Top 5 Games we're really looking forward to play



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  • #16
    Honorary DSA

    I'm reserving judgment and will probably get it... but at E3 I went from not caring to being really impressed, but the more videos they show of it the less it looks like a good game and more it looks like COD.


    • #17
      Imperial Guard
      • Nov 2004
      • 4956
      • DSA Zabka

      I have my doubts about a decent swbf3. I have hears from a knowledgable source that Lucas negotiates terms that make it so good games acrue little benefit to the studio/publisher while bad games are .... well bad games. That's why most sw games stink I would guess. Developers don't work as hard to get the thing good or crappier developers seek the job. It seems to male sense that free radical was working on it since they were clearly desperate for capital.

      MW2 should be good. 3 map packs are already lined up post launch.
      You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



      • #18
        Honorary DSA
        • Aug 2005
        • 3153

        Originally posted by Zabka
        MW2 should be good. 3 map packs are already lined up post launch.
        That's bullshit. It's probably already on the damn disc but you'll have to pay $10 a pop to unlock the shit. What a crock. We're on Blu-Ray so I know it's not a fucking space issue. Damn greedy DLC era!!!

        You may be fooling other people with your little airbrushed newstand pictures, but in person I bet your a homely fat bitch.

        Anti-MAG petition starts here:

        "Beefcake the Mighty, clotted with spew. His sword falls, skulls burst in two. The eyes burst from sockets, he is not through. Thousands of warriors he does this to. Piling the corpses of those that he slew. Untill it was hard to tell if the pile grew!"-GWAR


        • #19
          Honorary DSA

          This list is based on the assumption that I will get a PS3(which I will have)
          1: Gears of War 3
          2: MAG
          3: Splinter Cell Conviction
          4: Army of Two The 40th Day
          5: Max Payne 3

          A few that didnt make the list but look good are Allen Wake and Section 8. But all that doesnt matter if Battlefront 3 finally shows up.


          • #20
            Honorary DSA
            • Dec 2007
            • 2433

            Originally posted by MajinTony
            That's bullshit. It's probably already on the damn disc but you'll have to pay $10 a pop to unlock the shit. What a crock. We're on Blu-Ray so I know it's not a fucking space issue. Damn greedy DLC era!!!

            You may be fooling other people with your little airbrushed newstand pictures, but in person I bet your a homely fat bitch.

            Anti-MAG petition starts here:
            Do you need a hug there big guy....very angry, very angry!!!

            A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. ― Alexis de Tocqueville


            • #21
              • Jul 2009
              • 314

              Originally posted by MajinTony
              That's bullshit. It's probably already on the damn disc but you'll have to pay $10 a pop to unlock the shit. What a crock. We're on Blu-Ray so I know it's not a fucking space issue. Damn greedy DLC era!!!

              You may be fooling other people with your little airbrushed newstand pictures, but in person I bet your a homely fat bitch.

              Anti-MAG petition starts here:


              • #22
                Imperial Guard
                • Nov 2004
                • 4956
                • DSA Zabka

                Too funny. Dlc is a margin enhancer. So as I see it. I pay more to get the full game. But if you didn't notice, game developers don't do that well. So success needs to be milked for all the titles that fail. It's like drug development. Sure it seems nice for all drugs to be free, but not of that means development of new drugs is impeded. Proper returns on high risk ventures like these need to be secured to pull capital into new ones.
                You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



                • #23
                  Honorary DSA

                  This is a list of games I can't wait to play/potentially could be made and I would buy on its launch day

                  1: Modern Warfare 2 - Without a doubt the most anticipated game of the year. We've gotten two years of playing time out of CoD4, so if MW2 is anywhere near as good as CoD4 it should be THE DSA game until SWBF3 comes out.

                  2: Star Wars Battlefront 3 - If it ever gets released, I think everyone on the site would have a heart attack from the joy of it.

                  3: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 3 - I'm still pissed off with how short of an ending KOTOR 2 had to such an otherwise amazing game. There definitely is sequel potential. This would be the only game LA could put out aside from SWBF3 that I would purchase.

