DLC for the Force Unleashed



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  • Andy
    Honorary DSA

    DLC for the Force Unleashed

    A new DLC pack for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was announced at Comic Con. If you have played the game you know that if you choose the dark path and take Vader's place as the Emperor's apprentice, you are left with a cliffhanger ending. Well they are finishing that story by releasing the Ultimate Sith DLC. It continues the story after the Emperor has rebuilt you and tells you that he may still have some use for you. It is due this Holiday 2009 season. Here is the trailer for it.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbFxuxOBdPs&feature=channel_page"]YouTube - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith DLC Comic Con Trailer [HD][/ame]

  • #2
    • Jul 2009
    • 314

    Originally posted by Andy
    A new DLC pack for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was announced at Comic Con. If you have played the game you know that if you choose the dark path and take Vader's place as the Emperor's apprentice, you are left with a cliffhanger ending. Well they are finishing that story by releasing the Ultimate Sith DLC. It continues the story after the Emperor has rebuilt you and tells you that he may still have some use for you. It is due this Holiday 2009 season. Here is the trailer for it.

    YouTube - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith DLC Comic Con Trailer [HD]
    Add spoiler alerts next tiiiiiiiiime.................


    • #3
      Imperial Advisor
      • Jun 2005
      • 5834

      The boss battles with Luke, Obi-Wan, and Boba look intense.
      "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
      <a href="http://psnprofiles.com/dsaBOSS"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/dsaBOSS.png" border="0"></a>


      • #4
        Honorary DSA

        They should have just announced they were re-releasing Teras Kasi on PS3 and 360, and adding R2D2, C3P0 and freaking Dengar to the roster.

        Hella lame.


        • #5
          Darth Beratter

          I have to agree with Keyser on this one.

          We want SWBF3 !!!!!

          Plain and damn simple. No if's, ands, or but's.

          No Old Republic bullshit. No Clone Wars bullshit. No "Super Bombad Racing bullshit". No more new "Force Unleashed bullshit".

          No "Yoda takes a dump" bullshit.

          Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2 was their best selling games on consoles, just like "Tiefighter" was their best selling PC titles.

          The question is still there glaring us all in the face:.

          Why are we being ignored....?????


          Why does Lucasfarts still keep giving us this "shovelware"?.

          Is this company run by imbeciles..?

          Does Lucas get some wierd glee out of pissing us all off ?

          A game where you're playing as Lord Vader's "secret" apprentice should have us hunting down rebels and Jedi. Instead you spend most of your time destroying fellow Imperials, crashing Star destroyers into the ground..WTF?

          And in the end, you're given a lose/lose scenario at the end of the damn game.

          At least Star Wars Rebellion gave you the chance to have the Empire win.


          I've had it. Unless Lucasfarts gives us SWBF3, I'm not buying it. Leave the rest to the "fanbois".



          • #6
            Honorary DSA

            I apologize Rommel. I guess I thought my title was obvious enough as a spoiler alert. I'll make sure I mark that next time.

            On to Deslock, I 100% agree on what you said. I want SWBF3 as well. I posted this because this was probably LucasArts big announcement. I know we were all hoping for SWBF3 but instead we get a DLC pack for The Force Unleashed. Also, the game did give a lose/lose endings and I think thats the reason I really didnt like the game that much. I think they are trying to fix that mistake. But still, enough with the bullshit! Give us SWBF3 already!


            • #7
              Honorary DSA

              I didn't like the game because it just doesn't fit in with the established canon at all.

              LA seems to have taken the idiotic notion to support it's "GTA" SW games, which pretty much suck, over the good ones.

              I wouldn't bitch at ALL about an X-Wing or TIE Fighter franchise reboot. It would ROCK, because these were great games that took the franchise seriously and fit within the universe. Same with Battlefront 3. Those two franchise seemed true not only in gameplay, but spiritually NAILED the Star Wars feel. I personally enjoyed the Dark Forces entire series as well and thought it did a good job, though not quite as good as the other two.

              Getting into Teras Kasi, Demolition, Force Commander, TFU, Obi Wan, Bounty Hunter, etc etc. These all just felt like crappy clones of existing gameplay genres with the SW license slapped loosely on top of a generic engine clone. TFU was the one that really pissed me in a "last straw" kind of way. Teras Kasi is probably the worst of the lot (A tusken raider taking a lightsaber to the face from vader and beating him up?) since it has the worst controls and is just a flat out poor game.

              Putting Vader and Yoda in Soulcaliber SUCKS. A lightsaber hit is fatal, but we have a stupid life bar. If they wanted to create a SW fighting game, do so in the vein of Bushido Blade. THAT would make sense, and in fact, would be awesome... a fight on the beaches of Kashyyyk between Vader and Young Obi-Wan where a lightsaber hit during a force jump severs Obi Wan's leg at the knee and he must fight the rest of the round with one leg, but still have his force abilities and could eek out a win.

