Battlefront 3......yea if this is true scares me.



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  • #16
    Honorary DSA

    Skate's control ROCKED though. And like I said, I loved 3, but they got stale...

    GH 1 and 2 weren't activision. You know... the good ones... that played well with good note charts... before the animation and art went to shit with 3 and beyond... Rock Band is made by the original GH creators, and published by EA. I do prefer the drum kit on GHWT, but the game itself not so much, but their DLC is improving... kudos to redoctane on the drum kit though.

    Cabela's? Wow.

    I think Quake was GT interactive.

    I could be wrong but I think Lucasarts does ALL Star Wars games... I don't know of Activision touching any of those. Activision is primarily a publisher, not a dev, and they don't CURRENTLY support anything that can't be released on an annual basis, even if it means palette swapping.

    I gotta stand by original statement on Activision though. They pump out the exact same game year after year, even though the game doesn't warrant a yearly release... don't get me wrong I hate that madden comes out every year and people buy the hell out of it, but at least there are roster changes, etc, even though I think this could easily be done by DLC. Do you NEED a COD every year? It's their one good franchise, so they are going to ride it into the ground... I mean they are now using sequel numbers all through the titles... COD 6: MW 2. It's a joke. If capcom pursued this one game per year mentality we would have Devil May Cry 8, Resident Evil 14, and Street Fighter 21 coming out this year, and all would play EXACTLY like the first game in the series did. Activision didn't used to be this way, but they are now. Lost all respect for them.

    But Ubisoft...

    I can't figure out if you are saying the PoP games suck? I disagree that the first one sucked... I actually thought it was pretty good, but the sequels were BAD. I was out of line on Ubisoft... they at least try some new IP every once in a while... but that damned AC was the worst POS I've played in a hella long time... so bad I couldn't see the Ubisoft logo without being pissed off for months.

    LJN was crap, and so was Acclaim (the parent company) with the wwf and mk games. I give you that one, but they are dead. You get bonus points, because T and C surf designs video game was THE WORST GAME OF THE 8 BIT ERA as far as I am concerned, and it was hatched by LJN. The companies are dead though.

    There are a bunch of shovelware companies making tons of garbage for the Wii, and they should actually be considered the worst publishers, but any of those companies are only one hit away from being the new Activision.

    I'm interested in what will happen with the merger with Blizzard, who are famously maniacal about "it's done when it's done, and not a minute before" versus Activision's "have that fucker in the stores by Thanksgiving, and have the next one in the store by next Thanksgiving" approach to quality and creativity.


    • #17
      Imperial Advisor

      I rest my case...

      (I wanna be like Keyser)

      Last edited by Reaver; 03-06-2009, 01:59 AM. Reason: Gramma Time
      " I need a beer "


      • #18
        Darth Beratter

        If Pandemic gets this game, I HIGHLY doubt I will even consider buying it, nevermind actually purchase any more trash they make.

        I can forgive being forced into releasing a buggy, glitchy game by the franchise owner. (LA, YOU SUCK GOAT ASS!!).

        What I cannot forgive was the total lack of any kind of bug/glitch patches, and the fact that they completely ignored their customers that purchased it and had complaints about it.

        If Pandemic makes this game and releases it, unless it recieves 10+ ratings....

        I will not be buying it. Period.

        Screw me once, shame on you.
        Screw me twice, shame on me.



        • #19
          lycan commander
          • Feb 2009
          • 13

          leaveing pandemic in charge is like asking me 2 watch ur beer, u no it wnt happen so y bother??
          do you hear it, the drumbing? its inside my mind pulsating threw me, it calls to me. the drumbs. the drumbs of war are calling to me, i will answer the calling

          names chris but if u want call me colee i mainly play call of duty 4 and world at war i havnt gotta good kill death but u can ask my ickle cous y that is (twitcher) but heck i have fun n thats the whole idea lol


          • #20
            Imperial Advisor

            [QUOTE]leaveing pandemic in charge is like asking me 2 watch ur beer, u no it wnt happen so y bother??/QUOTE]

            It's not that it won't happen,

            Either there going to fuck it up worst than the last one, or there going to give up on it.

            I wish they would hand it to somebody else..

            I don't trust pandemic with anymore of there games,

            And I certainly won't trust you with my beer now that you said that. lol.
            " I need a beer "


            • #21

              Truly a dark dark day for the battlefront series if this is true. You know they are going to hack apart what they can from FR's work and try to fit it retardedly into the "updated SWBFII" engine known as "Battlefront - Middle Earth". They were too incompetent to even patch their own engine, neverless continue work off someone else's engine. It's sad to say this but.. if pandemic really got this back and is making it, SWBFIII might be just a platoon (social group) when it comes out. At least until we see if they got their shit together this time.