                  4: Gears 3 - I'm really interested where the story goes from here, especially considering the after-credits hidden scene. If they ever fix the lag issue in multiplayer it would be a truly amazing game. The only thing wrong with Gears 2 is the lag. You fix that and you have an incredible game.

                  5: (This really is a stretch but it's on my personal wish list): Harry Potter MMORPG. It would be the only MMORPG that I feel deserves to be one, that I would get and let it control my life. If any company ever made that game and made it well, EA would make a ton off of it and I believe maybe with the Seventh Movie it will be made.
                  "You gotta have fun. Regardless of how you look at it, we're playing a game. It's a business, it's our job, but I don't think you can do well unless you're having fun." - Derek Jeter


                  • #24
                    Darth Beratter

                    I couldn't agree with Zabka more. Game dev's will milk every dollar they can now.

                    Like he said, the same reason you will now never ever see a cure for cancer, aids, alzheimers.....It's now become a business. It's all about making money, NOT a cure. If they ever do find a cure for such problems, they WILL find a way to "water it down" so it becomes a regular drug that you have to constantly buy, than cure the overall problem. That way they can get every fucking dime from you that they can.

                    Yes, it's despicable. And foul beyond belief.

                    But it is true.

                    Money talks, bullshit walks.

                    AIDS has been around for almost 30 years now. They know how it's transmited, how it's caused, and what kills it. Millions upon millions of dollars has been literally thrown at this virus. And yet still no cure.

                    It's because the Pharm companies haven't found a way to make money off it yet. There's literally no money in a cure. But if they could find a way to "water it down" so it becomes a drug you need all the time....well...., there's the jackpot, and all the cash.

                    The same with game companies now. Why create a "whole" game ? You can create a great game, and now think of new maps, and characters that the consumer base can keep paying for?

                    Why create a fun game "complete", when you can design one that the consumer base has to keep paying for to play?

                    Get the suckers to buy it, and if they want more, which we know they will ! LOL, get them to PAY for it.

                    We fuss, and they go to the bank. And get the big check for it.

                    And why not? after all they get what they want.

                    And we're all still left here wondering where in the fuck is SWBF3..?

                    Nothing but "Well look at the bells and whistles we give you".

                    Nevermind the fact we're ignoring you, and what you really want.

                    keep dangling that carrot Lucasfarts...

                    And fuck you !




                    • #25
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 314

                      Deslock, your argument, with the exception of your opening conspiracy theory, is very similar to the one I made here:

                      I argued that the Warhawk DLC should've been free and that I was worried about the future of gaming. The worse part is that I only got negative replies. It's like people enjoy over-paying and this is from someone who wants to work for the video game industry. It's not about quality or perceived worth, it's about making good games.

                      I for one will no longer buy downloadable content out of sheer principle.

                      I predict that in the not so distant future, most gamers will receive their games through the internet and that publishers will find a way to trick us into playing games by the day, hour, or minute. It'll be like the arcade days again.


                      • #26
                        • Jun 2006
                        • 1448

                        Originally posted by Rommel
                        I predict that in the not so distant future, most gamers will receive their games through the internet
                        The new PSP Go is totally internet based from what I understand. It doesn't have the disc drive in it. Downloadable content is here to stay, and for a long time. Hell that's why PS3 is getting a 120GB hard drive. Developers can cut the cost of having to make the disk, and just put it for download.


                        • #27
                          Imperial Guard
                          • Nov 2004
                          • 4956
                          • DSA Zabka

                          DES, the reason there aren't cures is because our understanding of the science is still very limited. You are absolutely wrong that there is no money in a cure. There is tremendous money. AIDS has become a chronic illness for many instead of a death sentence. And with patent laws being what they are, those key drugs will be generic next decade. About a $1b of spend goes into getting a drug approved. Once done, there are a lot of costs still to be incurred. The successful drugs have to pay for the unsuccessful ones. There are so many scientific limitations now, developing drugs is still very much a crapshoot. I can provide examples through pm if you would like. But you should dispel this notion that innovation is watered down because it is more profitable. Give me a cure for any type of cancer and I will show you the biggest drug ever. In fact drugs that only cure small segments of the population often times end up being the biggest.

