This Weekend/Scaling back?



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  • #16
    Honorary DSA
    • Jun 2005
    • 778

    jeter i feel for ya man. I've had the worst luck possible as well. This last weekend was a big one too. It sucks.
    <img src=>


    • #17
      Honorary DSA

      girlfriends are overrated....
      dont even get me started...
      the shit i could tell some of you guys...
      <img src=>


      • #18
        Honorary DSA

        The problem is finding where to go to get them. I'm not a big on drinking til you throw up, I don't like partying, I don't like doing stupid shit. That puts me in the very slim minority however. So where to go?

        Tonight my best friend (single and looking ou and I went to Port Jeff, which is a downtown type area... one of the closest things you can get to a city atmosphere without being in the city. But I was still worked up over hearing what this girl had to say (and it wasn't good) that it didn't work out... not that there even were that many girls that we saw to begin with. Then I thought of something... we didn't know where to go! We went to a pizza place that was a bit too upscale for what our objective was, and then got Italian ices. After that we went to a Starbucks and again didn't really find anything. But I was constantly checking mobile facebook to see what Liz had to say, so I wasn't all in it... we're planning on trying another town tomorrow now that I'm (mostly) past this girl.

        But where is there a good place to go for people who don't want to drink or be an idiot to get girls?
        "You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun." - Derek Jeter


        • #19
          Imperial Advisor

          College, it'll happen, When you are being yourself, and not even noticing. That is the best place for you to get girls.
          <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


          • #20
            Honorary DSA
            • Sep 2008
            • 1701

            I know several others have said it, but I must reiterate, you can't go out LOOKING for girls if you want to find one. It just won't happen if you're trying to make it happen. From my experience, good women come around when and where you least expect it. Don't try to be someone you're not, or do things you don't enjoy, just to meet'll end up meeting the wrong ones.

            Be yourself, do what you enjoy, be proud of who you are and carpe diem. A good girl for you will come along as soon as you stop looking/trying. I met my girlfriend at work of all places!

            "The way a man plays a game shows some of his character. The way he loses shows all of it"


            • #21
              Honorary DSA

              Can't think of a single person who met their serious gf/wife at a bar.

              Again, hobbies focused on self improvement will put you in better situations to meet girls... and the kind you want to meet, but be serious about the self improvement. Ladies are attracted to guys who have a lot of shit going on.

              You meet the great girl one day when you are trying to find a great book in the library. If you go to the library for the purpose of meeting girls, you'll never find one. Don't ask me why or how this is true, but it is. Same is true for gyms, churches, supermarkets, parks, college, etc etc, places that you tend to be alone, and there for a reason other than finding girls.

              Get comfortable with yourself without a gf, then you will have more than you can deal with.

              Trust me, as bad as being lonely is, it's MUCH better than being in a shitty relationship.

              Another piece of advice my dad gave me as a child: Be really careful selecting a wife, because 90% of your joy or misery FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE will stem from that one decision. Don't be in a hurry.

              I know it's tough, but try not to sweat this Liz chick. If she is nice to your face and says shit behind your back, trust me, you do NOT want to be with her. She could have very easily told you "hey, I just wanna be friends" to your face and been very sweet about it. Instead, she talks to a mutual friend to try to talk you out of coming to visit. That's immature and low. What if you dated a year or two and she couldn't tell you that she wasn't sure what she wanted and then cheated on you because she couldn't bring herself to tell you? Better to find out now, even though it is painful, before you wasted time and have a shitload of emotional baggage that comes from being cheated on.


              • #22
                • Jun 2008
                • 1927
                • DSA Solo

                Just stay away from girls in Spongbob pajama pants. lol LOVE YA KEYSER!!


                • #23
                  Honorary DSA

                  Oh man.

                  True story. Truuuuue story.


                  • #24
                    Honorary DSA
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 1701

                    Here is a Pie Chart to help in your hunting ;)

                    "The way a man plays a game shows some of his character. The way he loses shows all of it"


                    • #25
                      Imperial Advisor

                      Originally posted by keyser28146
                      Oh man.

                      True story. Truuuuue story.

                      Please...., Do tell
                      <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>


                      • #26
                        Honorary DSA

                        Let's just say this. One weekend she comes down looking mature, hot, and smart; the next weekend she shows up with her hair in pigtail and spongebob seat covers on her carseats. I've never felt like a dirty old man before or since.


                        • #27
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 3029


                          read over everything Keyser has said, not that what everyone else has said doesn't have value. He's sharing so many truths in what he has said. I do have to agree with some women are stupid but mostly crazy.

                          Being in the friendzone does suck but like someone mentioned it does have it's ways out. If you find yourself there, make some distance. Tell her alright and leave it at that. Say hey give me a call next time you're in town.

                          She asked you to make a long trip out to see her...personally no friend just invites me for a long trip to see just it sounds fishy that someone else has text someone else just to tell me something like this. I would talk to her and just ask frankly if that's how they feel.....(I don't know if she has spoken with you yet) If you haven't I'd say give her a call and clear things up. Unless I heard it from her I won't put much merit in it.

                          If you have spoken with her then and it's want she wants then too bad for her, she just lost a good friend, considering how this has all gone down.

                          Women don't really know what they want, when it comes to a good guy. They tend to want to fix men and pick the drunk self-proclaimed big cock. Usually is short lived and they go for the next one.

                          Seriously I'm not hot shit, I'm a big dude but haven't had a problem running into some of the hottest chicks. Confidence, Hobbies and just friends are some of the best ways to meet women. Also get out of your house. Playing games and watching TV is great but if you don't get out and experience something then you might as well be dead cuz you're taking up oxygen.

                          A good hobby,I would say find your local MMA training center and join up. Nothing better than punching the crap out of someone 3 times a week and having fun with it. Sometimes you meet girls doing something like that. It's a bit extreme but it's fun. It gets your frustrations out and tones, and fills you with confidence.