              Keyser, I have to agree with (can't believe these words are leaving my mouth) Reaver about Ubisoft. Great company that puts out patches and DLC more so then any other company. Great titles too from Farcry 1&2, Ghost Recon series, Silent Hunter, I think the Tenchu series as well which was good. Didn't they also do Splinter Cell and Rainbow 6? I get happy as hell when I see the Ubi logo now, especially after dealing with so much disappointment from the other big name developers like Epic with UT3. Hell I would love to see Ubi doing SWBFIII.
              "POWER!!! UNLIMITED POOWWWEEEER!!!!!!

              "Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you."
              ?Darth Plagueis

              "Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."


              • #22
                Imperial Advisor


                Splinter cell R6V and and the graw series..

                Are all Tom Clancy games but ubisoft is of course the one who published the games and yes correct, they have indeed supported all there games.
                " I need a beer "


                • #23
                  Imperial Advisor

                  That is true, GRAW2 is one of the games that got a good amount of mappacks and even weapon packs. I don't know how many games release new weaponry, but GRAW 2 does have a solid fanbase I believe.
                  <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


                  • #24
                    Honorary DSA

                    I've come around on Ubi.

                    It's one of those things where you go to a restaurant like Outback, take a bite of a great looking steak and maggots squirm around in your mouth, so you hate all Outbacks. Just because one dish is a fetid maggoty disgusting rancid piece of flesh, doesn't mean the company as a whole sucks. But boy, Assassin's Creed really made me really sick on that logo.


                    • #25
                      Honorary DSA
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 2433

                      Originally posted by keyser28146
                      I've come around on Ubi.

                      It's one of those things where you go to a restaurant like Outback, take a bite of a great looking steak and maggots squirm around in your mouth, so you hate all Outbacks. Just because one dish is a fetid maggoty disgusting rancid piece of flesh, doesn't mean the company as a whole sucks. But boy, Assassin's Creed really made me really sick on that logo.
                      Don't forget about Haze...what a dissapointment!!!

                      A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. ― Alexis de Tocqueville


                      • #26
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 1927
                        • DSA Solo

                        Activision plans to expand the Guitar Hero range several more times before the end of the year according to a source cl&#8230;

                        I know this has nothing to do with SWBF3 but it goes along with Activision.


                        • #27
                          Honorary DSA

                          Good grief.

                          That's the most self-parodying article I've ever read. What's next? COD 6 Hero? THPS Hero? How about Bluray Hero for the PS3 and HDDVD Hero for the 360, where you get achievements/trophies for powering up the system with the respective game in the respective tray? Or DLC Hero, where the more content your download the more trophies/achievements you get? What about Guitar Hero Hero, where the object is buying more copies of different types of Guitar Hero?

                          Yep. They have become the worst game company ever.


                          • #28
                            Imperial Guard
                            • Jun 2006
                            • 4051
                            • DSA norm

                            Back to the SWBF3 discussion.

                            I don't care if it's back in Pandemic's hands. I don't care who makes it to be honest. I just want them to make a quality game, support the game and listen to the fans. I know we're not going to have server control like we used to, barring some sort of a miracle from Sony and Microsoft. That will suck, but I can overlook it for a quality game.

                            I want nice balanced classes. I want fun vehicle battles. I want a game that forces you to work as a team. I want a game with large teams that capture the epic battles in SW. I want to see the same capture the bases that we had from the previous games. I also want the freaking orbital strikes

                            For the old games with all their problems they were still fun to play. I would love to have that again.


                            • #29
                              Darth Beratter

                              Yep. They have become the worst game company ever.
                              Not the worst, but certainly the most "Let's milk it for every dollar we can possibly get" company.



                              • #30
                                Imperial Guard
                                • Nov 2004
                                • 4956
                                • DSA Zabka

                                I want servers that can handle bots. I want epic battles. If it is console hosted, then we are doomed. SWBF2 on the xbox is laggy as hell when you get a certain number of people in. I hope they have servers for the game.

                                I am impressed with how little lag is in KZ2. socom claims their lag is because the servers are being created (by bug) too far away from the host...and that they fixed it (we'll see). If RB6V didn't have a host advantage, it might have been the perfect game to me. Lag is inevitable--but it should be intermittent. When it clearly affects the game (unplayable, or huge advantage like in GoW series), it is something we all have to live with, but is annoying.

                                That's part of what made DSA special. We hosted our own servers and controlled our own universe.. I would rather we don't pay for stuff like that again. I would rather we get the proper game environment off the bat. I have low expectations of this, though.

                                I know I will get the game. I will get it on both systems. And then depending on which system has the better online experience, I will probably sell the other. Its an expensive way to proceed, but I care much more about the online environment then a lot of things. For me, that's what makes or breaks a game (although socom confrontations is actually well done enough that I have been wiling to suffer through the horrid online environment to date).
                                You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



