My personal site....



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  • Deslock
    Darth Beratter

    My personal site....

    Guys, I could use some input on how you think I might re-vamp my site.

    I started it waaay back in 1999, when the Star Wars Chat room was "the" place to be many years ago for us die hard fans, where in all truth, very little talk was done actually about Star wars, lol!.

    But I can't complain. I met many people there that became my friends, and some women became my real life girlfriends there, and the dear sweet woman that is now my wife, I met there.

    No joke.

    I met my wife in the Star Wars Chat room on Yahoo, the very first day she ever went online. We talked for years, and then met in "real life", and the rest is history. She has become the love of my life, and my dearest friend. One that came half way across the country to give this old warrior a chance, talked me into buying my Stormy Armor, and bought the first parts of my Tie costume for me, and supported me 100% on me buying a PS3, and makes sure she brings me smokes and beer while I'm gaming, so don't be quick to sell the Yahoo Star Wars Chat room short.

    Ya never know what life holds for you.

    But alas I digress....

    I do need help in making a new piccy for the lounge, and new blood to help make it again the place it once was. I would like to get your opinions on what I might do to help "perk" the site up again. Years ago, it was once rated as one of the hotspots on Yahoo Star Wars.

    This is not Spam from me, I asked RaTix personally if it was okay for me to ask for help on my site. I merely just want your ideas and input.

    Your input would greatly be appreciated.


    P.S.: If anyone doesn't like me posting this link, let me know and I'll remove it.


