Can this be accurate?



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  • Reaver
    Darth Vorse

    Can this be accurate?

    Ok, Well I just got done studying.

    Yes I'm taking part time classes,

    Okay. Well' I was looking through my text book and narrowing down searches through google.

    Now. I know there was a thread on this. But, After researching a few brief chapters on "The Suns Attitude".

    Okay, well. I could be wrong on this, But the calendar we use today. Has been written ages ago. But each event on that calendar was so accurate, that it was almost scary accurate. If the calendar we use today can for see what will happen in 2012. Which dates the end period of the calendar as the past civilizations have put this together. Which some see to believe a new beginning, A cleansing of the earth, Post-Psychic abilities, or which most refuse to believe.. "ARMAGEDDON"


    Now theres a word that only versus of the bible kept in terminology. What does it mean exactly though!?

    Of course movies over the past decade have been produced in the example of Armageddon. Movies like, Deep Impact, Armageddon, The happening, (which I believe could be in that category), Also The day after tomorrow.

    Well, back to my point. The sun.. Okay guys lets face it. We have, Our PLANET has 5 billion years before our so called sun, The father of the day and the shed of our moon. Will, reach the stage. "Red Giant" Now when this "Red Giant" stage is reached. the sun will grow so big beyond atmospheres beyond a number of miles which is out of factor. The heat of our sun, will engulf all life on earth as we know it into one spiraling burning hell.

    Our planet has a defense wrapped around us, Rushing out of the ass of our planet, "The South Pole" Then reaching around the mouth of our planet "The North Pole", This defense wall is called the "SOL". I know what your thinking(Shit Out of Luck) Yeah pretty much if we didnt have it. But no, It stands for Stratospheric O-zone Layer.

    The SOL Protects our earth from any global disaster. Whether it may be radiation., Magnetic causes, Or the monstrous heat the our very own sun ejects into space carried by the solar winds.

    Our planet's thick atmosphere and magnetic field protects us from protons and other forms of solar radiation.

    This part of our atmosphere is what keeps life day to day.

    A sun is at its nastiest peak when it is just a baby.

    A few ways to look at it.

    AGE: When gases and other natural causes implode, then explode. It forms "A Sun" Now here is where the age comes in, IE; A new born baby is always fussing out the ass kicking and screaming or just fucking hungry. Which means it is more temperamental. When our sun reaches the peak we are at now, It has matured. Say.. Okay the sun is about 18-21 years old. It leaves the asshole stage behind then slows down. Leaving the solar explosions our sun gives off. At a minimum.

    When it is a baby, The sun spins so fast it cant keep up with it's self. Like tying a dead body with rope to a back of a car. Well the car will reach a certain amount of Velocity. Ok, IE; 45MPH but while you have one object accelerating to 45MPH the object behind it is left nothing but being forced to catch up with it. So STOP! The car halts the body goes flying past the car or hits the bumper. What I am saying, When our sun was a baby. The north and the south rotated at a certain revolutions per (What ever time it would be calculated for) But when the top and bottom both spin at the same velocity, The middle of the sun gets so wound up like mentos in a coke bottle. IT accelerates so fast, That when energy rises from the core of the sun, it gets so pissed that a temperament of Gases make it go so much faster than the north and south pole. Throwing massive explosions into a giant ring of dust which is now our solar system.

    A Sun Spot: Is much like a giant gas pocket at the bottom of our sea. It gets so fused up by protons and electrons it just starts to spit. Causing A magnetic reaction.

    While the sun spots pretty much are gas pockets waiting to be set off.

    When these.. So called sun spots. are set off. They shoot intense solar flares miles and miles and miles high over the sun, Racing to the earth ranging at about 1 million MPH or the speed of light, (Minimum and Maximum)

    How are these solar flares emitted you ask? Well, It's like two U shaped rings racing around each other. Now if these two rings inter twine with one another it sends out a solar flare. Like two roller coasters crashing into each other on loops. What Happens? Well most likely the carts come off the tracks and explode many ways leaving each cart a flying object.

    Several events through out the past years have showed the suns true fury.

    Everywhere from the early 1840's to 2005. A Maximum of the suns reaction is once every 11 years. The next projected reaction dated in the year "2012'....

    Scientists still dont know the time the date or how massive this will happen.

    It can range everywhere from, A few months of blackouts. Or... Say hello to moses again. back to the dark age.

    If our sun is truly that powerful, Then... I don't want to be around 5 billion years from now.

    If this is dated to be true in "2012", Nasa over the past 2-3 years, Has accumulated the technology to provide a warning for these events.

    The only way for these intense radiation events to hit us where it hurts. Is the the North and South pole. While these happen more than we know it. When the sun spits out these raging fire balls which really are not visible because they move so fucking fast. Give the north and the south pole. What Scientists call. The Aurora Lights.

    When these weird lights appear. It's like to cats fighting. So much energy and so much radiation and magnetic activity that is jumping like pop rocks in your mouth, They Have nothing to do but emit these colorful lights while energy itself is colliding with other particles around it, Nearing the north and south pole.

    In the 1800's a Solar blast caused by our sun was so powerful that it reached so far south as north America and even the most southern parts of Europe and Rome.

    If our next maximum is dated 2012, Does that mean a new beginning. Requiring man kind to function as a unit to prepare for this furious fire ball, Or come together for an after math.. If there is one.

    If the earth did not have the SOL, All life as we know to exist on this green and blue planet would seize to exist, Or... there would have never been an earth. IF! we were born when the sun was a baby. Our planet could not handle the intensity of the sun as a child would throw at us, Like a thousand punches on a punching back.

    If technology reaches the point, If satellites meat the requirements for future predictions of the events in time, Man kind, could also correspond with an angry event such as our very own father of day.

    Any body have any theories on this?

    I mean really 2012? Irony or Accurate? Predictions theories whatever?!

    Somebody prove me wrong! lol.

    " I need a beer "
  • #2
    Honorary DSA
    • May 2007
    • 43

    Although its true that the sun "resets" its cycle ever 11 years or so, that doesn't make it too much of a coincidence that it will occur in 2012. The chance that any cycle reset year falls on any particular year is 1 in 11.

    Coincidences happen all the time, I'm not too worried about 2012.

    Originally posted by Reaver
    Okay, well. I could be wrong on this, But the calendar we use today. Has been written ages ago. But each event on that calendar was so accurate, that it was almost scary accurate.
    What exactly are you referring to here?



    • #3
      Honorary DSA
      • Mar 2006
      • 906
      • DSA TacO

      for some reason this rerminds me of the last 10 - 20 seconds of this

      [ame=""]YouTube - brian reagan: a stick figure story[/ame]


      • #4

        The Calendar you speak of is the Mayan calendar. It ends in 2012 yes, but if you look at astrotheology and the different ages, it becomes a bit more clear.

        The Mayans used the zodiac and precession of the constellations as the basis of their calendar. The next age of Aquarius (we are in the age of Pisces right now) is supposed to start ~2150 AD. So it's very plausible that they (the Mayans) were marking the end of the age at 2012 and hence the end of the calendar.

        [ame=""]YouTube - Zeitgeist Movie : 2007 : 3/14 : Ages & Armageddon[/ame]

        If you like that clip, go watch the rest of the Zeitgeist movie. Ignore the parts you don;t like, but the science behind the actual astrology aspects are pretty intriguing.

        "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
        ?Darth Plagueis

        "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


