I am selling my parents old desktop computer on Ebay. I thought I would make a post for anyone who is looking for a computer they can rebuild or just upgrade for a cheap price. The RAM can go up to 2 GB and there is a 100 GB hard drive in it. I know a lot of people in DSA either build their computers or know how to fix them up. If you are interested please visit the link and PM me your questions. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...m=150331532021
Computer for Sale
Computer for Sale
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what are they doing with the monitor?? If they are getting rid of it, is it flatscreen lcd? my monitor shit the bed a litttle while back and i've been using a really old crt and irs drivin me nuts... -
No they actually bought a new LCD flat screen a few months ago and they got this new desktop so they are keeping the monitor since its only like 5 months old.Comment