              Bounty Hunter has cool moments, where Obi Wan was flat out horrible. TFU was solidly in the Obi Wan camp. Huge disappointment. To back that game up with more disappointing break from canon is absurd. I realize it is all a "what if" scenario, but since SW is entirely "what if" in the first place, it doesn't make sense to play against what is already there. Like saying: "What if in the story of the emporer's new clothes the emporer DOES have new clothes?" It defeats the entire purpose of the story in the first place.

              I hope this DLC fails.

              Whenever they choose to support a good franchise or do something original, I'll be on board 100%, but the clowning of SW movies via TFU is just unacceptable to me.


              • #8
                Imperial Advisor

                I was honestly hoping for a SWBF3 announcement since they did say it was a spectacular announcement.

                I just don't get it guys, They should know by now that we've seen the trailer awhile ago; Why deny the existence of such a game? Blizzard is not afraid to announce Diablo 3, and Starcraft 2 even though they are not ready to be released yet.

                SWBF3 would sell alot, and yet they just trick us with stuff from Steam, and DLC during the winter. I feel like alot of LA fans are getting ripped off, and/or are completely dillusional. Do I care about monkey island? No......

                <a href="http://s11.photobucket.com/user/dsaBOSS/media/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a178/dsaBOSS/mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png" border="0" alt=" photo mui_sig_zpsdfb059b2.png"/></a><a href="http://psnprofiles.com/XxkamuixX1"><img src="http://card.psnprofiles.com/1/XxkamuixX1.png" border="0"></a>


                • #9
                  Honorary DSA

                  Well, SOMI is a good game... the original graphical adventures were pretty cool, entertaining, fun, etc. BUT remaking something like that just doesn't cut it, I mean the PS2 version didn't sell very well because those games were the HEIGHT of what you could do on a PC circa 1992.

                  VGA was brand new, sound cards were just being whispered about that could do voice... but the gameplay doesn't translate to modern era at all. You had really crappy driving games, really crappy flight sims, and really good graphical adventures. LA came out with Xwing for the flight sim category and it was GOOD.

                  Then hit up Indiana Jones, and created the Secret of Monkey Island as a means to use their IP's to compete with King's Quest, Space Quest, Police Quest, etc etc, and they were very good in comparison because they had a fair amount of humor in the mix.

                  I get them wanting to recapture SOMI, but it just isn't going to happen... it would be like trying to bring a War and Peace text only RPG to PS3 and 360 by putting some crossover characters from Dostoevsky's work as well.

                  Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe was a fun flight sim from the same era, and SWOTL on PS2 wasn't great by any means and didn't sell well. Why they keep trying to breathe life into series who are past their prime I just don't know. How they could possibly thing X Wing/TIE Fighter and Battlefront would fall into these categories I'll never understand.


                  • #10
                    Darth Beratter

                    Wooo Hooo...:

                    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dHDIsx4_l4"]YouTube - Star Wars Fighting Game (PSX) Play[/ame]

                    I still have this crappy game. Imagine playing Mortal Kombat (the first one). Now take all the fun out of it, and add really slow moving Star Wars characters,

                    No, but wait....Now before you even dream of picking up that PS1 controller....
                    Go into the kitchen and put on two oven mitts.

                    Now pick up the controller.

                    Good luck!!!

                    Now with gems like this still floating around, why in the holy Hell would I want a new "Tiefighter" or "Battlefront game..?



                    • #11
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 3029

                      Originally posted by keyser28146
                      Putting Vader and Yoda in Soulcaliber SUCKS. A lightsaber hit is fatal, but we have a stupid life bar. If they wanted to create a SW fighting game, do so in the vein of Bushido Blade. THAT would make sense, and in fact, would be awesome..

                      I hope this DLC fails.

                      Whenever they choose to support a good franchise or do something original, I'll be on board 100%, but the clowning of SW movies via TFU is just unacceptable to me.
                      Dammit Keyser you're my hero Another great reference to an awesome game I was addicted to....Bushido Blade.

                      I agree with you guys, denying us SWBF3 is like when someone goes to Amsterdam and all they do is bring you back a windmill refrigerator magnet...just more crap....then you turn it over and it's made in fucking China....shit.
                      Last edited by RageProphetXIII; 07-27-2009, 08:48 AM.


                      • #12
                        Honorary DSA

                        THAT was a BRILLIANT analogy.

                        Bushido Blade was actually really good, but most people wouldn't give it a chance, but there were a lot of really cool ideas... fighting honorably (not throwing sand in enemies face or attacking while they were talking or striking in the back), being able to run to any part of the island (as if the entire island were freeroaming GTA style battleground), hitting a limb resulting in the uselessness of that limb (and reducing the moveset of the opponent), and actually parrying and blocking with edged weapons.

                        Was a cool game.


