If RaTix, Frell, and Fromunda were on the same opposing side, You pretty much gave up on wining that round. Period. Been there, done that, got the "I've been officially sniper pwned in SWBF1 t-shirt"...LOL!! ;) That damn Kashyyk docks map was there absolute worst. They get on top of those huts, and just rain death upon anyone stupid enough, or unwary enough, to step out into the open.
I think that like Tiger Woods, RaTix made some deal with the Devil himself to be that superhumanly good at just about any damn game he buys. I've never seen the likes of it before. It's just not natural for anyone to be that good at so many different games.
And Fromunda, you don't have to thank me about respecting your awesome skillz with the sniper. You earned everyone's respect on that issue. Truth is truth. Just like I am like the flying Angel of Death in a TIE (Unlike that God cursed "Warhawk"), you were a supreme one with a sniper rifle in your hand, like RaTix and the old Frell.
Fave moment in SWBF1? Watching Rabidhunter and a few others on the Kashyyk docks screwing around and "Wookie stacking", and I snuck up in an AT-ST, and blasted everyone with firepower for screwing off in practice.
The Bespin and Rhen Var maps were brutal with the old skool DSA.
Thomas ran the show, and there was "no mercy". Even if you sucked, you had to get better, you didn't have a choice. You just got better by playing with/against everyone. And RaTix was the absolute master. once again...Period. You came up against him, you died. Like Shocker, his skillz were supreme. Hellfire, He could even pwn me in my TIE with that damn X-Wing. I think I even invented a few swear words....
Times have changed, and people have come and gone. But overall the DSA has really stayed the same.
Something that I've really been impressed with. But once again, I have to hand that fact over to RaTix. He was the first one to have the balls to stand up for the overall ideas that we all as DSA hold true.
Fairplay, teamwork, and absolutely NO glitching and teamkilling.
That was literally unknown at the time. You guys think it's bad now...? You have no idea. Trust me. I know this post prolly belongs in the "Why did you join this clan?" by Kamui, but here is as good as there, because SWBF1 is why we're here in the first place, over time.
I'll post more in the other threads.
Take care and may God bless you all,
(Des, to the rest of you slackers....lol!!!)
I think that like Tiger Woods, RaTix made some deal with the Devil himself to be that superhumanly good at just about any damn game he buys. I've never seen the likes of it before. It's just not natural for anyone to be that good at so many different games.
And Fromunda, you don't have to thank me about respecting your awesome skillz with the sniper. You earned everyone's respect on that issue. Truth is truth. Just like I am like the flying Angel of Death in a TIE (Unlike that God cursed "Warhawk"), you were a supreme one with a sniper rifle in your hand, like RaTix and the old Frell.
Fave moment in SWBF1? Watching Rabidhunter and a few others on the Kashyyk docks screwing around and "Wookie stacking", and I snuck up in an AT-ST, and blasted everyone with firepower for screwing off in practice.
The Bespin and Rhen Var maps were brutal with the old skool DSA.
Thomas ran the show, and there was "no mercy". Even if you sucked, you had to get better, you didn't have a choice. You just got better by playing with/against everyone. And RaTix was the absolute master. once again...Period. You came up against him, you died. Like Shocker, his skillz were supreme. Hellfire, He could even pwn me in my TIE with that damn X-Wing. I think I even invented a few swear words....
Times have changed, and people have come and gone. But overall the DSA has really stayed the same.
Something that I've really been impressed with. But once again, I have to hand that fact over to RaTix. He was the first one to have the balls to stand up for the overall ideas that we all as DSA hold true.
Fairplay, teamwork, and absolutely NO glitching and teamkilling.
That was literally unknown at the time. You guys think it's bad now...? You have no idea. Trust me. I know this post prolly belongs in the "Why did you join this clan?" by Kamui, but here is as good as there, because SWBF1 is why we're here in the first place, over time.
I'll post more in the other threads.
Take care and may God bless you all,
(Des, to the rest of you slackers....lol!!!)