profitable business. The discounts now are not always sensible---that is why they only offer a handful of the big ticket items people are seeking. Manufactured demand. That's what makes me so mad about all this. It's a bad business practice on top of being a complete waste of human life.

                            Everybody loves to rail on businesses, financials, etc. often times without a fundamental understanding of how to read a balance sheet (media is the worst at this). But this stuff is just a case where business continues to do stuff that just makes you scratch your head. What's even more bizarre is that it is WalMart doing it. One of the most efficient retailers in the world. People can knock it for all its faults--but people also fail to recognize what it has done to force down prices on so many different items that our society uses. That's the point of competition. All consumers benefit from the existence of Walmart, even if you don't shop there. Unfortunately, its workers don't always get the same benefit!
                            You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



                            • #15
                              Imperial Guard
                              • Nov 2004
                              • 4956
                              • DSA Zabka

                              WAL-MART HERO

                              DIED HELPING PREGNANT GAL
                              By KAVITA MOKHA, SALLY GOLDENBERG and LEONARD GREENE

                              <LINK href="/css/re_slideshow.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet><SCRIPT src="/jscript/slideshow.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript> SLIDES = new slideshow("SLIDES"); SLIDES.timeout = 5000; SLIDES.prefetch = -1; SLIDES.repeat = true; s = new slide(); s.src = "/seven/12012008/photos/011c.jpg"; s.text = unescape("Wal-Mart worker Jdimytai Damour."); s.link = "/seven/12012008/photos/011c.jpg"; s.target = ""; s.attr = ""; s.filter = ""; SLIDES.add_slide(s); if (false) SLIDES.shuffle(); </SCRIPT>
                              Wal-Mart worker Jdimytai Damour.

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                              Last updated: 8:26 am
                              December 1, 2008
                              Posted: 1:59 am
                              December 1, 2008
                              A part-time security guard trampled to death during a Black Friday stampede at a Long Island Wal-Mart died while trying to help a pregnant shopper caught in the crush, a source said yesterday.
                              Jdimytai Damour, 34, of Queens threw himself between the throng of frenzied, bargain-hunting shoppers and an unidentified pregnant woman who stood in their path between the door and the store's deeply discounted flat-screen televisions, said the source with knowledge of the police investigation.
                              "She was outside, being pushed against the glass, and he saw that and tried to help her," the source said.
                              "He was trying to help her, and he ended up getting killed."
                              Nassau County cops declined to discuss the claim or other details about their probe.
                              The idea that Damour may have died trying to perform a heroic act was some consolation to his family, who, through a spokesman, described the victim as "a really good guy."
                              "The family is doing well," said Jordan Hecht, a lawyer representing the family in a possible suit against the Valley Stream Wal-Mart and the Green Acres mall it anchors. "They're angry, but right now they're grieving,"
                              Damour was killed when a thick crowd of nearly 2,000 unruly shoppers burst through the Wal-Mart door at about 5 a.m. after waiting outside several hours.
                              "It's a horrible thing," Hecht said. "Think about the fear he was going through with people stomping on them. It's a horrible way to go."
                              The deadly Wal-Mart stampede shocked the country and encouraged at least one lawmaker to call for a consumer-crowd protection law.
                              City Councilman James Gennaro (D-Queens) said the city should mandate beefed-up security measures for large stores during "door-buster" sales.
                              The councilman said he will soon introduce legislation to require stores of a certain size to implement "common-sense measures to protect workers and shoppers from the perils of these unsafe free-for-alls."
                              Despite Damour's death, bargain hunters were back at Wal-Mart yesterday, as was a private security detail to monitor the crowd.
                              "We've been shopping here for years and could never have imagined something like this," said Jamal Taylor, 37, of Rosedale. "They need to look at the footage and press charges against people who acted like animals. And for what? For some deals on stuff they don't really need."
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