                          My comparison to the game industry is that there is also much upfront investment with little visibility on success. Much like movies, it is highly speculative
                          and risky form of investing. But movies have alternative and residual forms of remuneration. At the moment games are more limited in that regard.

                          Games will probably increasingly go to a subscription model. There will be more dlc to increase revenues. the return profile for a game company needs to be better than other industries due to failure of games. Most have worse profiles. As an investor I would need to feel that the returns are great enough to offset the risk. Otherwise there are other businesses that I could put money into.

                          This hobby of ours will get more expensive. Also, I expect to see a shift in how used games move in the future.
                          You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



                          • #28
                            Honorary DSA


                            Alright, DLC can be great.

                            Good DLC: Buzz Quiz TV, GHWT/RB, LittleBigPlanet, Wipeout Fury, Fallout 3, GTA4

                            Debatable: Warhawk

                            HORRIBLE DLC: RE5, COD4, COD6

                            I think the GOOD is when it breathes new life into a game, but isn't necessary to buy in order to keep enjoying the same game you paid for. When it's done this way, it doesn't matter if there is extra DLC available at launch or not. As far as GTA and Fallout, I think those games have been very well supported, and the time table was long enough to not feel ripped off. If GTA4: Lost and Damned was available when the game came out as DLC, then thats horrible... same for the Fallout expansions. They could just as easily have launched GTA4 with NO missions, and had three DLC campaigns to choose from: Gay Tony, Lost and Damned, or Niko's Quest. If they launched it at $20, that wouldn't be too bad, but when you are paying for a full game...

                            The only reason I think Warhawk's DLC is debatable is because people that don't have the DLC can't complete in all servers, but I don't see a way around that really. I personally think Warhawk's DLC was GREAT, because each pack added a new strategy element that really made it more interesting and was so well thought out that each new vehicle carved a new niche, but didn't break any balance.

                            As far as RE5, that's as bad as it can be... wait I take that back, COD6 is as bad as it can be. We are 3 months away from launch, and they already have 3 map packs ready for release? Huh? I wonder if they will come on the disc, like RE5's online competitive, which is a disgraceful sham. Lemme get this straight... I BUY your product, take it into my home, and then you charge me more to use the rest of my product that I've already paid for? That is like getting halfway through the roll of toilet paper and discovering a lock on it halfway through, and having to call Charmin to unlock the other half of the roll.

                            COD6 will still sell like hotcakes though, even though it will just be more of the same, only this time with intentionally less value, and that's a shame. May IW and Activision rot in hell. This is the same company that says in difficult economic times Sony should drop their console price, yet here they are bumping the cost of a sequel with re-used assets up to $75-$90 via DLC before the game is released. Huh? If they were so concerned about sell-through, they should drop their OWN prices. No money from me. COD4's $10 map pack was the WORST DLC ever. Those maps are horrible, poorly designed, and way overpriced.


                            • #29
                              • Jun 2006
                              • 1448

                              Originally posted by Zabka
                              Also, I expect to see a shift in how used games move in the future.
                              Yeah I saw an article the other day where Best Buy was going to offer some new games at the used game prices. Don't know if that is true or not, but it would make since in some aspect. I know the developer or publisher gets nothing out of used game sales. Hell I saw and advert on one site the other day for Haze at $50.00 and we all know what a failure that was


                              • #30
                                Imperial Guard
                                • Nov 2004
                                • 4956
                                • DSA Zabka

                                Map packs are planned not necessarily ready to ship. What about The LOTR sequels? They were filmed together yet released as two separate films ( I know they were two sep books) but could have theoretically been released as one monster length movie. Of course that wouldn't work because of the economics.

                                If codmw2 is deficient as a game on standalone basis, then I agree. Otherwise I think it makes sense to release it as content.

                                Ps3 price drop is to increase installed base. Cuttin the price of titles does not do that.
                                You're the best! Around! Nothings gonna ever keep you down!



